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First Look at the Complete Divine


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I think the Church Inquisitor looks very nice.

I can't compare it to the original, but they get full spell progression and some really nice class abilities like Pierce Illusion, charm immunity, compulsion immunity, possession immunity and tha ability to force shapechange.

They get 4 skill points per level, which is unusual. They don't gain turning and they only have good Will saves. Must be Lawful Good.

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Count Arioch the 28t said:
How has the Geomancer been changed for 3.5? I'm hoping a huge improvement myself.

I didn't notice any differences, but I didn't do a side by side comparison.

I did notice they left a 3.0eism in the text; the reference to having the "blood like sap" ability seemed to refer to wounding as it existed in 3.0 (which I don't have a huge problem with, as I prefer the way they did it in 3.0).

So basically, it still sucks.

Not surprising, as it seems like most PrCs are a bitn underpowered.

And to those who keep repeating "You should have to give up something to enter a PrC", I got one thing to say:

Having PrCs that are signifigantly too weak are just as imbalanced as ones that are too strong.

I agree that you shouldn't get everything your old class has, but in return, you should be able to do something useful instead. Giving up 5 spellcasting levels, or if you play epic, (Level-10)1/2 spellcasing levels is a HUGE deal.

Those abilities better be as good as 8th and 9th level spells, and scale with your levels into epic, or the price is too high, which means you are weaker than a straight class.

That's just as broken as being too powerful.


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Thank You

Speaks said:
hi new guy ..

The requirements"
BAB +4
Knowledge religion 8 rank
Feats: combat casting, combat reflexes, Improved unarmed strike, stunning fist
able to cast 1st level divine spells.

Full BAB
Good fort and reflex saves
1 - unarmed damage (stackwith monk unarmed damage) AC bonus +1, +1 spell casting
2 - +1 level spell casting
3 - +10 unarmed movement bonus (enhancment), +1 spell casting
4 - sacred flames once a day
5 - ac bonus +2, +1 lvl spell casting
6 - Blindsense 10', +20ft movement, +1 spell casating lvl
7 - +1 spell casting lvl
8 - Sacred flames 2/day, +30movement
9 - Spell casting level +1
10 - Inner armor, +3 ac bonus +1 spell casting level.

sacred flames - sacred fist class level + wisdom bous to damage and the effect last for 1 minute
inner armor - +4 sacred bonus to AC, +4 sacred bous to saves, SR25 last wisdom bonus in rounds and used once a day.


Thank you. Speaks.
It sound poor for updated version.


First Post
Count Arioch the 28t said:
How has the Geomancer been changed for 3.5? I'm hoping a huge improvement myself.

I have not played a geomancer but the text and abilities seem the same as the DotF book version.



First Post
Divine Metamagic appears to let you make Divine Power persistant at level 7 without even having the Persistant or Extend feats. All you need are 7 turning attempts to power it.

Righeous Might at level 9.


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