D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator


The only issue I see is the abilities section is full and gets cut off.

For a single class character there is not a problem here that I have seen, but for multi-class characters not having enough space can indeed be a problem. Unfortunately, there is a limited amount of space available on CSI. For missing abilities, you can add that information in other places, though. Perhaps use CSV for some? I know that it won't be as handy as having all the information on CSI, but again, limited space.

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AL material is a sub-set of the official rules. There are limits in place for AL to ensure things run (more) smoothly.

Threatening to use another tool because it supports unofficial material is juvenile at best. If you want to use another tool, nobody is stopping you, and it won't hurt ForgedAnvil's feelings at all.

AL typically allows all official material (with very minor modifications on occasion) - it just restricts each character to only use PHB+1 book. This will be the first time that AL will allow non-published material.

Who's threatening? It was a simple statement of fact and an honest question - if FA will not support AL when these classes become legal, who is the target audience? Locally, I don't know of a single home game that does not allow UA material so FA isn't useful for those which leaves AL (but, if it's not going to be useful for that either, what is the purpose/target?).

AL typically allows all official material (with very minor modifications on occasion) - it just restricts each character to only use PHB+1 book. This will be the first time that AL will allow non-published material.

Who's threatening? It was a simple statement of fact and an honest question - if FA will not support AL when these classes become legal, who is the target audience? Locally, I don't know of a single home game that does not allow UA material so FA isn't useful for those which leaves AL (but, if it's not going to be useful for that either, what is the purpose/target?).

I can't speak for FA, but I bet I can get close regarding Target Audience: FA himself. Sharing it with enworld isn't likely a profitable venture. Hundreds of hours of time has gone into creating a tool that is distributed for free. This is NOT some profit seeking product that needs to care about sales goals and marketing. As a DM, I make my players use it. If they want UA material, we figure it out. It works great for rolling up DM cheat sheets when everyones character sheet has the same named ranges.
Either use the cool free thing made available or don't. Its really up to you. I use it with UA material all the time. If you have any excel familiarity at all you too can use it with UA material. The hardest part is you have to think through how to accomplish some things but pretty much all of them can be done.... The literal worse case is you make a copy of CS1 and unprotect it and start overwriting blocks with new formulas.


First Post
Wild Shape proficiency bonus too low

Excel 2013 (15.0.4937.1000)
ForgedAnvil Character Generator 2.24
Moon Druid 6
Variant Human, DEX+1 and WIS+1
Feats: Magic Initiate (Wizard, Human), Resilient (Constitution, Druid 4)
Saving throw proficiencies: Wisdom, Intelligence, Constitution (Resilient)
Proficiency bonus: 3
DEX 16 (15+1 Human)
CON 14 (13+1 Resilient)
INT 10
WIS 16 (15+1 Human)
CHA 10

Wild Shape - Cave/Polar Bear (MM334)
STR 20 (+5)
DEX 10 (+0)
CON 16 (+3)
INT 10 (+0)
WIS 16 (+3)
CHA 10 (+0)

Saving Throws (stat + PB):
STR +5 (5+0=5)
DEX +0 (0+0=0)
CON +5 (3+3=6)
INT +2 (0+3=3)
WIS +5 (3+3=6)
CHA +0 (0+0=0)

Proficiency bonus is +3 on Character Sheet I but is 2 on Wild Shape page. Physical skills and hit bonuses of beast form also affected (Athletics +7, bite +7 instead of +8). Seems to affect all beast forms.

Originally I used the importer with an older version of the character so I tested with a new sheet and it shows the same problem.
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Bob Archer

First Post
I'm trying to level my Rouge to level 3. I chose the Arcane Trickster archetype. So far so good. But, it won't let me select or type in the Wizard spell I want.

Per the PHB p98 you know 3 1st level Wizard spells, two must be from Illusion and Enchantment. Having done that, I can't see how to put in the third spell not from those schools.



First Post
I'm trying to level my Rouge to level 3. I chose the Arcane Trickster archetype. So far so good. But, it won't let me select or type in the Wizard spell I want.

Per the PHB p98 you know 3 1st level Wizard spells, two must be from Illusion and Enchantment. Having done that, I can't see how to put in the third spell not from those schools.


Your statement is correct. What forged has done was place just Illusion and Enchantment spells in the drop down selection for each level on the spellcasting tab. To get the third spell that you want, just type it in an empty line. The spell will still show up on CS III.


First Post
I'm trying to level my Rouge to level 3. I chose the Arcane Trickster archetype. So far so good. But, it won't let me select or type in the Wizard spell I want.

Per the PHB p98 you know 3 1st level Wizard spells, two must be from Illusion and Enchantment. Having done that, I can't see how to put in the third spell not from those schools.


Your statement is correct. What forged has done was place just Illusion and Enchantment spells in the drop down selection for each level on the spellcasting tab. To get the third spell that you want, just type it in an empty line. The spell will still show up on CS III.

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