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For the Love of Tomeri...(23June2004)


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On Lammed, an Allthing of Gods had been called. Recent events, particularly the death of Tomeri, a Greater Goddess, had shaken up the pantheon. Several other Small Gods had been destroyed in the fighting, and at this point the Powers of Space and Time - gods so powerful they barely rated as gods - had called people with connections to Lammed from around the Multiverse to see if they wanted to become deities, to become Powers themselves.

Serena had been contacted in a more direct way, of course, but to Cade this was the biggest opportunity of his life. He said yes immediately, and felt a massive surge of power inside him as he became a demigod of Commerce, Luck and Wealth.

He opened his eyes to see Deus standing in front of him. The other halfling had also become a demigod, dealing with Trade and Industry. The two struck a deal, allowing worshippers to give equal worship to the two of them.

Cade's mind opened in a way that can't be described, his new power flooding inside him. He became aware of everything around him, of every trade deal ever struck on Lammed, worshippers all around Lammed searching for his name, to be able to worship him. His grin widened ever more.

However, his first godly action was a regretful one. He mentally reached out to Sir Osbourne and bid him return to the service of Bahamut in full. Although Cade had grown to like the Paladin, his rigid lawful morals were going to be difficult to accomodate. Too difficult.

Searching amongst his new knowledge, Cade found a young halfling woman known as Marchesa Two Cuts. She was charming, polite, witty, capable...and the deadliest kukri fighter around. Cade summoned her to his side and made her his personal assistant and bodyguard.

At the end of the AllThing, Cade was pleased to see that in addition to himself and Serena, Caleb had accepted the offer. His mephits now looked like men in mineral form, although they still bickered amongst themselves. Littlby was holding a page from sort of book - he didn't look quite divine himself by Cade could see that power flowed from the page to the Dwarf, granting him similar power.

The group looked at each other.

"So, now we're all gods, eh?" chortled Caleb. "Let's go kick some undead arse then."

Serena put forth her hands, and plane shifted them to Pandamonium.

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Howling winds surrounded them, winds that would drive non-divine creatures insane. But the group stood firm. They were in a cavern, surrounded by stone.

Cade realised he'd started thinking of them as the Godsquad, and resolved to never, ever let anyone else know this.

Caleb concentrated, summoning the Stone Spirit he had rescued in Sigil (Note: This event not in the Story Hour, sorry). A huge, obese fat form appeared, surrounded by small creatures that quickly stole all the food from the groups packs. It spoke to Caleb, and he relayed the information that it could lead them to the general location of the Wand.

Serena took charge. "We need the circlet to touch the skull on the Wand," she said confidently. "The Wand is here somewhere, on the lowest level of the plane. The circlet is...Littlby?"

Littlby cast a spell and responded "The circlet is on the Outlands. We should head there immediately."

Splitting up, Cade and Caleb teleported down as Littlby and Serena planeshifted again to the Outlands, arriving and then teleporting again to the location of the circlet. It was in the possession of an ancient mummy, striding towards Mechanus. Littlby took one look and cast delayed blast fireball, instantly incinerating the ancient undead form. The circlet, slightly warped and hot to the touch, dropped to the ground. Serena eagerly snatched it up - scorching her hand in the process - and planeshifted back to Pandamonium.

Cade and Caleb had found things a little harder. Although the Stone Spirit could lead them to the general location of the wand, it wasn't close enough. Running forwards, they had discovered that in the next cave a half-ogre was stood over an altar, a knife in his hand. Nearing him, they physically felt the change as they hit a powerful anti-magic field. After quickly exploring the surrounding area, they returned to him, Cade drawing his shortsword and calling out "If you don't want this embedded in your face you'll tell us where the Wand is!"

The half ogre visibly paled and quaked. He pointed down a tunnel, and Caleb picked him up bodily and started running, Cade close behind. And then, distantly on their godly conscienceness, Tenebrous was coming!

Calen and Cade stopped just before a massive magical barrier. The Half Ogre laughed at them. "You can't stop Him! He will destroy you and make you as dust!"

Caleb dropped him to the ground. Striking a heroic pose, he drew forth AGGEMAM the Destroyer, the mighty Hammer he had found in the Outlands. He summoned all his godly power and might, and brought down the Wrath of the Gods upon the barrier blocking his way. Cade covered his eyes.

An incredible concussive force blasted out. All around them, Pandamonium rang like a struck bell as the vibrations moved through it, each one resounding to the words "Caleb was here...!" Caleb himself was the only thing that stayed standing, and once Cade picked himself up and opened his eyes he saw the barrier was down.

The two ran forwards again.

As they entered the next room...Tenebrous was entering on the other side!


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In the centre of the cavern - The Wand of Orcus. A black fluted piece of metal topped by a skull, the whole thing throbbing with power.

On one side - Caleb and Cade, running in to try and stop the person on the other side - Tenebrous, Orcus reborn.

And finally, between Tenebrous and the Wand - Nyon. Standing bravely in the way. Cade mentally searched for anything he could do, but before he could complete the thought, Tenebrous opened his mouth and spoke the Final Word, and without a second more Nyon simply ceased to be. The backlash crackled through Tenebrous, and Cade could see what it was costing him to use the awesome power of the Final Word.

At that moment, Serena and Littlby appeared in the cavern, teleporting in.

Cade swore he would always remember the next few seconds of his existence for as long as he lived.

Tenebrous turning towards Serena, who was carrying the Circlet.

Littlby trying to mouth a spell to prevent him.

Cade stood stock still, knowing that all he could do was remember this moment in detail.

Serena moving forwards, holding the circlet.

Tenebrous opening his mouth.

Caleb finishing his spell first and driving Tenebrous down into the ground. The spell worked like an imprisonment, catching Tenebrous off guard with his attention focused on Serena and sucking him down.

Serena dropping the Circlet gently onto the Skull, careful not to be touching the Circlet at the moment of contact.

And finally, in terrible, wonderful slow motion, the Wand, Circlet and Tenebrous himself crumbling to dust, piece by tiny piece. Cade could feel the body of Tenebrous being sucked out to the Astral Plane, a Dead God again, and he could feel the incredible wave of negative energy that burst from him, although it didn't affect Cade himself.

Serena stopped. Cade stopped. Caleb stopped. Littlby stopped.

It was over.

Tenebrous was destroyed.

Next - The Celebration!


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Planeshift. Teleport.

The temple of Tomeri, Tal'Chuan, Lammed.

The four new demigods appeared together. All around them priests and priestesses were busy in work, unaware of what had occoured on a distant plane. Cade planned to change all that. His voice boomed out:

"Here me, O ye people of the city! Let it be known that Cade Highdale, Serena Allman, Caleb and Littlby Cakebeard have destroyed the undead Tenebrous! Praise them with great praise!"

And the people rejoiced in all the ways of the city. The word spread quickly, helped not a little by Cade's sendings to everyone he could think of. A groundswell of belief reverberated through the four of them.

Serena stepped forwards herself, and spoke the Word of Rebirth for Tomeri. In a blaze of light, Tomeri reformed in front of the crowds. She turned to Serena, and enveloped her in a hug as the masses cheered and celebrated. Although now a mortal, Tomeri pledged herself to the four demigods that had taken on the responsibilty of her powers, and vowed to help them all in any way she could.

Cade smiled to himself. He knew this was a day that would never be bettered.

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