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For More Than Glory


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(Cart it is then.)

The shard of crate hits the black wall and falls to the floor, but a few splinters of it remain stuck in the surface.

Fleck shudders at Valdir's suggestion. "Then they may still be alive.... we need to find a way in there."

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"Is there anything on the creatures or in their stash that might release those people....if they're still alive?" Argus asks while he wanders around now, looking for anything that might be able to break through or trigger whatever magic or the like may be binding the victims.
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Downtime post

Fleck remains quiet through the reunions and on the trip home, and takes his leave of the group almost immediately off the ship in Ettledein. Taking some relish in the return to relative civilization, he immediately finds a place to live and set up his alchemist's lab, making a brisk business on his wares - not just alchemical, but potions and simple enchantments - in the market city.

In his success, though, he neglects to keep a low profile. Halfway through the winter, he is approached by an agent of the Baron, and given an offer: Move to the capital and take up residence, with the guard and army as his biggest client. The alternative they offer is to face trial for unauthorized manufacture and trafficking of "dangerous materials". With little other choice, he goes along.

On arriving in Dumeldein, he is given a small apartment off the Bards' Plaza, with just enough room to set up his lab and still live comfortably. All told, it's not a bad deal, and while his clientele is no longer as diverse, they pay well, and he is free to come and go as he please, and still sell much of his wares to the public. Also in residence nearby are several other alchemists and researchers from around the kingdom - the rumor among them is that the Kaiser is looking for a magical advantage against the frost giant holdings in the north, even though there is no official conflict.

Come spring, Fleck dispatches letters to the rest of the group, informing them of where he can be found and how he can be reached.


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Meier's Downtime post

Meier likewise heads out immediately, arriving in Dumeldein some weeks later. After renting a somewhat posh converted loft, he sets about practicing his trade, and sending letters to his once upon a time colleagues informing them of his location and generally keeping fences mended.

That winter, he scores big, seizing a small chest full of rare gems from Thoradur out of a warehouse near the docks. Spending like there was no tomorrow, he quickly exhausted the supply of gems on parties, women, Dreamweaver and lavish living, butshortly after the money runs out, word reached him through his friends in the Guild that the original owner of the gems had discovered that Meier had stolen them.

By Spring, the noose is tightening, and Meier sends letters to the others with the intention of getting the group back together. He says for adventure; he means to get his butt out of Dumeldein before a contract is put out on him.

Ah, the life of Meier!


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Valdir spends much of his time during the winter living in what wilds surrounding Ettledein. Shortly after arrival, he sets up shop as a bowyer and archery instructor for the local militia. Occasionally, he drops by Fleck's blossoming shop and visits, replenishes his 'special' arrows and discusses future inventions Fleck might work on. An alchemical version of Dust of Sneezing and Choking being one of them.

Although his skills as a bowyer are not highly prized, his skills at archery and scouting become well known quickly and it is all he can do to avoid getting drafted into the militia. Only the genophobia common among much of the local commanders and Valdir's propensity to 'disappear' from time to time without notice seem to help him avoid the situation.

Midway through winter, the threat of being drafted into the ranks reaches its peak. It is about that time that Fleck mentions going to Dumeldein. Giving one of his characteristic shrugs, he announces that he will accompany Fleck, claiming a change of scenery as his reason for going. Once there, he decides to assume a lower profile, toning down his skills at archery and blending in as an average bowyer and slightly above average scout.

Living in the wilds much of the time, Valdir lives the type of simple living surrounded by nature that tends to soothe his soul and rejuvinate his adventurous spirit. The trees care not that he is elven, in fact, if Rolf were to ask them, they would probably prefer his company to most humans...


Rolf escorts the others down to the port, but then returns to spend the winter with his family on Olynar. And with the winter being particularly harsh, everybody was glad to have a druid around.

As spring rolls around, Rolf attends his sister's small but pleasant wedding. All longing for adventure seemed to have left Henrik, but Otto seems to have experienced an opposite effect. Shortly after the wedding, Rolf and Otto depart Olynar together. Upon reaching Mittendein, they part ways, and Rolf heads to Ettledein to meet up with the others.

Once there, he has trouble finding anybody. After a few days, however, one of the letters actually manages to find its way to him, and Rolf then departs for Dumeldein.


First Post
Kirran jumps ship earlier than the others, at the rowdy freeport at the mouth of the river, not really interested in heading back into Mittendein with winter coming on if he can avoid it. After a few days listening to the local gossip, something catches his ear about the relatively young Dwarvish port in Cryndon still looking for help with this and that, keeping down smugglers and the like, and he figures, why not? With some searching he manages to find a ship heading southward.

As he's gathering his things to disembark, though, another traveller gets on and has a quiet conversation with the captain, and he catches the word "Suryanasta". This causes him to pause for a minute, and a little thought and a surreptitious coin flip decides him: it's bound to be warmer there, and he's never been there, and again, why not?

The other traveler, as it turns out, is a monk of Aohalim, recalled from her journey by her order. Kirran figures he won't be much interested in whatever's troubling an order as damnably law-abiding as hers, but he learns the local customs from her in any case, to avoid any trouble he's not gone looking for.

He lives a strange, drifting life for his few months in the desert cities of Suryanasta, helping out an apothecary from time to time with his modest skill with potions but mostly just chasing rumors and making brief forays into the nearby wilderness looking for interesting things. After a while, when none of the rumors have borne fruit and the winter is fading in the north, he takes ship back up the coast to the major cities of Mittendein.

Meier's letter misses him entirely, somehow, but Fleck's eventually reaches him when he drops in to one of the temples and it's passed to him by another cleric, who just shrugs when Kirran looks at the now-crumpled, smudged, and grubby bit of paper with some dubiousness. Then he just settles in to wait for the winter to give way to the beginnings of spring.


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Standing over the bodies, Meier thought back on the events of the past three weeks. The group had got back together, which was nice in a way Meier wasn't really familiar with, but simply accepted. Of them all, Valdir was the most like him, and he was a damn tree-hugging fey-lovin' elf. All in all, gave him pause to think about some of his assumptions. Mostly to conclude that Valdir must be a fluke.

Three weeks ago they'd left Dumeldein, capitol of Mittendein. And not a moment too soon, if his instincts were correct. Whoever was supposed to have received that gem shipment he stole (and squandered) was looking for the culprit in a hard way, so when the group decided to head to Kinrisar by way of Ceomyr through Thoradur, he didn't argue...

Odd how peacefully the journey had started, considering the companion he was staring at now - headless and deposited into an unmarked pit in some Gods-forsaken cave a mile below ground.

Stein, the man who'd hired them as caravan guards, had warned them that the hundreds of miles of tunnels between cities in Thoradur weren't safe, but Meier had assumed that meant bandits, or maybe goblins. Not Gelyk-curst freakin' giants. What the hells were Giants doing here anyway?

Meier shook his head to clear the thoughts of irony and remorse. A friend had tied fighting nobly. He steadfastly refused to remember that he'd thought of slitting his throat sometime just a few nights before.

The battle started well enough - a frost giant (for surely that's what it was!) laying in ambush for them, who got himself ambushed instead. Within a quarter minute, the giant was running for his life, but ol' Gadreman had gone into his frenzy thing and gone toe to toe with the giant.

It even looked like it would go his way too, what with all the wounds this thing was taking. But the undoing was when the second giant rushed in from the flank. Only Argus was in a position to pursue the first giant, which he did. The rest, including Meier himself, were focused on the big blue guy before them.

They almost had the second one dead too when the damned thing went nuts on Gadreman. The thing swept that axe back and forth through the biggest human Meier had ever known as if he was butter - one in the neck, surely a crit, and the other finishing the job.

Meier recalled briefly how it looked when Gadreman's head flew away from its body, and how the group redoubled its efforts and took that bastard giant out right quick. But for Gadreman... it was too late.

Meier smiled, noting that Gadreman probably saved two or three of them from dying, and certainly some heavy damage to those precious caravan wagons. Gadreman would have hated knowing that, and the irony brought another smile to Meier's face.

Finishing burying his companion, Meier paused. Then spoke. "Gadreman, you were sometimes friend, sometimes enemy. But you were always reliable, and always rock solid in the face of danger. Go to your god, and we who survive because of you will remember you. Both for your dark side, and your prowess in battle. We will surely miss your blade in the weeks that come."

With that, Meier turned to the wagons and pondered when food might be cooked up...

Gadreman died gloriously. It was a tough fight - two frost giants. The margin of death was a mere 2 HP. It was close fought.


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((OOC: Sorry for the lateness of my post, been distracted the last few weeks and kinda busy. Consider this a flashback or something. :) ))

Argus tells the others on the boat to Mittendien that he has some business to take care of and some training to finish, so if they wish his aid in whatever they do next, he'll be returning to Mittendien in the coming Spring, passing through the capitol at some point then, and can be contacted there. Once everyone disembarks from the ship, Argus heads out into the wilderness and treks southward for a few weeks, finding the K'ultan barbarian village once more. Many of the warriors/hunters of the tribe are still out looking for him, so the village only has a handful of guards on the watch. Argus sneaks up on one and renders him unconscious after covering the man's mouth to silence him, setting the unconscious guard down somewhere he won't be noticed by the other guards around the village. Argus slips in and makes his way to the shaman's lodge, shushing the shaman when he enters, saying quietly that he's not there to do any harm and that he wasn't chieftain Hrel'tar's murderer. The shaman, Pah'rel, is dubious on that matter but hears out the Hibridean once again.

Argus gives his case to the tribe's shaman, but has nothing significant to back himself up. He's told to leave before the rest of the warriors return, as Pah'rel won't help him and the tribe will be moving south again to avoid the worst of the coming winter. Pah'rel does believe Argus to an extent though, and helps Argus leave the village unnoticed. The two speak briefly outside the village, Pah'rel being only moderately fluent in Mittendienish whereas the rest of the tribe knows none of the language, and Argus expresses an interest in at least receiving Pah'rel's assistance in seeking Eraekoth's blessing. He believes the deity has aided him somewhat lately, and thinks Eraekoth supports him, so asks Pah'rel to use a scroll Argus recovered some time ago, to restore Argus' ability to draw on nature's power. He cares not for Talina and her domains any longer, and will only call on Eraekoth the Lord of Storms for aid. Pah'rel is hesitant, but agrees after some convincing by Argus. A brief ritual later, and Argus pledges himself to Eraekoth, the tribe's patron deity. He still has grudges to avenge, and a renewed degree of respect for nature, for which Eraekoth seems to accept his atonement. Argus agrees to Pah'rel's demand that he return someday in the next few years to settle matters with the other tribesmen and accept his punishment if deemed guilty. For now, he leaves the K'ultan village and heads out to the sea, traveling a week or so, and makes a few sacrifices of animals, foodstuffs, and wine he had procured in Dumeldein before leaving.

The former monk heads out south then into unclaimed wilderness, traveling along the coastline for the first few days before heading somewhat westward and eventually into Paludosan territory. He heads a bit further south into Paludosus while hunting and foraging to survive, occasionally fighting off savage lizardmen or other swamp-beasts, outrunning them when needed, and eventually made his way to a Paludosan town controlled by the more civilized lizardfolk. The winter cold is less intense here than Mittendien, and Argus ekes out a living in the town for a few months with some of the treasure he had recovered back on Olynar. He has trouble staying out of trouble with the locals, but manages to learn some of the lizards' tongue through paying a few lizardmen who knew Mittendienish. Inevitably, his temper gets the best of him eventually in Paludosus, and Argus ends up in a duel with one of the lizardfolk's lesser nobles. He bests the lizardman in combat, but with severe injury and a sudden need to get out of town before the lizardman took it personally....no sense getting lynched or slain in some back alley of Paludosus due to some young lizardman noble with a grudge.

Argus makes his way northward again post-haste, and heads through the wilderness to the southern edges of Thoradur, where he stumbles in trying to talk with the dwarves for directions, and he ends up heading in what he thinks is the direction of Mittendien again. He catches a cold along the way, and curses Talina's winter not for the first time. Eventually, Argus finds his way to a Mittendienish village being rebuilt, Tillich, and from this unfamiliar town he gets directions to reach Dumeldein again.

((OOC: Argus spent 3 months with a Meager lifestyle and 3 months with a Common lifestyle, so spent 140 sp and 148 gp on upkeep. He spent a 50-gp green iolite stone to purchase offerings that he then sacrificed to Eraekoth. Argus spent 2,000 gp of the treasure he got on Olynar to get a Handy Haversack in Dumeldein before leaving. Argus sold his old masterwork quarterstaff at some point for 150 gp, and threw out his old backpack since he probably couldn't have sold it. Argus bought a Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds in Dumeldein as well for 300 gp, leaving him with 18 gp, 64 sp, 6 cp, and a few gems.))


The night after we exposed the drow mage, Rolf has a series of dreams where he sees himself as an eagle soaring through the skies, then a deer slipping quietly through the forest, then a bear hibernating, and so on, ending with a lengthy dream of him as a wolf hunting down its prey.

In the morning, he awakens next to Pup, but he is in the form of a wolf. After shifting back into human form, he discovers that he retains the wolf's heightened sense of smell, and that Nylaethia has granted him deeper insight into calling upon her blessings. Recalling his previous conversation with the dwarf, he calls an extended-version plant growth on the settlement's fungus farms before the caravan moves on.

Voidrunner's Codex

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