D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator


Wow, just posted the 2,000th comment in this thread, 101 pages... Top Download (835K) and Highest Rated (118). Awesome. Thanks to everyone who has contributed over the year and a half(ish) to get this far it's just tremendous! Well done everyone! Keep the feedback rolling in and if you haven't done so, take a moment to up vote and like the download :) Thank you!
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First Post
Had the wrong variables assigned for those cells, updated and corrected in the next build. Thanks for the feedback!

For the correct variables use

Armor =ArmorClassBase
Shield = ArmorClassShield
Dex for now use =IF(CharacterLevel="","",IF(ArmorDEXmod="",DEXMod,ArmorDEXmod)) it will become =ArmorClassDEX
Other =ArmorClassBonus

This should work as intended.

Tested and working. Thanks FA!


Just a clarification...on your turn you can take an action and a possible bonus action (if you have a way to use it). If you are 2nd level+ fighter you have the Action Surge feature which, once per short or long rest, grants you an additional action, but not another bonus action. You still only get one bonus action on your turn. If I claimed otherwise in a previous posting, I was wrong.



Just a clarification...on your turn you can take an action and a possible bonus action (if you have a way to use it). If you are 2nd level+ fighter you have the Action Surge feature which, once per short or long rest, grants you an additional action, but not another bonus action. You still only get one bonus action on your turn. If I claimed otherwise in a previous posting, I was wrong.

View attachment 77959

Correct text to just say "one additional action", thanks for the feedback - makes it clearer.


Finally got a chance to update to Build 5. RL has been a b___ch lately.

Congratulations. NO issues detected.

Hope to be able to put some time in on the IFU soon. If anyone wants to lend a hand, PM me.

As always, FA, much appreciation for your efforts.


First Post
Hi, this thing is HUGE! I love it!
Just some questions,
there's a way to add a two weapon attack in the "attack" section of the charsheet?
there's a way to auto populate the "possession on person" when u choose your pack?
can i ovveride a damage and add a formula to add the bonus from the str mod? like i add a new weapon that have a 1d10+strmod damage?
and imho the +1AC for the feat "dual wielder" should pop as "other" in the sheet not just addup in the AC
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Hi, this thing is HUGE! I love it!
Just some questions,
there's a way to add a two weapon attack in the "attack" section of the charsheet?
there's a way to auto populate the "possession on person" when u choose your pack?
can i ovveride a damage and add a formula to add the bonus from the str mod? like i add a new weapon that have a 1d10+strmod damage?
and imho the +1AC for the feat "dual wielder" should pop as "other" in the sheet not just addup in the AC

Nice one,

1. If its a two ended weapon then use the damage override to represent this e.g. 1d6+2 / 1d6 (or more fancier ="1d6+"&STRmod&" / 1d6", this will update if ur stat changes. If you mean a second offhand attack just add that detail in a second weapon (Attack). If you mean the Action / Bonus Action attack the use the overrides on the Start sheet under additional Actions.
2. This requires a macro, there are currently no macros used in the file. I plan to add a reset and import function only to the sheet. I am avoiding macros to maximize compatibility and have the ability to design your own character sheets. All packs are listed in the Dropdown list in CSII or just type the pack name in and their weights will auto populate.
3. The tool will autoselect either STRmod or DEXmod based on the weapon type (ranged versus melee), if it is a finesse weapon and which stat is highest (Dex vs Str). So if u get a Str enhancement that is better than your Dex then it dynamically auto calculates for Str. You can override using the attack and damage overrides and STRmod or DEXmod variables. If you unlock say Character Sheet I and go to Formulas > Show Formula you can see every formula used in the sheet
4. It is meant to work like this. Had the wrong variables assigned for those cells, updated and corrected in the next build. You can unprotect any sheet and customize it how you like (DYO). For the correct variables unlock character sheet I and use the following for the values beside the Armor Class value.

Armor =ArmorClassBase
Shield = ArmorClassShield
Dex for now use =IF(CharacterLevel="","",IF(ArmorDEXmod="",DEXMod, ArmorDEXmod)) it will become =ArmorClassDEX
Other =ArmorClassBonus
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First Post

I have to say that this sheet is awesome, I've been using it for a while already and I've decided that it's time to contribute, if you allow me to.

On the one hand, I can help with the Spanish translations as that's my mother tongue, and I already have some experience to make accurate translations for this context in particular.

On the other hand, I've seen that in the latest version (2.0) you've included the Favored soul of the sorcerer. Awesome! The problem I've found is that it has pre-selected the life domain of the cleric, but either there is no place to change it (bug or not implemented, although if life domain is pre-selected there is already some implementation), or I'm blind, which is also a possibility! Hahaha

Those are my two notes, if you let me help at least with translations, I would be very happy to contribute. I'm also a programmer and I've already done some small tasks "D&D-5e related", so if I can help with that as well even better.


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