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Five Against the Slavers


This is the journal of the brave five adventurers who I am running through my 4E conversion of "Scourge of the Slavelords" (originally, AD&D modules A1-4). As the conversion is a work in progress, so will be this Story Hour.

At the start of this adventure, our 5 heroes are:
Billy Silvertongue: Gnome Wizard 7
Grimgal Ironhearted: Dwarf Cleric of Moradin 7
Jordi Tonbarrel: Human Fighter 7
Keldok the Bludgeoner: Half-Orc Rogue 7
Zindra Silvermoon: Elf Ranger 7
Rogues Gallery

The narrative begins prior to the start of the Slavers adventure, as you will see below.

Where possible, 4E stats will be provided. This is not, however, intended to be a mechanics related story hour.
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586 CY
The crude, wooden sign, forced into the ground only recently, bore fetishe skulls of many small races. The four travelers who had come together at this point stared off into a land they had known many years before. Something had changed about this place and none of the four assembled here could quite put their finger on it.

"The Grand Orcish Kingdom of the Pomarj," read BILLY SILVERTONGUE, the gnomish illusionist, translating the Giantish glyphs painted on the wooden sign. The gnome donned magical reading glasses to translate the Goblin language portion at the bottom of the sign; neither Billy nor his companions ever bothered to learn Goblin. "And the Goblins, Gnolls, and Flinds." The illusionist let out a lyrical laugh. The other travelers soon joined in.

"What's so grand about... this place?" asked JORDI TONBARREL, the human armored warrior in whom the rest of them had entrusted their lives on more than one occasion. "I suppose this is the best kingdom that the orcs could put together."

"Don't forget the goblins, gnolls, and flinds," added GRIMGAL IRONHEARTED, the dwarf priest of Moradin. Grimgal spat on the muddy earth at his feet. "To the Hells with the lot of them."

ZINDRA SLEEKMOON, the elf ranger, had remained quietly at Jordi's side. She surveyed the land before them: the scrub-covered hills, the broken rock outcropppings, and the dense forest. "We'd better be on the lookout for scouts and patrols," she said. Zindra drew an arrow to the string of her magical greatbow.

"You're the expert," said Jordi as he adjusted his shield. Jordi's eyesight and hearing were nowhere near as keen as that of Zindra, his lover; Jordi had long ago learned to trust in the elf's perceptive abilities. She knew this land and knew where and when hidden enemies might plan an ambush.

"Zindra's got a point," said Billy. "Look, I see a precipice not far from here. It should give us a decent view of this place. We can survey the way forward from there."

"Aye, and trust not the road," Grimgal added. "Remember well the last time the lot of us passed this way. The road seemed safe enough."

The four of them has been this way, many years before there was an 'Orcish Kingdom of the Pomarj'. There had been a fifth companion then. In fact, it was in pursuit of this fifth member that the rest of them had come together at this spot.

"So," Jordi said, following Zindra's lead across the scrub and towards the precipice that Billy identified. "Keldok is some sort of prince, then?"

"That's the word," Billy said.

"We should be safe to that ledge," Zindra, now many yards ahead of the rest of her companions, said.

"Very well," the gnome said. "Once we are there, make camp. I will perform a rite to disguise us. That should at least get us close enough to Keldok and his subjects to have a chat with our old friend."

"I dunno why we have to march inna orc and goblin territory for this ingrate," Grimgal said.

"We travel as five," Jordi said. "Remember?"

"Aye," Grimgal said, sighing. "I remember. It's just... do ya trust old Keldok? I'm not sure that I do."

"He did betray us last time we were together," Billy said.

"That... wasn't his fault," Jordi said. "You know that he was under that witch's spell."

"That's what Keldok said," Grimgal said.

"I didn't see her cast any spell," Billy said.

Jordi frowned. He was not about to be overruled in this matter. He had given up too much. Jordi had dropped everything, including the promise of a noble title, to travel south to the Pomarj and track down Keldok the Bludgeoner, half-orc master of the mace. He had put forth the effort to collect Billy and Grimgal and had summoned Zindra forth from the Feywild, where she was raising their son. In fact, many of the travelers had given up adventuring altogether. This was quite the undertaking, just getting them to this point. Jordi could see all of this falling apart before the four of them even found Keldok. He would have to take action.

"Look, Keldok is still our friend," Jordi said. "I know it's been a decade since any of us have seen him, but..."

"That's right," Grimgal said. "The rest of you have been to my annual feasts, and we went to your wedding to the elf, and you and I went to Billy's magical whatever-it-was. These are events that friends attend. Where was Keldok?"

"I don't know."

"Exactly," the dwarf continued. "None of us know where he is, or if he even considers us friends. We could be walking into a trap!"

"I find it unlikely that Keldok will attack us," Billy said. "He has nothing to fear from our appearance."

Grimgal laughed. "He's half-orc! He could do it out of spite!"

"Still, when we get there, please let me do the talking," Billy said.

"Har," Grimgal said. "They'll not listen to a gnome!"

"I have a way with words," Billy said. "Or have you forgotten?"

Zindra returned to the group. "As I said, the way to the precipice is clear. Can you laggards keep up a pace? And keep the noise down to a dull roar, please?"

"Excuse me, your highness," Grimgal said.

"Oh, here we go," Billy said.

"What? Oh, I forgot. Everyone is supposed to worship the elf now. She and Jordi have the special love child being raised in the Feywild."

"Be quiet, Grim," Jordi said with a warning tone in his voice.

"Look, I was perfectly happy in the Kron Hills. Perhaps I should turn around and head back there."

"Grim, you know that your people are threatened by the giants, just as well as are my people in Geoff," Jordi said. "We are here for my people, your people, as well as anyone else in the giants' way. The giants will not stop on their own. Someone must stop them. And that someone will be us."

"He's got a point," Billy said. "Even my adopted homeland of Veluna is threatened, if we sit by and do nothing. And my own birthplace, Verbobonc, is also threatened. This giant invasion is not limited to Geoff and the humans, Grim."

The travelers reached the precipice. It was nearing dusk. Zindra had already laid out the camp essentials. Though it had been many years since Zindra had camped outdoors, it was something with which she had a lot of practice and setting up the camp came right back to her. She knew that the dwarf didn't like to sleep next to any sort of cliff nor near the fire. She knew that Billy had brought a magical tent for himself and so left room for it. Zindra also knew that she and Jordi would be sharing their own tent.

The fire was started as the rest of the travelers arrived.

"Just like old times, huh?" Billy asked.
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When she was fairly certain the rest of her companions had drifted off to sleep, Zindra Sleekmoon approached the edge of the precipice. As the fire burned behind her, Zindra stared from the edge of the cliff, into the distance, towards a solemn keep that she and her companions had visited some nine years before. The place didn't look much different; even with her superior vision, Zindra couldn't make out any details from this distance, not in the dark, anyway. But she knew something was different about this place, the Pomarj. The orcs had definitely taken control, owing in some part to the role Zindra and her allies played in taking down the slavers who once controlled this land. The orcs undoubtedly took advantage of the power vacuum and wrested control from the rest of the tribes in the Pomarj.

Zindra was so focused on that keep that she almost failed to notice Jordi join her at the cliff.

"Remember that place?" the elf, pointing towards the keep, asked Jordi. She knew that Jordi probably couldn't see the outline of the keep, but he might be able to see the plumes of smoke rising from it.

"Is that the old keep?"

"The very same," Zindra said. "The one we thought belonged to the slavers, but ended up being little more than a bump in the road." She turned to Jordi. "Still, I never thought we would be tested the way we were at the Temple of Elemental Evil. That keep proved quite a dangerous place for us, back then."

"I don't think it would even hold our interest now," Jordi said. "After what we ended up going through with the slavers. And the years since."

"I suspect the orcs have strengthened its defenses," Zindra said. "Remember when we first visited the place? The patrols were a joke. The barricades and traps were... laughable. I mean, they're laughable to me now. Perhaps nine years ago..."

"Nine years ago, all of this scared us. I recall a certain elf maiden seeking refuge in my manly arms." Jordi smiled as he took Zindra's slender hand. "This was an untamed land filled with evil humanoids. None of us had much experience in the world. Hommlet and the Temple were fresh in our minds, but... I guess we figured we could save Dame Gold and her party guests just like we freed Hommlet."

"It turned out to be a very different story," Zindra said.
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577 CY

KELDOK THE BLUDGEONER, the half-orc, stalked impatiently through the quiet, rustic roads that made up the heart of the village of Hommlet. Keldok had just freed Hommlet from the threat of the nearby Temple of Elemental Evil. Keldok and his companions, BILLY SILVERTONGUE, the gnome illusionist, JORDI TONBARREL, the human warrior, ZINDRA SLEEKMOON, the elf scout, and GRIMGAL IRONHEARTED, the dwarven priest of Moradin, had come to Hommlet only recently and quickly found themselves embroiled in the local conflict. Since no one else seemed up to the task, it fell to Keldok and his companions to defeat the villains at the Temple and clean up the surrounding countryside.

But that was nearly a month ago. Since then, Keldok and his able companions have lived the lives of local heroes, being treated to feasts and free ale, the locals fawning all over their saviors. All of this made Keldok a little sick. The half-orc wanted to prove himself, to meet enemies on the field of battle, to beat them down with the magic mace he found in the Temple. Keldok's bloodlust was rising and waiting around Hommlet was not doing a thing to quench it.

Keldok turned a corner to see the dwarf, Grimgal, finishing off yet another free ale. The dwarf sat at the patio outside Hommlet's only tavern.

"Have a seat, ye old rogue," Grimgal said. "The ale is a little watery, and so am I."

Keldok leaned against the wooden rail forming the outside of the patio. "Don't you wish to leave this place? It stinks of inactivity and decay."

"The only stink I smell around here is half-orcs!" Grimgal said. "You'd be a lot more tolerable with some local ale in your bloodstream."

"Bah," Keldok replied. "Like the rest of your kind, you are perfectly satisfied to drink yourself to death. I have other aspirations."

"Yes, to die with honor, blah blah blah," the dwarf shot back. "I know all about orcish so-called battlefield honor. I raise my empty flagon to you and your orcish honor." Grimgal feigned raising his empty ale in a toast.

Jordi Tonbarrel emerged from the tavern. Keldok could see he was in no shape to go off adventuring. Jordi hadn't worn his armor in weeks and his tunic was rather filthy with the residue of feast food and spilled wine. Jordi stumbled just a little as he joined Grimgal. He looked to the half-orc. "You know, Keldok. There are some fine wenches here. Maybe partaking of their services would lighten your mood."

"Perhaps one of them could show you how to do laundry," Keldok said.

Ostler, the tavern's owner, looked out one of the open windows. "Look there," he said. Ostler pointed down one of the roads leading through Hommlet. "Now, what d'ye make o' that, fair sirs? 'Tis a man wrapped in the colors of some laird, strollin' through our Hommlet, bustlin' like he's driven on some grand business. Mayhap I'll have me some laird's party stayin' for the night." With that, Ostler went in to call to his family, the tavern's employees.

Keldok, Grimgal, and Jordi looked down said road. Indeed, the sober among them could make out a single humanoid, with flaxen hair tumbling out from beneath a liveried cape.

Keldok sized up the stranger and determined that it was not a he, but a she. They each wondered what business a lone woman traveling these backwoods would have in Hommlet. She continued past the the three adventurers standing at the patio, and, just as it looked as though she would continue on into the tavern, she stopped.

The woman threw back her hood to reveal a gorgeous face, possibly of half-elven descent. The golden locks covered most of her face until she brushed them aside. "Good sirs," she said. "I bear a message from the most worthy DAME GOLD of Safeton." The nameless maiden looked mainly at Jordi, but also at the dwarf and half-orc. "You are the saviors of Hommlet, are you not?"

As the comely traveler addressed him, Jordi straighened up. "We are," he replied. "Along with Billy Silvertongue and Zindra Sleekmoon, not present."

"Here you are, then," the maiden said, thrusting a heavy, buff envelope into Jordi's somewhat startled hands. "Good day."

Jordi, Keldok, and Grimgal watched as the female traveler simply turned, left the tavern patio, and continued back down the road from whence she came.

"Strange, that," Grimgal said.

"The letter?"

Jordi looked down at the envelope.

"No, ye daft..."

"I guess we should open it," Jordi said.

"I'll go get the others. They should all see this." Grimgal looked at Keldok. "You stand there looking menacing."

Keldok nodded as Grimgal stumbled off the patio and into Hommlet.
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Grimgal, Keldok, Zindra, and Jordi stood by as Billy examined the sealed envelope. Hommlet's inn and tavern was otherwise quiet and unoccupied - save for the occasional grumbling of one tavern proprietor upset that he wouldn't be hosting a laird's party after all...

"Open the thing, gnome," Grimgal said.

Billy looked down at the wax seal. He flipped the envelope over. It bore the words, "TO THE SAVIORS OF HOMMLET" in a spidery hand. "I'd hazard to guess that an older, more distinguished and educated person, probably a human, wrote this."

"Maybe it was that half-elf girl's mum," Keldok said. "Who cares? Open the damnable thing."

Billy looked over at the half-orc. "Impatient?" The gnome flipped the envelope on its face. "I don't suppose we should be paranoid enough to wonder if this is some sort of magical trap." He looked again at the wax seal. "I don't recognize this mark. Anyone else?"

Jordi looked down at the wax seal and nodded in the negative. Keldok and Zindra didn't even bother. Grimgal took a fleeting glance and didn't recognize it.

"All right, then. Here goes nothing!" Billy broke the wax seal and cringed, just for a moment. When nothing happened, he settled in. "See? No need to worry!" The illusionist reached in and drew forth a letter.

The letter read:
letter said:
To those Brave and Worthy:

May it never be said that the courageous undertake valor for the hope of reward nor the righteous seek purity, and thus may aspersions of evil never fall upon thy name. But, as ye know too well, the rewards of virtue are painful and cold.

Our advisors, through wisdom and sagacity, have proclaimed thy actions good and virtuous, done for the wealth of the people of Hommlet. Those so noble as yourselves will grace and ornament the presence of any gathering. We beseech you to kindly honor us with your presence during the Feasts of Edoira at Windy Crag in the town of Safeton.

Dame Gold

Grimgal, looking over the gnome's shoulder, scoffed. "Good and virtuous? Does this Dame Gold know that we travel with a half-orc?"

"That's enough, dwarf," Zindra said, uncharacteristically defending Keldok. "His actions, however... distasteful at times... were as nobly intended as ours."

"We all saved Hommlet, didn't we?"

"Remember what we said when we first got together? In this very tavern?" Billy looked at the others, individually. "We travel as five. We fight as five. We survive as five."

Grimgal looked at the silent half-orc. "Still, I dinna think the Dame Gold is expecting ole Keldok here showin' up at her door."

"From the tone of that letter, it sounds like she knows something of us, if from reputation only."

"Well, I think we should go, half-orc or not," Billy said. "Once we're all at Dame Gold's door, she's not going to turn us away."

"More feasts and honors," Keldok said. "Do humans think of nothing else?"

Jordi turned to the half-orc. "I don't think you quite understand what we've done here in Hommlet, Keldok. We're heroes! And heroes don't come around often. Especially in a backwoods place like this. They want to celebrate us."

"More importantly, they want us to stick 'round," Grimgal added. "The old Dame probably wants to shows us off to her fickle noble friends. We're like the latest shiny thing she can shove in their faces and make the rest of them jealous."

"Regardless of the lady's motive, I am in favor of a change of scenery," Zindra said. "I tire of Hommlet. Let us be off, as soon as possible."

It was decided, then, that the group should take up Dame Gold's offer. They said their goodbyes to the people of Safeton and gathered what belongings they had collected. Before the group left Hommlet, Zindra made Jordi promise to get his tunic laundered once they reached Safeton. It wouldn't do to have the local hero smelling of wine and week-old turkey.

Once pointed in the right direction, the group traveled east along the fairly well-traveled road to Safeton. Before the travelers had made it completely out of sight of Hommlet, Zindra spotted a strange, white, flying object coming towards them. The adventurers spread out, expecting trouble. The object was revealed to be the half-elf maiden who had given Jordi, Keldok, and Grimgal the letter from Dame Gold, riding a PEGASUS!

The maiden gracefully landed her steed in the road. "You have decided to join us at Windy Crag?" she asked.

Jordi stepped forward. "I have never seen such a steed. Not in person. I've heard legends, of course..."

Billy joined Jordi. "Yes, noble lady. We're off to Safeton anon. I don't suppose you have five more of those flying beasts hidden away somewhere."

The half-elf smiled. "Unfortunately, gnome, pegasi are rather rare. I know not of anyone who has tamed more than one." She looked to Jordi. "I am called Enari. You can call on me once you reach the estate. I look forward to it."

She got her steed ready to take flight once again. "I will advise Dame Gold and her staff that you are on the road. We will see you soon." With that, Enari and her steed were on the wing, headed east into the sky.

Billy turned to Jordi. "Looks like you've got a new friend."
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It was getting towards nightfall and our travelers were still heading east on the road to Safeton. They spied a pony-driven wagon, heading in the same direction. Upon catching the thing (it was moving quite slow), Billy Silvertongue decided to strike up a conversation with the merchant driving the thing.

"So, merchant. You travel as do we. Towards Safeton?"

Billy noticed that the wagon was overloaded with goods: copper utensils and cookware, wineskins, cured hams, bags of apples, flour sacks, rings of salt, and pots of honey. Precariously perched atop everything were two cages - one with chickens and the other geese.

"I am called Revv Aair," the halfling merchant replied. "If you mean to rob me, please do so in all haste so that I may get on with my journey."

"Oh, no, good sir," Jordi said. "We are headed to Safeton on the invitation of one Dame Gold. I don't suppose you know the name?"

Aair turned to see Jordi and, at the same time, appraised the rest of the travelers: an elf maiden with a longbow, an ugly human or half-orc with a stern look on his face, and a dwarf bearing the symbol of Moradin on a necklace. "Strange group of motley fellows you travel with." The merchant thought for a moment. "Wait! You must be... I'd heard rumors... the Temple..."

"Yes, we are the ones who defeated the villains at the Temple of Elemental Evil."

"And saved the village of Hommlet," Billy added. "It was quite impressive, don't you know?"

The halfling chewed on a piece of sausage. "Like I said, I'd heard the rumors of your group. Yes, quite impressive." He slowed the ponies to a stop. "I could camp soon. I wonder if the lot of you would care to join me. A lone traveler, such as myself... and my nephew..." Revv nodded to a smaller halfling, a chap named Bellod, who generally said nothing. "It's probably unwise for us to travel unescorted."

"Is there much trouble on these roads?" Grimgal asked.

Aair turned to the dwarf. "No, not... much trouble." The merchant hopped off the seat of his wagon. "It is getting dark. Let us make camp. I will cook us a fine meal. You will then accompany me and Bellod to Safeton, yes?"

The traveling heroes agreed to camp with the halfling merchant and his nephew. Within half an hour, Zindra, the ranger, had raised several tents and cleared a semi-circular area of vermin and debris. She and Keldok had patrolled the general area, making sure it was free of potential attackers. Grimgal and Billy regaled Revv Aair and Bellod with tales of their adventures within the Temple of Elemental Evil. Meanwhile, the merchant had a fire going and was busily cooking up a stew.

"That's quite a tale, young travelers," Aair said. "Our dinner is ready!

Aair passed out copper bowls and servings of sausage and meat stew to each of his new traveling companions. They arranged themselves around the fire and settled in.

"This area isn't much different from the Kron Hills," the dwarf remarked. "Less hilly, I suppose."

"I was about to say that this Welkwood reminded me of the Gnarley Forest," Zindra said.

"I was about to say that this doesn't look much different than mine own Verbobonc," Billy added with a lyrical laugh.

"These are all trees," Keldok said. "I see no difference between these trees and those to the northwest."

"Of course not. I wouldn't expect Keldok the Bludgeoner to understand the subtleties of life in the forest."

"Before this conversation gets out of hand," Jordi said, "I would like to thank Mr. Aair for a fine stew."

"Aye," the dwarf added. "Let's just have us a fine evening and leave the bickering for later." Grimgal laughed at his own suggestion. "I know. Seems daft coming from old Grim."

The companions finished their stew and broke open a case of wine. The heroes learned that Revv Aair and Bellod were headed for Dame Gold's feast as well. The merchant had been commissioned to acquire certain goods for the affair and to bring them with all due haste to Safeton and, eventually, to Windy Crag. It was decided that the heroes would accompany Revv Aair and Bellod all the way to the dame's estate. Doing so would benefit both parties; Revv Aair needed escorting, just in case there were bandits or other problems; the heroes knew not the road ahead and knew no one in Safeton.

Morning came without incident. Aair, Bellod, and Zindra packed up the camp while the rest of the travelers took care of morning essentials. Before an hour had passed since daybreak, the companions were again headed east towards Safeton.

OOC: This begins a skill challenge, "The Road to Safeton".
Primary Goal: The group arrives safely in Safeton.
Secondary Goal: Protect Revv Aair and his wagon along the way.
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OOC: Thus begins the skill challenge. This is a staged challenge, which means that there are certain objectives/obstacles that must be overcome in order for the challenge to be considered a success. The first such obstacle is presented below.

After striking camp, our travelers continued eastward, towards Safeton. Revv Aair informed the rest of the companions that it was likely to be a few more days to Safeton and that, while he really didn't expect trouble, it was good to have company along for the trip. For his part, Grimgal Ironhearted lamented that there was no room on the wagon; his poor feet were killing him!

The group was well into the afternoon when they were about to enter a heavily wooded copse. Zindra, the ranger, wary of an ambush, stopped the cart and the other travelers and sneaked into the woods to take a peek. In a few moments, the elf emerged and declared that the road was clear as far as she could see (which is pretty far).

The mule-driven wagon lurched forward and the rest of the travelers followed. In less than an hour, however, the group stopped again. This time, it was because there was some disturbance up ahead. Just around a bend, Zindra spied a pair of humans or half-elves in disheveled clothing, stumbling along the road.

OOC: Zindra will make a Stealth check, below. This is NOT directly related to the challenge, but if successful, will give Zindra a +2 circumstance bonus to her next check related to the challenge.

Zindra, longbow at the ready and nocked with an arrow, approached the men. "Halt," the elf said. "Who goes there?"

The men paused. Zindra noticed that both men were wearing what was once fine noble clothing. Their wounds were those of arrows and small bludgeoning melee attacks, perhaps from clubs or maces. The bedraggled men looked around.

"Hello?" one of them called out. "We are mere travelers, recently ambushed along this road. We mean no harm." It was clear to Zindra that they had no idea where she was.

OOC: Zindra will also make an Insight check, below. This IS related to the challenge and will affect successes and failures. This roll is a success!SUCCESSES: 1, FAILURES: 0

Zindra had her suspicions about the mens' intentions. She said nothing now, but remained hidden. She waved the rest of her companions forward.

When the men spotted the mule-driven wagon and the people on foot, they brightened. "Good travelers," the bearded one said. "I am called Beonar and the man traveling with me is Chadonel. We are from... Veluna and were on our way home from Safeton when bandits struck."

The men took a few tentative steps forward. "The bandits took everything - our horses, our goods, our valuables, our gold," Beonar explained. "We just need some coin to get us through to Hommlet."

Revv and his nephew looked at one another in mild surprise. Grimgal wore a bit of a frown, which was really nothing new for the dwarf priest. For their parts, Jordi and Billy seemed sympathetic to the travelers' plight. Keldok said nothing, eyeing the men for weapons or possible spellcasting.

OOC: The rest of the party is making a group Insight check. Grimgal, the best at this sort of thing, will be the lead roller, with Jordi, Billy, and Keldok using aid another. This is BARELY a success. SUCCESSES: 2, FAILURES: 0

"I dunno 'bout all this," Grimgal said after a moment. "Ye are dressed as might be nobles, but it seems..."

Beonar stepped forward again. "Good sirs! I can assure you that our intentions are true!"

"What else would charlatans say?" Keldok asked.

"Now hold on," Billy said. "We don't know..." The gnome watched as Keldok slowly drew his mace. "There's no need for violence!"

Seeing Keldok draw his mace, the disheveled men stepped back and assumed defensive postures. "Look, HALF-ORC! We aren't even armed!"

Billy, Jordi, and Grimgal all turned to look at Keldok. They knew that the half-orc had been itching for a fight for weeks, but this was a little unwarranted, even for Keldok.

Jordi put his hand on the half-orc's shoulder. "Keldok, let's not start a fight. These men have done nothing to us."

"You don't know what they could do," Keldok replied. "They could be spellcasters for all we know. No weapons needed."

All present realized that Keldok was right to be cautious.

Billy stepped in front of the half-orc. "Now, now. Let's not be hasty. No one needs to cast spells or draw weapons or anything of the kind." The gnome turned to the disheveled travelers. "I've no doubt you are NOT from Veluna, but your deception is your business and I really don't care. You will NOT have any of our gold and I bid you to move along. Perhaps some fool will believe your tale of woe and hand you some coin, but it will not be us. Good day." Billy looked back at Keldok. "Please put away your weapons. I'm sure we will have use for your unique skills at a later date."

OOC: Billy makes a Diplomacy check as part of the challenge. This is a success! SUCCESSES: 3, FAILURES: 0.

Keldok frowned and put his mace and dagger away. As he did, the deceptive men stood to the side of the road. Revv and his wagon started again and continued to the east. Grimgal shot the men a dirty look and they did not respond.

As the wagon and the eastbound travelers continued down the road, Chadonel looked at Beonar. "I don't suppose we should have warned them about the real ambush down the road?"

"Not a chance."
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OOC: The skill challenge, "The Road to Safeton", continues. We currently have 3 Successes and 0 failures.

Revv Aair and his wagon continued eastward, towards Safeton, as Grimgal, Jordi, Billy, Keldok, and Zindra followed on foot. As they traveled with Aair, the heroes of Hommlet regaled the merchant with additional tales of their trials and tribulations within the Temple of Elemental Evil. All of this was quite off-putting to the traveling merchant, but quite exciting to the halfling's young nephew, Bellod.

It grew dark. The travelers found themselves smack dab in the middle of the Welkwood. It was not difficult to find a spot for the wagon and a few tents, but Zindra wished to avoid any possible nocturnal ambushes or attacks. She spent about an hour searching the immediate area for various hazards and vermin.

OOC: This is a Nature check. While not directly part of the skill challenge, success on this check will give Zindra and any others a +2 bonus to their passive Perception to avoid ambushes and such for the night. This roll is successful.

Zindra had little trouble in securing a safe location to camp for the night. Aair drove his wagon into the empty spot in the woods. Zindra and Keldok set up tents and cleared space. Grimgal and Jordi set up a small campfire. Jordi unpacked trail rations and waterskins. When all was readied, the group had their dinner. Meanwhile, the adventurers continued tales of the Temple of Elemental Evil and freeing the people of Hommlet from its threat. Revv Aair puffed on a smokepipe, barely paying much attention to the tales, while Bellod was in rapt attention.

As the night grew long, the group settled in. It was decided that neither the merchant nor his nephew would prove useful for watches, so they were to sleep straight through the night. Grimgal and Keldok would take first watch -- neither would agree to sleep while the other was awake. Zindra, who would be done with her trance by midnight, would watch the rest of the night and until sunrise. Jordi joined her for the midnight watch and Billy would rise early to take over for Jordi.

That was the plan, anyway. Some time after midnight, however, just about an hour after Zindra and Jordi took over and Keldok and Grimgal had fallen asleep, the elf's ears pricked up. She stoodn and started looking around, searching for the source of a noise she heard.

"What is it?" Jordi whispered. The warrior threaded his left arm through the straps of his shield and took his handy warhammer in the right. "Did you hear something?"

Zindra said nothing. She moved to a tree trunk, her longbow at the ready. She looked to Jordi and motioned into the darkness.

"I don't --"

The elf maiden motioned more vigorously. Jordi shut his mouth and joined her at the base of the great tree.

"Drat and double drat!" a voice said as it neared the campsite.

"Will you keep it down?" another voice called out.

"Keep quiet, you two!" a third voice called from farther away.

From the footfalls, Zindra could tell that these were small-sized creatures, possibly the same general size as Billy. She knelt and eventually, Jordi did the same.

"Who are they?" Jordi whispered.

"I don't know," the elf replied. "Be quiet."

A pair of gnomes, somewhat in forest colors, emerged from the wood. They stopped mere feet from where Jordi and Zindra waited. A third appeared to be coming up from behind.

"A campsite," the shorter one remarked.

"No kidding!" the taller one replied.

Zindra's head turned towards the wood. She heard more of them coming. A LOT more. The elf moved into a crouch and backed off, away from the pair of gnomes who had already entered the camp. Jordi waited and attempted to do the same.

OOC: Zindra and Jordi must attempt Stealth checks. This is not directly a part of the skill challenge. Both checks are successful.

The gnomes, now joined by a third, this one carrying a noose, took a few tentative steps around the camp.

Zindra backed into a tree. She looked at Jordi. "There are more of them in the wood."

Jordi took a glance in the direction of whence the gnomes came. "More of them? How many?"

"How should..."

One of the gnomes moved adjacent to the sleeping Grimgal. "They travel with a dwarf now."

Another found Billy. "A gnome!"

"Will you two be quiet?"

A dozen more gnomes entered the camp. One of the existing gnomes tried to wave them off, to no avail. Several of the new gnomes carried torches and a few more brought nooses.

"Do they mean to hang someone?"

Grimgal stirred. The gnomes reacted by shutting up, all at once. They held their breaths while the dwarf turned over in his bedroll.

"I don't think these are them," one of the gnomes said.

Billy started to get up. "You guys know that I'm a light sleeper!" His eyes opened to reveal a camp full of strange gnomes. "What is all this? A gnome congress?"

The other gnomes gasped and took a step back. They murmured amongst themselves.

Keldok also woke up. "You've gotta be kidding me."

There were now easily three dozen gnomes in the camp. More were on the way.

Billy stood up and approached the gnome that he determined to be the leader of this rabble. "What business have you with us, fellow gnomes?"

"We're in for a hanging!" the gnome replied. "Hence the rope and nooses, don't you know?"

Billy looked about and counted three nooses total. "You mean to hang us?"

The gnomes looked around the camp and took a count. "Oi! There's too bloody many of them, cap'n!"

Grimgal finally opened his eyes. "There are entirely too many gnomes in my camp."

"Yes," Billy said. "They still have yet to satisfactorily answer my query about why they are here."

The gnomes looked at one another and chatted a bit amongst themselves. The lead gnome then addressed Billy. "We thought you might be the scalawags who stole our gold." They chatted some more. "Wait, stole might not be the right term. You see, a pair of men whom we took for the victims of brigands..."

"We met them yesterday," Billy explained. "I can most assuredly proclaim that we are not them. You see, they attempted to fleece us with some tall tale of a bandit attack. We did not believe them."

"They could be harboring the bandits!" one of the gnomes announced.

"Now, look here..."

Grimgal, who had gotten out of his bedroll, approached the illusionist and took the gnome's arm. "Can ye just make them all go away? I've gotta get my sleep, now."

Billy turned to the gnomes, three of whom were brandishing nooses, several more of which were holding torches, and one of whom, undoubtedly confused, had brought along a chimney brush. He has already been appropriately chided for his foolishness.

"We are not your bandits. We sent them west towards Hommlet. I'm sure they will attempt to con someone else out of their gold."

"It's the truth, strange gnomes," the dwarf added. "Now, begone."

OOC: Grimgal is going to aid Billy with a Diplomacy check. This is directly related to the skill challenge. This is a success! SUCCESSES: 4, FAILURES: 0.

The gnomes speak amongst themselves for a time that seemed an eternity to those wishing to get some sleep. Eventually, the gnomes decided that our travelers were NOT the bandits and agreed to move on. The rest of the night passed without incident.
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OOC: The skill challenge, "The Road to Safeton", continues. We currently have 4 Successes and 0 Failures.

The group - Revv Aair and his nephew, Bellod, Billy Silvertongue, the gnome illusionist, Grimgal Ironhearted, the dwarven priest of Moradin, Jordi Tonbarrel, the human warrior, Keldok the Bludgeoner, half-orc scoundrel, and Zindra Silvermoon, the elf ranger - traveled the road east for some time without incident. For once, the road was an uneventful as Revv Aair had promised upon meeting the heroes of Hommlet. The travelers met only the occasional merchant or other random traveler heading west from Safeton to Hommlet, or, more likely, points farther west-northwest, such as Verbobonc and Veluna.

The travelers found the Welkwood rather peaceful, a canony of green, brown, red, and yellow leaves, with the normal squirrel, raccoon, or deer running across the well-traveled road. On the third day since what Grimgal termed the "gnome event", the travelers, late in the day, came upon the banks of a pond overlooked by a grassy meadow. After checking around the perimeter of the pond and its environs, Zindra declared the spot right for camp and the group set about their normal early-evening activities.

"See?" Aair said. "This is a safe road. To Safeton!" Bellod let out a chuckle at that one.

Zindra sat down next to Jordi. "This area is known to be replete with evil humanoids - goblins, kobolds, gnolls, orcs, and so forth. I'm rather surprised we haven't see too many."

Jordi tugged a piece of boiled pheasant off its leg. "Do you think we've just been lucky not to have run into them?"

"It's possible," Zindra said.

"Unlike our friend, Keldok," Jordi said. "I'm not really looking for a fight. I'm perfectly happy to have a safe and uneventful trip the rest of the way to Safeton."

Zindra looked to the distant ridge. "They hunt at night, you know. Especially the orcs."

"I'm not terribly worried about orcs," Jordi said.

"Not singly or in small groups, no. But in large numbers... we haven't seen the likes of an orc warband. The few of us can do little against such forces, even if individually they can barely cause a scare."

The elf stood up and took a few steps towards the pond. "That ridge could conceal quite a few enemies."

Jordi joined her. "Don't get jittery. You checked it, right?"

Zindra continued towards the pond. "I'm sorry, Jordi. I have to go make sure. Stay close to the camp."

OOC: Zindra attempts a Nature check and a Perception check. These are not directly related to the challenge. These are successful, so Zindra and her allies gain +2 bonuses to Perception and Stealth checks made as part of this.

Zindra crept around the pond and up the grassy ridge. There, the elf ranger found some ettins, a large group of goblins, and smaller groups of bugbears and orcs. There were also some war dogs, no doubt controlled by the orcs. A lone half-orc led them. Zindra had not been seen. She realized that this large a group of bandits would prove too much for her and her companions, so Zindra would have to sneak back and warn her companions before the bandits attacked.

OOC: Can Zindra make it back to camp unnoticed by the bandits? She attempts a Stealth check to do so. This is directly part of the skill challenge. The Stealth check is successful. SUCCESSES: 5, FAILURES: 0.

Zindra found the camp in order. While Grimgal tended to the campfire, Billy recounted tales of his homeland in Verbobonc, of the gnomes, and of the Feywild.

"An attack is imminent," Zindra announced. "There are dozens of them - goblins, orcs, bugbears, and a few ettins." She looked to Jordi. "This is what I was worried about!"

Jordi grabbed his scale mail armor and started putting it on. Billy gathered his goods. Grimgal had not yet removed his armor, as he was to take first watch. Keldok was already geared up and itching to defend his companions.

"Can't we just get out of here?" the halfling merchant asked.

"No," the elf said. She looked to the ridge. "They will see us run. The war dogs, if nothing else, will track us down."

"War dogs?" the priest asked. "Mayhap the orcs are ridin' 'em, then. I've done my fair share o' defendin' me clan against orc invaders. They don't ride war dogs unless there's a warband afoot. I s'pose them orcs mighta stolen the dogs from their warband, but..."

"We don't have time to debate the finer points of orcish warbands, now, Grim," Jordi said as he continued to strap into his armor.

Billy looked across the pond. "I don't suppose there's any chance to avoid violence?"

Keldok frowned at the very idea.

"We could run and hope they can't find us," Zindra said. "We're in no shape, really. Not with the wagon."

"Don't leave my wagon behind!" the merchant cried.

"Perhaps they're not looking to sack us," Billy said. "Bigger fish, you know." The gnome took a few steps towards the pond. "Maybe they'll recognize us as the heroes of Hommlet and be too afraid to..."

Billy's voice trailed off as a horn sounded from across the lake. Dozens of humanoids began pouring over the grassy ridge.

"Perhaps not."

OOC: This is going to become a combat encounter, but the PCs are not intended to fight all of the bandits. In fact, if the PCs figure out what's going on and are clever enough, they may only have to fight a few of the enemies and drive the rest of them off.

The first thing, however, that the PCs must do is determine what's going on. This is a group Perception check. Because of the distance and darkness, it would normally be a -10 to the check. Zindra's prior reconnoitering gives each of them a +2 bonus, for a net -8 to the group check. Zindra will be the main roller. The rest are making checks to aid another. All of the aid another checks got at least a 10, so that's a +8, cancelling out the effects of the darkness. Unfortunately, Zindra rolls a 1, the only thing that would have caused her to fail. SUCCESSES: 5, FAILURES: 1.

The heroes looked around the pond area. They heard movement, but none could make out exactly what was happening. All they knew was that the bandits Zindra had described were on the move and that there were quite a few of them.

"They mean to surround us," Keldok said. "If they are bandits, they mean to rob us, not kill us. They will surround us, announce that there's no way out, and demand our coin or our lives."

"We don't know for shure that they're bandits," the dwarf said. "Could be a war party come to kill anyone who crosses the road."

"We have seen many merchants heading west and none mentioned being attacked or robbed," Billy said. "Except, you know, those two."

Keldok took two steps to the southeast. "Speculation is getting us nowhere. We must act."

"Aye, ye daft son-of-an-orc, but we dinna know what we're dealin' with!"

"We know they have a leader," Zindra said. "If I know anything of the sorts who tend to become leaders of these groups, the leader will command from behind. He's probably directly across the pond from us. Striking the leader, taking him down, will almost certainly demoralize the rest of them. We could win this very quickly."

"I say we make a break for it," the half-orc said. "Head this direction. Lead them away from the camp. We should be able to take down small groups of goblins and whatnot while the others redirect."

"If they are deploying as you say, Keldok, that will leave us flanked, in any event. Just flanked in a different way."

"Not if we take out one of their units, elf," Keldok replied. "We can bust a hole in their line and escape."

Jordi had just finished strapping on his shield. "What of the merchant and his wagon? We cannot just leave it here while we escape."

"I agree with the elf," Grimgal said. "Take out their leader and watch the rest of the bandits scurry into the darkness."

Zindra turned to the half-orc. "Keldok, you and I will sneak around the pond and strike at the leader and his guards, if any, from cover." She turned to Jordi and Grimgal. "Jordi, you and Grim get straight across the pond as best you can. It didn't look too deep."

"They won't be expecting us to come directly at their leader," Grimgal added.

"I'll stay here and cause trouble for the bandits in my own ways," Billy said, smiling. He looked to Revv Aair and Bellod. "This is going to be great fun!"
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OOC: This is the first round of the combat encounter that ends the skill challenge, "The Road to Safeton", which currently has 5 Successes and 1 Failure. The PCs have the opportunity to earn additional Successes or Failures during the course of the combat.

I have decided against rolling everything here for future posts. It just clutters things up.

[sblock=Initiative Order]
14 - Zindra
11 - Keldok
10 - Grimgal
6 - Billy
6 - Jordi

27 - Goblin Bowmen x12
25 - Ettins* x2
17 - Dergrenche (Unique)
10 - Ettins*
6 - Goblin Skullcleavers x4
* Ettins roll 2 different Initiatives and act fully on each!

27 - Goblin Bowmen
25 - Ettins
17 - Dergrenche
14 - Zindra
11 - Keldok
10 - Grimgal
10 - Ettins
6 - Billy
6 - Jordi
6 - Goblin Skullcleavers

[sblock=The Situation at Start]The heroes have decided to strike at what they consider to be the heart of the enemy: the leaders across the pond. The combat starts when Grimgal and Jordi are about halfway across the pond, Keldok and Zindra are sneaking up the ridge, and Billy is following somewhat behind the sneaking heroes (he's not very stealthy, but he doesn't plan on getting very close). The enemies our heroes face are DERGRENCHE, a half-orc leading the bandits, a pair of ETTINS serving as his bodyguards, four GOBLIN SKULLCRUSHERS, and 12 GOBLIN BOWMEN. Note that there are other enemies around, but they have been dispatched to try to surround the camp (they will not be part of this encounter until later, if at all). The Goblin Bowmen are spread around the trees and bushes atop the ridge. The Goblin Skullcrushers are deployed at the edge of the ridge and are looking for the heroes' approach. The Ettin Bodyguards are somewhat behind the Skullcrushers and Dergrenche is behind the Ettins.[/sblock]

"Are you sure this is the wisest course of action?" Billy Silvertongue asked as he followed Keldok and Zindra as quietly as he could. "I could stay with the halfling and his nephew."

"Be quiet, gnome," the half-orc replied. "We are trying to be sneaky about this."

Zindra nodded in agreement.

The trio arrived at the base of the ridge, to the west side of the pond. They stopped and Zindra waved across to where her companions, Jordi Tonbarrel and Grimgal Ironhearted, awaited a signal. Seeing the elf's signal, the human and dwarf began sloshing across the open pond.

Keldok winced. "Well, I guess we wanted Jordi and Keldok to draw the bandits' attention."

As the arrows flew, most plinked off Jordi's and Grimgal's shield, but two struck the dwarf between his magical armor.

"Perhaps this wasn't the best plan!" Grimgal said as he surged forward in the pond water.

"I have no doubt our sneaky friends will dispatch the archers or otherwise draw the attention away from us soon," Jordi replied.

Otop the ridge, the self-appointed leader of the bandits, DERGRENCHE, a half-orc who slew the bandits' prior leader, threw his battle horn to the ground and drew his longsword. "It won't be long now, my friends," he said to the pair of two-headed giants serving as his personal bodyguard. "You hear the twing of those bowstrings? Our goblin friends have found the quarry. Those sharpshooters should cut down the foolish adventurers before we even see them fall to the ground!"

The ettins, knowing that these were goblins Dergrenche was talking about, simply looked at one another and shrugged.

Through the evening darkness, Zindra Sleekmoon could spy several goblins emerging from the treeline atop the ridge. She drew two arrows to her bowstring and let loose, killing two of the goblin archers.

Keldok took the opportunity and cover of darkness to advance upon the group of archers unaware of the half-orc's presence. Keldok knew he was too far away to get an immediate attack on any of them, but he found a spot behind a large shrub, giving him cover against whatever enemies were to the east and from where he would strike against the goblin archers as soon as they got a little closer.

Jordi and Grimgal continued through the pond. The water line was neck-high on the dwarf and waist-high on Jordi.

Jordi tried to quicken his pace. "We'd best get out of this pond and quick."

"I thought you said Keldok and Zindra would take care of the archers," Grimgal replied.

"Yes, well... We don't know how many archers there are. Or what else might be up there!"

The gnome illusionist had followed closely behind Zindra and Keldok and was now just behind the elf. "I'd better keep some of those archers busy," he said, brandishing his magical lavender orb. The thing glowed with arcane power and Billy harnessed this power into a spell. Billy created an illusory maze to confuse a group of the goblins. "That should do the trick, for now."

Dergrenche, seeing the use of magic against his archers, winced. "It is possible, however unlikely it sounds, that I may have underestimated our foes. I did not expect them to have a spellcaster among their number."

The ettins readied their weapons, but the half-orc did not deploy them.

"No, my friends," Dergrenche said to the ettins. "Goblins! Find that spellcaster!"

Four goblins wielding battleaxes had stayed back and now pounced into battle. They ran westward across the ridge, towards the direction of the archers. They could see no spellcaster, but one of the goblins spotted an elf, and so charged her, battleaxe held high. Zindra, in response, sidestepped the goblin's violent attack.

"Keldok!" she yelled. "More goblins!"

[sblock=Round One] Goblin Bowmen (12): All 12 of the Bowmen move at least 4 squares to take advantage of their Great Position trait (+1d6 damage to ranged attacks). All shoot arrows at Grimgal and Jordi (they cannot see Keldok and Zindra and Billy is behind cover). 6 shots at each hero. 2 hits against Grimgal for a total of 15 damage. None hit Jordi.
Ettins (2): The Ettins have no reasonable targets and do not wish to move. They delay.
Dergrenche: Dergrenche is in the same boat as the Ettins. He delays.
Zindra: Currently hidden from all enemies. She attacks the two nearest Bowmen (with Combat Advantage) using Twin Strike. She kills 2 Bowmen and is no longer hidden.
Keldok: Currently hidden from all enemies. He moves 6 squares and ends this movement behind cover from all enemies except some of the Bowmen. Keldok attempts a Stealth check to remain hidden from Dergrenche, the Ettins, and the Goblin Skullcleavers. He gets a 21 (with the penalty for moving more than 2 squares) and beats the passive Insight for all of the enemies named above. He takes no further action.
Grimgal: Effectively slowed while in the water. Double moves through the pond, moving 4 squares.
Ettins: Still delaying.
Billy: Moves 3 squares up the ridge. He uses Maze of Mirrors on a square that targets 5 Bowmen in its area burst. He hits 4 of the 5. Those Bowmen hit are immobilized and take a -4 penalty to attack rolls until the end of Billy's next turn. The Bowman that Billy missed is slowed until the end of Billy's next turn. Billy has combat advantage against all of the Bowmen he hit until the end of his next turn.
Jordi: Effectively slowed while in the water. Double moves through the pond, moving 4 squares.
Goblin Skullcleavers: The Skullcleavers move 6 squares in the direction of where they see Zindra and Billy attacking the Bowmen (they cannot see Keldok because he is hidden). Only one is close enough to attack, so one of the Bowmen charges Zindra and uses a melee basic attack against her. The Skullcleaver misses badly. The other Skullcleavers take move actions to get behind cover.[/sblock]
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