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Forgotten Realms "Canon Lawyers"


First Post
Unfortunately, no, it doesn't. I use the wiki on occasion, but most pages are very low in detail, meaning I usually have to go to the primary sources to get anything other than the most cursory outline.

Then we are on opposite sides of the fence when it comes to Faerun. You are looking for more depth of detail than I am.

The wiki provided me with tons of ideas and information. I did reference books, namely the 3ed Campaign Setting book, plus the Vilhon Reach and Lands of Intrigue pdfs. However, the wiki was my primary source.

.....if you want to kill rulers left and right, make a new setting, or thoroughly research what would happen in a shared setting, and if you do, you can fine interesting and far reaching conceuquences for the pcs to try to diminish.

I am sorry if this seems antagonistic. Maybe you feel that you shouldn't need to actually read much to be able to make big personalized changes in a shared setting, but i strongly disagree in general, not just with FR.

I am confused about Brother Richard's use of the term "shared setting". Aside from those sitting at the table playing; who would be affected by the killing off of any powerful NPC?, what effect would it have on others if the consequences and ripple effect of the assassination did not jibe with anybody but the PCs expectations?

As a game setting who beyond those players in each group that play in FR "share" it?

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Writer for CY_BORG, Forbidden Lands and Dragonbane
I am confused about Brother Richard's use of the term "shared setting". Aside from those sitting at the table playing; who would be affected by the killing off of any powerful NPC?, what effect would it have on others if the consequences and ripple effect of the assassination did not jibe with anybody but the PCs expectations?

As a game setting who beyond those players in each group that play in FR "share" it?

Maybe he's talking about the RPGA and Living Forgotten Realms? Other than that, I'm as non-plussed as you are. What goes on at my table isn't a part of any shared setting.



Front Range Warlock
This would certainly be my preferred approach to running FR, although fear of Primal-esque canon lawyers might deter me from actually running the game.

I feel you, but this is a situation that can fortunately be solved with very little hassle — I ask canon lawyers to take a hike. :)

I find this "You shouldn't be running FR if you aren't going to stick to canon and read tons of novels & supplements" thing odd.

I understand it, so it's not so much odd for me as it is extremely frustrating.

You might think people would be glad that others are interested in their favourite setting, rather than saying that only canon lawyers should be using it.

Well, IME, canon lawyers don't really want to play in their preferred setting so much as they want to show off their knowledge of it and flaunt that over other people. In my opinion, being a canon lawer is less about love for a given setting than it is about exerting control over others and making oneself the center of attention.


You didn't know that Alustriel is a Chosen, which would be in a book about it, and also, Silverymoon, while one city is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT POLITICALLY. it is the center of the North. Without it, there would be huge conceuquences.
I don't see anything about Chosen in my grey box.

Why should they exist in my Realms?

I don't feel it is the settings fault if you didn't even read a full source about the main city you are using. i feel like you would get a similar reaction in almost any campaign setting not homebrewed. if you want to kill rulers left and right, make a new setting, or thoroughly research what would happen in a shared setting, and if you do, you can fine interesting and far reaching conceuquences for the pcs to try to diminish.
I'd extrapolate from the other nearby places in the Grey Box and ignore the other setting stuff. The consequences of an assassination would be whatever I deemed them to be.

I am sorry if this seems antagonistic. Maybe you feel that you shouldn't need to actually read much to be able to make big personalzied changes in a shared setting, but i strongly disagree in general, not just with FR.
There's nothing shared about the setting, though. It's me and my players, and in this theoretical game, I've said "Grey box is the only canonical source for the Realms. No novels, no other sourcebooks, no Avatar, no Spellplague. This is how it is."

I can do whatever I want to the Realms. I can do whatever I want to the Star Wars Universe.

Setting canon should be used for inspiration, and never for limitation. I want to read a setting book for ideas of what I can make happen - not for limits and things that I should not change, lest there be dire consequences.


I can do whatever I want to the Realms. I can do whatever I want to the Star Wars Universe.

Ironicly my idea (loose idea not run yet, or even close to ready to run) for a non canon star wars game, one where we play Phanotm Menece, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the sith...however they are nothing like the movies. Infact take only the orginal trilogy (new hope, empire, jedi) and take what they say about history to be the only canon... is the regarded by all the canon lawyers as an awsome idea...

so we have no jar jar, we have obewan be yoda's student, we have vador hunt down and kill the jedi...

kinda funny how no one says "But jar jar...or but 3po was built by anikin"


Well, IME, canon lawyers don't really want to play in their preferred setting so much as they want to show off their knowledge of it and flaunt that over other people. In my opinion, being a canon lawer is less about love for a given setting than it is about exerting control over others and making oneself the center of attention.
This is so true. The FR Forum Lead from the Wizards Forums fits this to a tee.:hmm:


First Post
You know, I've been following this thread but there's something I don't think either side has actually said (perhaps I missed it?)

What exactly should be considered "reasonable" information that a DM should know about the Realms...

What exactly should be considered "reasonable" information that a DM should know about the Realms...

Another question would be the differences between a "reasonable" amount of knowledge about the Realms, and the amount of knowledge generally perceived to be necessary to run the Realms. In my opinion, there is a significant gap between these two things.

Brother Richard

First Post
What i'm Trying To Say

its fine if you decide to use only certain things, but you would encounter problems in any shared setting. The problem with FR and not most other settings is the overload of canon from novels, but none of the examples given have really addressed problems with issues stemming from this canon.


Staff member
You know, I've been following this thread but there's something I don't think either side has actually said (perhaps I missed it?)

What exactly should be considered "reasonable" information that a DM should know about the Realms...

"Reasonable" is a sliding scale that depends upon the DM- how much does he need to run a good game without going into information overload.

As I stated before, for me, its the stuff in the game books and nothing more. And even then, I generally only keep the stuff I'm intending to use immanently or just used recently at my mental fingertips. Everything else, I can look up.

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