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D&D 5E Firbolg charactera


Not really, the Fir Bolg were really the most ‘normal‘ of the early settlers of Ireland, they were warrior tribes who established 5 Kingdoms around the Hill of Tara, and had generally a settled agrarian life until they had to fight off the more monstrous Fomorians and then the more fey like Tuatha du Danan (sp?).

Its the Tuatha who are the fey touched, not the Fir Bolg.

Nonetheless :

Thats a nice use of the race, but it is ironic given that Fir Bolg were described by Irish chronicles as “talkative, guileful” and “promoters of discord” rather than reclusive librarians.

Nonetheless I do like the backstory and use you have for your race in your game :)
Irony can be so ironic.

The best at guile never tell a lie.

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B-Rank Agent
I agree with @doctorbadwolf, I like the fey looking Firbolg a lot better. So much more distinct. The images @Hoffmand put forth just look like large human-man. Of course, I hadn't heard of Firbolg until playing 5e, so that shapes my opinion a lot. I get why people would be upset that the Firbolg of old are losing part of their identity. Seeing a bunch of Crit Role art being used for demonstration here makes me happy too.


Monster Manager
I like the the newest versions of Firbolg as well. In fact, as I still like to use the old term 'demi-human'* as a classification category for dwarves, elves, gnomes and halflings, I added firbolgs to the list. It feels like a good fit IMHO.

(*In my homebrew camapaign world(s) demi-humans are otherwise known as The People of the Light.)


Small God of the Dozens
The Crit Role art for the Firbolg is an abomination. Relative to what I'd prefer anyway. ;) They look like people in lousy cat-goat makeup for a Halloween party. Hard pass for me. If I ever want to look like the cartoon mascot for some flavor of milk product I'll keep these in mind though.


This all gave me an idea. Thoughts appreciated...

Firbolg war cleric. Former pacifist until his clan and wood were overrun and infested.

He vows to take a stand for the good folk of the wood where he can though he needs some support.

he has folk hero background, but has no place to ‘shelter’ so instead will take followers feature from noble. His followers are a hobbled gnome, a one eared, one eyed elf and another woodland refugee.

they help him put his armor on.

he is so unused to anger and violence initially, he looks to them and asks if it is time for fury. Alternatively, he might ask party members when it is. ‘Time’ To battle with no regard for the opponent.

I am imagining that he lost control of his anger in the past and looks to others for some guidance before he loses himself.

I imagine his followers put his armor on him, slap his helmet to get him motivate shout encouragement while handing him his large shield.

I am thinking neutral good alignment. Heavy armor of course with a large sword or spear, a reluctant champion for the downtrodden and the forest.

naive, former pacifist now war priest. Lumbering, low dexterity but strikes few decisive blows.

the other choice/path would be similar...nature cleric with club and Shillelagh....

either way I will focus on melee. If allowed would try to get booming blade to add die/dice To divine strike at 8th level but that is just number boosting...

might look for a lot of spiritual weapon and guardian action in many battles.

resilient con would be cool for keeping spells up And the con boost (I favor half feats)


Small God of the Dozens
Well I like them. I think they're cute.

So there.
I think the world can be divided into two groups. Those for whom 'cute' is a factor in TTRPG choices, and those for whom it is not only not a factor, but a rather large, sharp, pointed, and possibly flaming disinclination.

That's not a judgement of either group of course, but I know my personal tastes run more to Ghostrider and and Death Dealer than anime eyes and pastel colours. I do use cute in my games, but mostly as a weapon. If something is cute there's a very real chance that it's going to eat your face if you try to pet it. Anyway, different strokes.


That is what made me avoid Firbolgs initially. It’s why I hate “meeples” in board games too.

the anime cartoony look just takes me right out of it. Even the acquisitions inc. art seems a bit silly for my play style as well (even though it is all make believe at its core!).

And likewise no offense to anyone whose wants to imagine D&D that way...it’s just not for me.

Voidrunner's Codex

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