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FORBES: Out of the Abyss preview

Article here. Mostly just covers NPCs in the campaign and that's it, along with respective portraits. Have to say, so far it seems like I was watching a Saturday morning cartoon reading about them all Is that bad? This looks absolutely amazing to me.

Article here. Mostly just covers NPCs in the campaign and that's it, along with respective portraits. Have to say, so far it seems like I was watching a Saturday morning cartoon reading about them all

Is that bad? This looks absolutely amazing to me.


You know you're not really in the Underdark right? This is just a fantasy game so if playing in these kinds of conditions make you think certain things then maybe you need to take a break from the game for a while.

I can tell you that my group have playing in Underdark campaigns for years and not all creatures are depressed or are in bad moods. I don't need Wizards adding unwanted silliness to a world that is dark, alien, and at the same time full of life, death, and lot's of other wonders.

dude, what are you talking about? Everyone here knows this is just a game. And everyone's Underdark is going to be a little different than someone else's. What is your point? Did WotC just ruin 5e for you?

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But this isn't anywhere near good comic relief, it's rather appalling actually.

Also, enough comic relief comes from the group itself, we don't need a product based around it, especially coming from Chris Perkins.

If they were doing loads of products then sure throw one in there, I just won't buy it and gladly buy something else. Unfortunately they aren't doing that this time around and so I am forced to wait, yet again, for an actual good product.

Fine, you don't like the vague "humor" of an adventure you haven't seen yet aside from some portraits and names, that's fine. Don't play it.

But *waiting* for a good product is ridiculous. 5e is purposely compatible with old editions. I've already run Ravenloft and Saltmarsh with NO PROBLEMS, so why do you need official 5e stat blocks in a shiny new product to run a game? D&D has forty friggin years of stories out there, and all you're swapping out is a couple of statblocks for monsters! What more do you need???


First Post
Alice and Wonderland whimsy mixed into an Underdark adventure sounds like a great idea for most people here? Really? To me, it sounds completely ridiculous and lowers my interest in the adventure to almost zero. I understand that we don't have the entire book yet so I'll reserve my final opinion until I can see it but as of right now Out of the Abyss definitely sounds like something I'm going to have to pass on.

Weird Dave

Yup. Totally hooked. Whimsical, memorable, and dangerous NPCs set amidst an overwhelming influx of demonic influence in a lightless realm of horror and madness. What's not to love here?



Seriously though, it looks like the overwhelming response is pretty positive, and that's a good thing, no matter how you look at it.

Another really good thing? If you're already in the underdark playing the way you like, nothing is stopping you from continuing to do so when this is released. I have it on good authority that Zuggtmoy won't cast a spell ruining all of your Underdark reference material in a couple weeks. And I'm pretty sure no one is going to force you to buy it either.

Isn't that great news! :D


"Corpsetaker" is not amused lol.

I've liked all the previews so far, and am glad to see some personality injected into the adventure. Forgotten Realms can come across as a bit Middle-Earth-Lite if you're not careful to add a helping of Sword & Sorcery and a dash of humor.


Sounds like a total blast to me. And man, D&D players are a tough crowd. Someone else said this a few weeks ago, and I agree with him completely: I'm glad I'm not in WotC's development or marketing team, because the reactions are so polarized it'd be impossible to figure out how to please the base.

I'm getting this, but will withhold judgement on the whimsy until I've read/played it - it seems pretty dark whimsy! Easy to adjust if it doesn't fit the table, but some quirky NPCs are always good. Saves me racking my brain for something memorable!

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