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Flaws in your game

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Hussar said:
Hrm. I would say my biggest flaw is in characterizing NPC's. I really have trouble with it and this leads to the players not bothering to interact with NPC's all that much. I'm working on it, but, it's definitely my weakest point.

Same here. I have a lot of trouble creating the sense of a full interactive fantasy world, because not much roleplaying goes on in my campaign. This is because (as stated above) I don't characterize my NPCs as well as I'd like. It's also because our entire group (me included) prefer combat to roleplaying. If I try to have my PCs roleplay for too long, I'll start hearing comments like, "OK, let's get to the next battle."

Sometimes I lament the fact that D&D isn't much of a roleplaying game for my group. Other times I'm completely OK with playing D&D as a miniatures game with a backstory.


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I only ever DM so my flaws are all as a DM:

- I am weak at providing my NPCs with real character (too much black and white and not enough shades of gray).

- I am hopeless at preparing appropriate treasure.

- I let the PCs advance too quickly. I do use the XP rules properly but I need to slow down the rate of level advancement to match the players' mastery of their characters (if that makes sense).

I am sure there are more but these are the issues I am currently working on.


My biggest flaw as a player is that I try to create diverse characters to give myself a roleplaying challenge, but they usually just end up becoming me in a funny suit. I'm getting better at that, though.

My biggest flaw as a DM is that I don't. What I mean is that I have so many ideas floating around my head for a campaign, I've bought and read all the books I'd need, but I never actually bite the bullet and start DMing a game. I spend hours each day thinking about what I'd do if I DMed a game, but it never happens.


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Terwox said:
My main flaw is that I have a really hard time staying in-character without cracking jokes. Intense roleplaying makes me a little nervous and I'll draw myself out of it time and time again. This especially hurts the game when I'm DM'ing.
Ugh, that is so me to a tea; but in my newest campaign I am going to do my darndest to not do that.

I don't suffer from Campaiagn ADD so much as I cant keep a steady group of players - thus in the last year and a half I've ran close to a dozen campaigns. Which sucks. :(

Probably my worst trait is that I'm not that experienced as a Dm, so I make a lot of mistakes, IMO. I also just recently slogged my way through the whole combat chapter (haven't done that since mid-way through 3.0 :confused: ) and was re-enlighted by the rules... yeah it was pretty bad.

However, I know know how to gimp spellcasters like I never had before.

that's about it, however...


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1-I hate naming NPCs. We have a guy that has shown up quite a few times in our zombie apocalypse adventure but is still called The Magistrate.

2-New players. I often have to stop and realize that I'm going beyond my players' capabilities. None have played much before our current game.


No real problems here. I think I've finally reached the penultimate level of gaming. In fact, my game is not for mere "hobbyist gamers".

Seriously, if my group has any significant problem, it's that they role-play TOO MUCH! It's great for a few of them, but the others kind of get bored with that, and want to propel the game forward a bit more. So, it's a great blend, actually.

Of course, I did hand-pick most of the players, so I've got an A-list group of strong role-players, who all know the rules very well.

And as for my DM'ing, well I've finally "came into my own" as far as my DM'ing style is concerned. I don't know that I could improve on it significantly. I've got a great campaign setting (The Wilderlands) great modules at my disposal (Tomb of Abysthor, Rod of Seven Parts) that I'm using, and lots of accessory products to really flesh things out well. The party is currently in town, shopping. There is a joust in the market which will happen in a few days' time, so I'm waiting to see if the party knight is interested in participating.

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