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Forsaker inherent ability bonus


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Does anyone knows if there is a limit of points for the forsaker to put on a specific ability? In the DM it is said that the inherent bonus has a limit of 5, but it also say that this is a powerfull magic thing with is not the case. As you know, the players always want to maximize, so they have thousands os excuses not really impartial...

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Inherent bonus are limited to +5.

Unless the Forsaker class specifically lifts this restriction, you are limited to +5 (for each ability score, that is).


First Post
Artoomis said:
Unless the Forsaker class specifically lifts this restriction

It doesn't. You are indeed restricted to +5. See below...

The Forsaker gains a +1 inherent bonus to any desired stat per level. I have a few questions on this, just to make sure I'm handling this properly.

1) Are these bonuses still subject to the inherent bonus limit of +5?


2) Do these bonuses stack with those gained by character level advancement? (pretty sure they do, but just checking)

Yes, your level advancement is not a bonus to an ability score, the score just goes up).

3) Can you put all 10 bonuses in one stat? (kind of a repeat of question 1, just to be sure)

No, +5 is the limit.

Skip Williams

I have the distinct feeling that the Forsaker will make a truly nasty epic level NPC. :D
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First Post
It's not as nasty as it looks. In return for that +5 inherent bonus to whatever, gradually gained, you're committing to never using a magic item to boost that ability score -- and those items range up to +6. Even better bonuses are possible with spells, if you Empower them. None of that for the forsaker.

Magic Rub

First Post
Yip! The Forsaker misses out on allot, no way to cure, no ress, no magic anything. There better be something in the ELH or... or... or... or I'll complain allot & no one will care, not even me really.


The forsaker is only good in low level games, when combined with a race with spell resistance already, or in extremely low magic settings.

A +5 inherent bonus to strength is nothing compared to a +6 enhancement bonus to strength behind a +3 weapon of flaming burst while hasted.


First Post
Not to mention you can also get +5 inherent bonuses from Wish/Tomes as a non-forsaker. All in all this PrC has too many problems to be viable in most of the campaigns I'm in.


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You are missing the point, it could be a really fun PC to play. A dark hunter of magic, scheming to turn the social acceptance of magic around. Working outside the law to exact revenge against these perpatrators of evil.

Power is not everything, attitude is:)


Well, the picture of the big barbarian forsaker is part of the problem.

Another part is the first time you try to convince someone the world is better without magic and they hand you your lungs with a magical weapon or a few buffs.

Very difficult class to try to make as a PC. Especially since you'll be trying to convince them, one of them is likely a spellcaster, and at some point you'll probably need some kind of magical transport or healing.

There are somethings that don't heal naturally like diseases and blindness and wounding blows and any number of other things.


First Post
Jeremy has a very good point. A forsaker probably doen not make a good dungeon adventurer for those reasons. He might make a good city based character. In a world based on magic and a rule system that makes it impossible to seperate a charater class denying himself of it completely will not work.

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