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Finished Crossroads of Time, Rant


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No Plot. No sub-plot. No Character Development.
No climax. (Okay, there was a climax I think. its associated with a barely explained event and is the only mystery in the whole book.)

Half the book was new/tertiary characters. It felt like *every* character Jordan had made needed to be visited to remind us they existed, and to clarify what they are up to. Meanwhile, other characters inexplicably move around and solve mysteries they shouldn't know.

And the main characters just get dumber, and dumber...

The book seems to span a couple months- midwinter to the beginning of spring. And every chapter read like the prelude to another book.

When I say no plot, I mean essentially NOTHING of any importance to ANY plot happened. An entire chapter was spent on Mat flirting with his Daughter of the Nine Moons.

And EVERY woman in the story needed a two-paragraph discussion on appearance, mental state, reputation, and mannerisms. It goes far beyond arms folded under the breasts.

Jordan has created a drug here... I had to read it even though I already know he's lost whatever he might have had.

He really should have made one series of epic scope, and various other short stories and trilogies to visit all these side-characters. I mean, there's depth to the world, but this is ridiculous. This guy HAS to make this series last, he's gone from booming popularity to an increasing joke, he'll never make it big with another series unless its really popular in the supermarkets and drugstores...

Thanks for listening, just had to scream about that all a little bit more, having renewed my disgust.


And while Winter's Heart ended with a boom of activity that undermined one of the series' awesome mysteries with a casual smack, this one ends with every faction/character firmly deciding to make a truce or alliance with someone else. Way to go with the cliffhangers.
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I agree 100% with your comments. Jordans latest book is really quite a joke and if you head over to Amazons sight and read the 400 or so reviews you will see that alot of people think the same way. The books so far has an average 2 out of 5 rating but thats only because the lowest rating you can give a book is 1 when many people would not even have liked to given it that.

It reads as a number of disjointed stories seemingly strung together and with no conclusion of any merit at all. The fact that these individual story threads don't go anywhere or even advance the overall plot makes it even worse. In fact its more a massive 700 page prologue than anything else. I don't see how any editor worth his salt could actually let it be published in the first place its that bad.

The characters are so old now that they have reached the point of becoming tedious and at times irritating. Add to that the fact that Jordan has to make them plumb new depths of stupidity to prevent the plot from falling to pieces and its easy to see why the Wheel of Time seems to be stuck firmly in the mud at the moment.

yours Salthanas


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Well, I was going to pick it up (B&N had it for 30% off) but if it's just more of Jordan's literary masturbating then I won't bother.

I seriously think Jordan has written himself into something he can't get out of. He can't focus the story without breaking the internal consistency and some of his metaplots (the whole ta'veren concept and a few others) but if he continues to write the way he does, this series will never get finished. Something drastic needs to happen to kill off about 75% of these tertiary characters, then we can forget about them and go on with the actual plot.

Does anyone else think that Jordan seems to be writing these books more as a day-by-day journal account rather than an epic story? Hell, even LotR glossed over some facts, but Jordan appears determined to tell you everything that's going on minute-by-minute.

This isn't a story anymore, it's the Wheel of Time Daily Newspaper!


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The main problem as I see it with Wheel of Time is that the plot is really starting to show the strain. It feels very contrived now and Jordan is having to invent stupid reasons why the characters act the way they do, the main one being why they wont actually communicate with each other (and hence get together and solve problems with alot more ease than they currently are). The biggest reason why this is wearing thin is that.

1) Most of Jordans characters can travel instantly to pratically anywhere in Randland


2) Some of them can communicate with each other in the world of dreams


Jordans always come up with IMO some rather feeble excuse to keep in particular Egwene from meeting up with Rand but in CoT the excuses to prevent people from communicating vital information reached new heights.

The best example of this was with regards to the cleansing at the end of book 9. Rather than allowing Egwene to meet up with Elayne who could have told her that it seemed Rand was involved with the huge power beacon we have Avienda who because she is practicing to be a wise woman can't tell Egwene anything of importance. The reason that Elayne can't meet her is because she is pregnant and therefore can't meld the flows to use the dream ter'angreal. The problem here is that its been established you don't have to even be able to channel to use the dream ter' angreal, it does not require any bloody Saidar to use.

To make the whole situation even more stupid Nynaeve who can tell her exactly what happend is rather convienetly refusing her summons.

To cut a long story short Jordan is simply drowning in his own plot.

yours Salthanas


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I find it shocking just how self-destructive and vindictive Jordan's characters are. Despite the fact that critical, need-to-know information is held by a certain character, there is no guarantee they will tell anybody. Why? Because they behave like bloody children!

I swear, I'd so love to see someone else finish the series with Cthulu and the Great Old Ones storming in to destroy everybody. It would serve them right for being so damn petty and childish. Bring on the Apocalypse, I say!


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Apok said:
I seriously think Jordan has written himself into something he can't get out of. He can't focus the story without breaking the internal consistency and some of his metaplots (the whole ta'veren concept and a few others) but if he continues to write the way he does, this series will never get finished. Something drastic needs to happen to kill off about 75% of these tertiary characters, then we can forget about them and go on with the actual plot.

He should get George Martin as a co-author. That 75% target will be met by the end of the third chapter.


Friend of mine is manager of a chain bookstore. He's said that Jordan spoke at one of their conventions and basically said that 'as long as people buy it, he will never finish the series'. Ever.

I tried reading the first book and just could not get into it, and set it aside. Now, I'm pretty glad I did.

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