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D&D 3E/3.5 Fond Memories of ENWorld and the 3E Launch


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This 4E launch thing all seems somehow strangely familiar...

I remember how I came to 3E and how Necromancer Games came to be. ENWorld was the reason. Though it wasnt ENWorld then. It was Eric Noah's 3rd Edition page.

I was sitting at my desk bored one afternoon surfing the net. I stumbled upon Eric Noah's page. It was way before release, when the system and its rules were just a mystery. And before open gaming was a reality--it was just an article by Ryan Dancey. I had no idea there was a plan for a new edition of the game. I had played D&D forever. I had a current game group. But the idea of a new edition really grabbed me.

I remember checking Eric's site every 15 minutes or so in those early days, hopeing for a new update.

The idea of the new edition and the idea of open gaming and third party support got the creative juices flowing and Necromancer Games was born.

Now here we are wondering what will happen with 4E. And once again I find myself back at Eric Noah's site--though it, too, has changed, as you all know to ENWorld (and I have been now appropriately advised that it is "eeee ennn world" not "n-world" as i have long called it).

I hope ENWorld serves as the same awesome source for 4E that it was for 3E.

I remember the trepidation and fear and excitement that we felt every time we all learned something new about the changes "they" were making to "our" game. Were the changes good? Were they bad? Would we buy it? Would we reject it? I am seeing so many of those same discussions here now. And if experience is any guide, they will do things you like more ofthen than not. They will do a few things you will resist at first but likely come to appreciate. And maybe a few you hate. But what seems certain is that the game is coming and there will be improvements.

As I look back on D&D, I have always embraced every iteration of the game--and I have played since the original small boxed set. When I got into the game, that was all there was. The boxed set and a book for minis called Chainmail. When Greyhawk (the small book) came out and Blackmoor came out, I adopted them. When Eldritch Wizardry and Gods, Demigods and Heroes came out, I adopted them. When the AD&D Monster Manual (which was the first book out for AD&D) came out, we used it. Same with the PHB and the DMG. When the 2nd edition books came out, I got them too. Near the end of 2E I started to peeter out in buying stuff. I had been running a home campaign for years. Then 3E hit and I adopted it.

And looking at 3E it was a huge leap forward in the game. Maybe not everything will stick. But what an advancement. I'm glad they took the risks with 3E that they did. And I hope that they take more with 4E. Becuase in the end, I am the DM. I can decide what I use and dont want to use.

I cant wait to see what they do with 4E.

I have been excitedly checking ENWorld each day for updates. Just like the "good old" pre-launch days for 3E.

Here we are again--not knowing the rules, wondering about changes, wondering what they will do for third party support.

Sure, I now have a very successful d20 company, but it is fun to take that hat off and be a fan and enjoy the excitement of the fact that the game that we all love is getting a new edition and who knows what that will bring...


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Yep. I went through the same thing (well, except birthing Necromancer Games) and share your enthusiasm for the new edition.

I'm compulsivly visiting this site again as well, just like Eric Noahs 3rd Edition news site so many years ago.

Good times.


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Oh, so that's why it's EN :)

I usually came here for the reviews and conversions and not much else.

I've found, though, that the 4E discussions here seem more productive. So I come here for everyone's take on the latest news and rumors.


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I'm celebrating 20 years of playing D&D this year...but I came to the Eee Enn World party a bit late, a little after 3.5 came along.

But everything Clark puts forth in his reminiscing about the 3e launch holds true for me now. 4e is filled with excitement, trepidation, and, for me, opportunity unlike anything I've ever had the chance to take advantage of before.

3rd Edition was a welcome change. 4th Edition is an even more welcome change.


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I have to admit, 4E is not the same "welcome change" that 3E was. When 3E was announced I truly felt the NEED for a new edition. I dont feel that quite as much for 4E. But I am excited for a new edition. But that said, I dont think we can expect the same need to switch from editions ever again.

And dont hold that lack of need against 4E.

In my mind, I think TSR/Whomever sat on D&D and didnt do anything with it for wayyyyyy too long. That created a need for 3E that was long overdue. Frankly, it was neglect. They were irresponsibly neglectful of updating our game.

It would be totally irresponsible for us to demand that WotC ignore 3E and create the same need that we had for 3E for 4E. Frankly, that means that WotC is being a better caretaker of our game. They arent going to let it lie dormat for as long as 2E did.

When you have company that cares in charge of D&D--and I firmly believe WotC cares (whether or not Hasbro does, I dont know nor does it matter, cause WotC does)--that company would never let things get to where 2E was.

So it is totally unrealistic for people to compare the "need" from 2E to 3E with the need from 3E to 4E. The only reason that need was there was due to neglect.

So crazypixie, I agree with you that I am ready to embrace 4E. It will be a welcome change. Not the same way that 2E to 3E was. But that need for change is one that I hope we will never have again. I hope no company that ever owns D&D lets it lay as stagnant as TSR did. Of course, what that means is that we will never again feel that same need for an edition update. That doesn mean, of course, that we should not update editions. I wish edition updates had happened sooner. I think D&D got a huge huge jump forward with 3E. That stuff should have happened sooner.



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Y'know, I'm still fuzzy on the 3.5 ruleset. Once I get my head wrapped around it and Mutants and Masterminds, I'll give 4E a gander.

Right now, I'm just happy to game.

Viva La D&D, no matter the incarnation!


The community that gelled around my old site and EN World was by and large psyched about the new edition. I hope that everyone -- those planning on going to 4E, those planning on sticking with 3E, and those who aren't sure either way -- can find a way to enjoy each other's company and the discussions this time of transition will generate.

I would also like to say I appreciate the effort that Morrus and all of those who gather/post scoops are putting into the site. It's definitely a different beast this time around; now, there's a whole little army ready to help with the flow of information instead of one guy and his e-mailed scoops. :)


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So good to see you! I dont know if the current posters have any idea what a monumental task you had and what a great job you did. You were the only source of info for 3E. Now, WotC trickles it out, people have blogs, etc. You were, back in the day, the only source for 3E news and rumors.

And I agree with you. Kudos to Morrus and company. :)

I'll admit, the 4E talk has re-energized me again for D&D.


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