D&D 5E Finally Got my MM!

Falling Icicle

My Monster Manual finally arrived! I must say, it's a beautiful book. Most of the art is really good. I really like the presentation, and I LOVE the stat blocks. They are really easy to read and use. This makes being a DM seem so much more appealing to me. I actually look at the higher level monsters and think "ooh that looks like a lot of fun!" instead of "I hope my players never reach that level." The little quotes they have for the monsters are pretty neat too.

My only big complaint so far is the lack of rules for monster characters and the lack of templates, but hopefully that will be covered in the DMG. The vampire's requirement to be evil also annoyed me, since they've done so much to get rid of alignment restrictions in this edition. Oh well, I've never liked D&D vampires anyway. ;)

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Doors and Corners
Yup. Just received mine yesterday evening. Only had time to skim through it, but this is what I've found: very physically attractive, well laid out, easy to read, plenty of illustrations, short and fairly to the point. I'm really liking what little I've seen. Tonight after work, gonna sit and read over my favorite monsters of old.


I just got mine last night as well, and while I haven't had a chance to start reading it in depth yet I do have 2 things to say...

1st...wow the artwork in this book is blowing me away...

2nd... Jackalweres for the WIN!!! (Honestly I wonder if I'm the only person who thought these were one of the coolest monsters evah back in the day??)

Totally agree with the sentiments expressed here, it's a great looking book, and a fantastic resource. With the free 2 day shipping, and awesome Amazon price, I really had no choice.

My only big complaint so far is the lack of rules for monster characters and the lack of templates, but hopefully that will be covered in the DMG.

This; though really, most monsters are easy enough to reverse engineer.

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