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D&D 5E Forgotten Realms Alliances

Jack Hooligan

Im running Lost Mines of Phandelver...there are a lot of alliances and fraternities the PCs can join.

Can they join more than one? Should the other PCs know who joined what? Are there any that feature more prominently in other adventures?

What does a new group do with these?

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As an introductory adventure, IIRC it advises the PCs not start as a member of any faction. This way they can be introduced in play, allowing the players to decide their opinion of them for themselves.

Factions are a wonky, and because of that a lot of DMs either downplay or ignore them. You can technically be a member of any number of factions, but since each has their own goals and motivations, maintaining allegiance to just two would be really hard, and three all but impossible. In general, their primary use is in DDAL (D&D Adventurer's League) which is organized play.

You can't automatically tell if someone is a member of a faction, but for cooperative play, it's advised that this information be public. Many wear/carry/have a token or icon that indicates their faction, such as the Harper's pin, but the average person probably wouldn't know the significance of it, even if they noticed it in the first place.

I use the same general rules for factions as a form of Reputation. If you do something for a noble, you'll gain some Reputation with that noble. The same for a church, city, guild, etc. This allows me to quickly reference the response NPCs and groups might have with them, depending on their relationship with anyone they have Reputation with. Oh, and I allow for negative Reputation, putting them and their allies as Hostile towards the character.

Jack Hooligan

Well the PCs have just finished Cragmaw Castle so they have 4-5 NPCs In Phandalin now wanting them to join various organizations. They just hit 4th level. I ended the session there so I figure out what to do with all these invites.


They are there to use and can give aid or items. They mostly belong to the Adventurers League system for conventions and play at local game stores.

DMs can use them for flavor and provide answers to PCs of the same group. I try to set up some minor quests for PCs who are members of a group such as a Harper quest was to get an item thought lost.I placed it in an up coming dungeon. I also weaved in another thread for the Zhentarim to get it as well. Just try to not have too much conflict among the PCs so they can work together.


Just try to not have too much conflict among the PCs so they can work together.

As a DM in a home game I would probably make a rule for the sake of party unity that either they all join the same faction or none at all. If you have different players pursuing cross purposes thats most likely not going to end well. If you have 2 out of 5 players in a faction and the other 3 decide they want no part of it thats most likely going to divide the parties goals.

Im running Lost Mines of Phandelver...there are a lot of alliances and fraternities the PCs can join.

Can they join more than one? Should the other PCs know who joined what? Are there any that feature more prominently in other adventures?

What does a new group do with these?
The thing to note is they are there as options - the DM is under no obligation to let the PCs join any of them, and for a new DM unfamiliar with Forgotten Realms politics, I wouldn't bother with any of them. If they feel they must join something, have a altruistic party all join the Harpers, and a mercenary party all join the Zhents.

Whilst there are not hard and fast rules about joining multiple factions, it would be like someone trying to be a member of two different political parties in the real world.

NB, the Baldur's Gate CRPG can serve as a primer on FR factions, potential party members are aligned with several different ones.

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