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Finally, the Obscure Elements Poll

Which obscure options would you really like to see appear in D&D Next?

  • Assassin as a unique class

    Votes: 47 37.9%
  • Druidish bards

    Votes: 27 21.8%
  • Wild mages

    Votes: 48 38.7%
  • Akashic/Factotem (the super-Expert)

    Votes: 14 11.3%
  • Binder class

    Votes: 27 21.8%
  • Swordsage class

    Votes: 32 25.8%
  • Incarnum classes

    Votes: 13 10.5%
  • Name level reward

    Votes: 41 33.1%
  • Strongholds

    Votes: 77 62.1%
  • Duel an NPC to level up

    Votes: 8 6.5%
  • Secret languages

    Votes: 55 44.4%
  • Anti-magical dwarves

    Votes: 32 25.8%
  • Illumians

    Votes: 8 6.5%
  • Diaboli (Mystara)

    Votes: 3 2.4%
  • Tieflings (Planescape)

    Votes: 42 33.9%
  • A "furry" race (e.g. rakasta or sibbecai)

    Votes: 26 21.0%
  • A "scaly" race (e.g. dragonborn or lizardfolk)

    Votes: 44 35.5%
  • A large race (e.g. goliath or AU giant)

    Votes: 36 29.0%
  • A tiny race (e.g. AU sprite)

    Votes: 26 21.0%
  • Xaositects

    Votes: 8 6.5%
  • Lynnorms

    Votes: 21 16.9%
  • Racial levels (e.g. paragon, Arcana Unearthed)

    Votes: 28 22.6%
  • Ability score prereqs for race/class

    Votes: 22 17.7%
  • System shock and ress. survival

    Votes: 29 23.4%
  • Morale and loyalty for henchmen/hirelings

    Votes: 58 46.8%
  • Allegiances

    Votes: 26 21.0%
  • Disease track

    Votes: 59 47.6%
  • Insanity

    Votes: 41 33.1%
  • Morale for monsters

    Votes: 69 55.6%
  • Initiative modified by weapon speed and casting times

    Votes: 27 21.8%
  • Heavy armor grants a small amount of DR

    Votes: 34 27.4%
  • Certain weapons have bonuses vs armor types

    Votes: 26 21.0%
  • Dueling combat subsystem (spell or melee)

    Votes: 24 19.4%
  • Forced movement in combat

    Votes: 34 27.4%
  • Prostitute encounter subtable

    Votes: 39 31.5%
  • Red steel

    Votes: 8 6.5%
  • Wand of wonder

    Votes: 61 49.2%
  • Potion miscibility

    Votes: 49 39.5%
  • Intelligent and Ego weapons

    Votes: 81 65.3%
  • Cursed items that look like good magic items

    Votes: 75 60.5%
  • Cube of Force

    Votes: 28 22.6%
  • Reincarnation

    Votes: 53 42.7%
  • Cambion

    Votes: 39 31.5%
  • Thoul

    Votes: 14 11.3%
  • Xvart

    Votes: 20 16.1%
  • Ki-Rin

    Votes: 30 24.2%
  • Modrons

    Votes: 46 37.1%
  • Algoid

    Votes: 6 4.8%
  • Jabberwock

    Votes: 30 24.2%
  • Para- and quasi-elementals

    Votes: 33 26.6%
  • Brutish dragons

    Votes: 36 29.0%
  • Silly monsters

    Votes: 30 24.2%


Why is there one of the factions from Planescape in this list? that's a bit like having a single Dragonmark House from Eberron on it.

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Why is there one of the factions from Planescape in this list? that's a bit like having a single Dragonmark House from Eberron on it.

If you are talking about something else on that list that isn't Xaositects then please ignore me.

I never played planescape so you'll have to excuse me but if the Xaositects are who you are referring then I completely understand listing them. I HAVE used Xaositects in my games without any reference to sigil, the factions or (up to that point) the planes at all. Xaositects are just cool by themselves.

Let's imagine there are two groups the Xaositects and the Blue Badgers. Both of whom are factions from planescape. Both of whom are now obscure. I would still like to see Xaositects return because they have a cool meaning and fun implications when interacting with the party. The Blue Badgers may be the loving, spirit people of sigil, but if I never go there then it is kind of moot.


Why is there one of the factions from Planescape in this list? that's a bit like having a single Dragonmark House from Eberron on it.

Because the poll collects specific suggestions from the thread I mentioned in the OP, without judgment on my part.


I am very glad to see strongholds doing so well! One of my favorite game memories concerns a series of custom-built strongholds. I was the GM in that game, and the players designed those things with basically no input from me, and it's still one of my favorite memories.

I also loved the epic level equivalent of fortress-building in 3.x, plane-building. Sure it's nice to design a fortress that is both stylish and practical, but it's also nice to make your own plane of existence with subjective gravity, positive energy, and a light shower of M&Ms every afternoon at teatime (only the green and blue of course; those are the tastiest).

So for posterity, I'm also voting for plane-building rules. :D


For me, the big surprises are secret languages and cursed items.

Does ENWorld have a larger proportion of DMs than the community as a whole? If so, that might explain why cursed items are so popular.

Holy Bovine

First Post
I;m surprised Morale is doing so well in this poll. Both for henchmen and monsters. Personally it is the one thing I miss most from previous editions and would absolutely love to see its return.


This old poll popped into my mind tonight, and I thought I'd write a scorecard for what made it in. Quite a lot, actually!

(YES) Intelligent and Ego weapons 62.65%
(YES) Strongholds 60.24%
(YES) Cursed items that look like good magic items 56.02%
(YES) Morale for monsters 55.42%
(YES) Morale and loyalty for henchmen/hirelings 47.59%
(YES) Wand of wonder 45.78%
(NO) Disease track 44.58%
(YES) Secret languages 41.57%
(YES) Reincarnation 40.96%
(YES--Sorcerer) Wild mages 37.35%
(YES) Potion miscibility 36.75%
(YES) Assassin 34.94%
(YES) Tieflings (Planescape) 33.13%
(YES) Insanity 33.13%
(YES) A "scaly" race (e.g. dragonborn or lizardfolk) 33.13%
(YES) Modrons 33.13%
(NO) Name level reward 31.33%
(NO) Prostitute encounter subtable 30.12%
(YES-feat) Heavy armor grants a small amount of DR 28.92%
(NO) A large race (e.g. goliath or AU giant) 27.71%
(NO) Brutish dragons 27.71%
(YES) Cambion 27.11%
(YES) Forced movement in combat 27.11%
(YES--Champion fighter) Swordsage class 26.51%
(NO) Anti-magical dwarves 25.30%
(YES) Silly monsters 25.30%
(YES--mephits) Para- and quasi-elementals 25.30%
(NO) Racial levels (e.g. paragon, Arcana Unearthed) 22.89%
(NO) System shock and ress. survival 22.89%
(NO) Allegiances 22.29%
(YES) Cube of Force 22.29%
(NO) Certain weapons have bonuses vs armor types 21.69%
(YES-optional) Initiative modified by weapon speed and casting times 21.69%
(NO) Jabberwock 21.08%
(NO) Druidish bards 21.08%
(NO) A "furry" race (e.g. rakasta or sibbecai) 19.88%
(NO) Ki-Rin 19.88%
(NO) A tiny race (e.g. AU sprite) 19.28%
(NO) Ability score prereqs for race/class 18.67%
(NO) Binder class 18.67%
(NO) Dueling combat subsystem (spell or melee) 17.47%
(NO) Lynnorms 14.46%
(NO) Xvart 13.25%
(NO) Akashic/Factotem (the super-Expert) 12.65%
(NO) Incarnum classes 9.64%
(NO) Thoul 9.64%
(NO) Xaositects 7.23%
(NO) Duel an NPC to level up 7.23%
(NO) Illumians 4.82%
(NO) Red steel 4.82%
(NO) Algoid 4.22%
(NO) Diaboli (Mystara) 1.81%

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