• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Fool me once....


Well, it's bedtime on Friday June the 13th, and for the second time Amazon have not kept their word.

I ordered the box set on Feb 2nd, was told it would be sent on the 6th. On the 7th I was told it would be sent between the 9th and the 12th.


I'm so worked up by all the good things I read on this forum and I want to join in.

Order Date: February 2, 2008
Order #: 002-1450907-2861815
Recipient: <Blocked for your protection>
View or change order
Items not yet shipped:
Delivery estimate: June 23, 2008 - July 4, 2008
Shipping estimate: June 9, 2008 - June 12, 2008

* 1 of: 4th Edition Core Rulebook Collection (D&D Core Rulebook) [Box set]
Sold by: Amazon.com, LLC
* 1 of: Keep on the Shadowfell: Adventure H1 (D&D Accessory)
Sold by: Amazon.com, LLC

Apologies for starting a new thread purely so I can whinge.

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All my Amazon orders were canceled in the moment they told me that my KotS would arrive "between 2 and 4 weeks" later.

Got KotS through a very nice german online store and the core books from my FLGS for even less then the Amazon price.

The Little Raven

First Post
Rabbitbait said:
Got an update: The new estimated shipping date is July 18th.

Aaargh. I pre-ordered 4 months in advance! What's going on.

Amazon sucks. I pre-ordered in March and they canceled my order on June 6th for no reason. My friend pre-ordered in April and they told him his won't ship until July 14th. My other friend ordered on June 8th, and he received his books yesterday.


I wish I could order somewhere else, but Amazon is one of the few places that does international shipping.

I live in a small beachside village in the South Pacific a long way from any town that has a gaming shop. (That sounds pretty idyllic doesn't it, what am I doing playing role playing games when I live here? Oh that's right - they're FUN).

I guess I just have to suck it up and wait. Shame I sold all my 3.5 books to raise the money to buy the 4e core books.

Preordered from Amazon. When Amazon sent an email saying they would not be able to do what I was going to pay them to do - get me the books AT THE RELEASE DATE (and that in fact shipping might be delayed close to a month) - I cancelled and bought elsewhere (FLGS, in fact, albeit at cover price). There is virtually no excuse for Amazon's poor handling of the situation.

They should know how many books they will have on hand to ship on that date. They certainly know how many orders for those books they have. At the moment A exceeded B all orders placed should have popped up a window saying those items would be on backorder. They will not be getting any of my money for anything for a while - they have demonstrated unreliability and don't deserve it.


First Post
Mourn said:
Amazon sucks.


I bought a book from them and they didn't send it until 6 months later. I had thought the default was to NOT send a heavily delayed book if I did not reply to their notices.

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