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Fool's Grove: The Gnome's Back (With Friends)


New Publisher
I usually don't find the April fool's stuff wotc does funny, but this is good stuff. I too hope these monsters make the compendium. My children will definitely be facing some of these...

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I'm A Banana

We are amused indeed!

You can tell it's a joke because the word "war" doesn't occur approximately 9,632 times. :)

I adore that they made some of the cool (if weird) old monsters usable. The Carbuncle is hilarious, and the Campestri is pretty much used for its intended purpose (to give the DM an excuse to annoy the players) well.

Here's hoping Arcane Power is half this good. ;)

El Mahdi

Muad'Dib of the Anauroch
I Seriously think that the amount of XP we are allowed to give should be extended for April 1st. I used up all of my XP on the first couple of funny...erm...I mean Serious posts I came across.:eek::erm:

edit: P.S. How do you do a strikethrough. I need to strikethrough the word funny before I get in trouble. (Damn, I typed it again. I'm just Incorrigible.)

edit2: Thanks FireLance.:cool:
Last edited:

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
So, my roomie and I actually played through this last night. We had a few 3rd level characters sitting around for my 4e campaign I'll be starting in a few weeks, so he grabbed three of them and I ran him through it. He had a dwarven cleric, a half-orc barbarian, and an eladrin swordmage.

I got a couple WTF? looks at some of the creatures and a few "this is surreal" comments. He made the saves for the enveloper weakness every time unfortunately, so they didn't get to make any attacks and pretty much just died without doing any damage. The kercpa's kicked butt though, did a crazy amount of damage. Ranged minion FTW.

I wasn't sure what exactly what would threaten the carbuncles, so I ruled that if the players murdered anything within 3 squares of a carbuncle, it would attack. He got a kick of their attack and die schtick.

The second encounter was even more brutal. The brain mole didn't succeed at dominating anything, but he focused fire on the Kow and the Stale Trail Flail Snail (that after the Snail Fail unleashed several rounds of the Snail Wail). The rabbits were actually fairly dangerous with their hit and run attacks and were the last things to die. He blew all his daillies, APs, and a couple healing pots to get through this one.

The last encounter was actually pretty easy, though really annoying. It took forever for him to trudge across to the tower, with the flumphs floating over the water out of reach and launching hit-and-run attacks, while the Gnome hurled mushrooms at him that slowed his advance dramatically.

The round Francis first died, he said, "Badger badger badger... I just noticed there's a badger and mushrooms." Prophetic, since at the end of that turn, I said, "you hear backbeat and the flumphs chant "Badger badger badger badger"".

All in all it was pretty entertaining, though the last fight was a slow painful slog. It was perhaps more fun to read than to play, since it was tough enough that the joke of it was somewhat lost...


First Post
I for one am very glad that Wotc has maintained the tradition of April Fool shenanigans dating back to the TSR days in Dragon mag. Some of those issues have been my favorites. Also, I now finally have an excuse to dig out my Ral Parta flail snail miniature... that I got on sale... in the mail... I painted its tail... (I'm done I promise)
Also I like badgers.


You could not get in trouble, specially when you spell it like that...

Sorry. I live in the UK now, so I've had to adopt the safety U. It's used in a surprising number of places here (ever heard of "mould"? you know it as "mold"). But hey, at least we have the comfort of a little extra protection.

From, uh, you know, um, whatever it is a U can protect you from. . . .

Voidrunner's Codex

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