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Forked Thread: "The Death of the Imagination" re: World of Warcraft


First Post
I don't think it is WoW itself, but the grind of any activity taken to extremes as WoW and other things are that kill imagination. That is a function of obsession more than the object of said affection. Although, I was wondering what I thought dwarves sounded like before I played WoW and I can't remember, I automatically go to that Scottish accent which I don't think is right.

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Doug McCrae

Sure, WoW kills the imagination. So do minis, dungeon tiles, published modules, pictures in rpg products and Tolkien ripoffs. Not to mention comic books, TV, movies and pretty much anything else that people like.

Steely Dan

Sure, WoW kills the imagination. So do minis, dungeon tiles, published modules, pictures in rpg products and Tolkien ripoffs. Not to mention comic books, TV, movies and pretty much anything else that people like.

Trannies will kill my imagination…?




Liquid Awesome
Put me in the camp that says that WoW doesn't kill imagination. It just takes up time that could be used imagining other things.

That's not a "bad" thing either. As the saying goes, "time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time".

Furthermore, I don't feel like I disengage my brain and just push a bunch of buttons when I'm playing WoW. Now I'm certainly not all that focused on the story aspects as I don't see much point in engaging with a story where I can't have any lasting effect on the world I'm playing in. But there is a LOT of logistics to consider in WoW and I find that part of the game both engaging and interesting.

It doesn't replace the fun that I get from playing RPG's and I certainly think it is more creative and engaging than watching TV. My personal evidence for me is that, when I've had a long day at work and feel tired, I usually think to myself, "I'm too tired to play WoW. I'll just watch some TV instead." I would further argue that, in at least some aspects, it is more imaginitive than reading a book since you are making decisions and choosing your own course of action rather than simply absorbing what somebody else has written.

None of this stops me from reading books or watching TV however. Different situations call for different recreations.

I don't think it is WoW itself, but the grind of any activity taken to extremes as WoW and other things are that kill imagination. That is a function of obsession more than the object of said affection. Although, I was wondering what I thought dwarves sounded like before I played WoW and I can't remember, I automatically go to that Scottish accent which I don't think is right.

They are killing your time, which means you have less time to spend on imaginative things.

What I wonder, though, is:
How important is imagination?
In the context of the great wide world, imagination seems pretty important, with out it, we wouldn't have technological or social advancement.

But imagination in games, how important is that? All the time I might spend playing WoW or Guild Wars means that I have less time for "flexing my imagination muscles".

But, if all I do is with my imagination is creating a new space combat rule system and a campaign out-line, how much better is that to blowing off some time on a computer game?

In the end, I do both to enjoy myself.

I could stop grinding EN World any time, but I choose not to.
Lucky you... :heh:


First Post
And playing D&D is part of the solution?

Or should we skip the D&D entirely and spend all our leisure time reading Proust and listening to opera? Now that's edification!

Reading Proust and listening to opera have the same inherent limitations as Warcraft. They are passive experiences (far more so than Warcraft, actually!).

Playing D&D requires a degree of active participation, and, particularly for the player who creates their own character, engages the players creativity. Warcraft *can* also be played this way, and role-players often have detailed backstories and intricate social interactions, even creating entire storylines. But ultimately, every play experience in any online game, including Warcraft, is going to be something that a hundred thousand other people have done (and quite possibly a dozen other of your own characters have done!).

No one character can say, '*I* am the hero of Canton, who saved the village from the Ghobbler!' because *every* character who has gone through that quest line has done that exact same quest, and the villagers thanked him with the exact same dialogue, and then handed him the exact same heirloom sword that they've been saving for generations to hand to their champion. It gets particularly un-inspiring when you are starting up your sixth character, and get to do the same quest line where you find the missing child and are muttering to the screen about how they should just throw this kid to the crocodiles, since he gets lost so much... When the gamer is mocking the game for it's lack of creativity, in this case, a limitation of the genre, since they can't create different quests for each of their million subscribers, there is some validity to the notion that the game isn't the most creatively stimulating thing you could be doing with your afternoon. (Not that it's a contest or anything. Fun is fun, even if it isn't soul-enriching!)

Tabletop gaming also has a stronger social component. In most MMOs, one can 'solo' through a ton of content, and, depending on the game, the character archetype chosen and the amount of patience that player has, you can sometimes 'finish' the game at the highest levels all on your own.

On the other hand, when social play does occur in an online game, you end up meeting new people, often in other states, quite commonly in other countries. Unless you go to gaming conventions every weekend, tabletop gaming is usually with people who are already your friends. Both sides have their advantages, depending on whether you assign more weight to face-to-face interaction or meeting new and varied people, socializing with people who aren't part of your 'safe' inner circle.

Creativity in online games come in finding new ways to work within the limitations of the game and it's setting. In a tabletop game, I can let a player roll up a Xixchil, and wave my hands and say he fell out of a Spelljammer or something. I can let him play a Duskblade, even if they aren't established as being part of my setting. In an online game, the races and classes and physical appearances are set in stone, and the 'game' becomes finding a way to play what you want to play, within the limited palette of options that have been programmed into the game.

I can say that my Thorn Scrapper actually is made out of organic metal, and that the 'thorns' are metal spikes, and even color my character to look metallic, but she's really a Thorn Scrapper.

In one respect, it could even be argued that online gaming requires a different sort of creativity, like the difference between writing free prose and trying to convey an impression in iambic pentameter. The constraints of creating an actual role-playing character within the confines of the character creation limitations of an online game can help to spur a more focused creativity, as the player tries to make an individual in a game-world that has 10,000 other people playing the exact same character.

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