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Frank Mentzer, Tim Kask, Jim Ward and Chistopher Clarke form Eldritch Enterprises


That's comparing apples and oranges; except for D&D, and some FGU RPGs that are eternally in print, no setting-free games survive from the early era of RPGs. The elements that 21st century editions of Gamma World copy from the original and the same elements that GURPS Old West "copied" from Boot Hill.

And yet, people want to make games called "Gamma World" and "Metamorphosis Alpha", and not games called "Boot Hill".

Or put another way, the name Gamma World still carries weight after 30 years. That's why it continues to exist as a brand. The name Boot Hill does not, and so it doesn't.

In fact, companies have PAID for the right to call their game Gamma World, or to call their computer game Temple of Elemental Evil but not the others I mentioned.

And just because Top Secret, for example, didn't have a setting, doesn't mean it couldn't have been used for branding purposes. If AEG thought the Top Secret name on their RPG would have moved more units than creating a new brand (Spycraft), they could have paid Wizards for the right to call their d20 spy game Top Secret, just as White Wolf paid for the Gamma World name.

That seems pretty apples to apples to me.

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First Post
Actually, it's not entirely apples to apples, but the difference has nothing to do with gaming: Boot Hill and Top Secret are relatively generic titles (Boot Hill less so), compared to "Gamma World" and "Metamorphosis Alpha." The first two are less valuable titles in terms of intellectual property regardless of the quality of the underlying game.

So, a later company's lower level of interest in the titles Boot Hill and Top Secret can be attributed - possibly, and at least in part -- to the game's chosen title to a certain degree. OTOH, it might be just what you suggest, but there's the potential that it has nothing to do with anything other than the nature of the titles.

Longtooth Studios

First Post
I was taught that you should always stay on the path in pursuit of your dreams. With every failure, you learn another way not to do something and with every success you get a chance to refill the motivation reservoir and keep forging ahead.

With the years these guys have behind them, they have certainly learned enough along the way to have something to offer.

I have found success and failure in my own ventures, but I stay at it and I learn more every step of the way.

There is no patent on creativity and no one has sole right to innovation.

So I say cheers to Eldritch Enterprises, and I hope that they make such waves in the gaming community that we can all share in their inspiration and success!


I was taught that you should always stay on the path in pursuit of your dreams. With every failure, you learn another way not to do something and with every success you get a chance to refill the motivation reservoir and keep forging ahead.

With the years these guys have behind them, they have certainly learned enough along the way to have something to offer.

I have found success and failure in my own ventures, but I stay at it and I learn more every step of the way.

There is no patent on creativity and no one has sole right to innovation.

So I say cheers to Eldritch Enterprises, and I hope that they make such waves in the gaming community that we can all share in their inspiration and success!



I know this may be a bit of a necro, but did the guys ever find anyone to help them with any sort of website? or was there a name problem with some record label or soemthign that prevented it?

Argyle King

Chris, if I might ask: what sort of products are you planning on?

Campaign Settings?
Supplemental? (by which I mean things like books of magic items or spells, which don't change the rules of the game or are tied to a setting, but add to the options available).


I'm curious about this as well. I'm not nearly as familiar with the older products as many people here on Enworld are (growing up in a small rural town during the D&D is the devil's game era didn't make learning the game easy,) so I am unsure of what to expect.


I'm curious about this as well. I'm not nearly as familiar with the older products as many people here on Enworld are (growing up in a small rural town during the D&D is the devil's game era didn't make learning the game easy,) so I am unsure of what to expect.

At this point, I think they are still considering a wide range of product types. Personally, I am very interested in seeing Frank Mentzer's Aquaria setting being published. In any case, I expect the company to build on the strengths and specialities of those involved.

Rumour has it some products from Eldritch Enterprises might see the light of day in the second half of 2011.



First Post
I am, for the most part, writing adventures for EE. I have a formula for these (I can hear the groans already!) that causes them to be either stand-alone, or interconnected into a mini-campaign series (they work either way). I have already submitted my first adventure, Forest of Deceit, and it has gone into "the can" for the company - it awaits a thorough review of ready-to-go products before a determination is made as to an actual release schedule.

Jim also wrote a truly incredible space adventure that can be used with (IMHO) any number of systems including Traveller, MA, Star Frontiers, etc. I worked with him extensively on it, and its really good. That particular production is actually fully print-ready, and is also "in the can". I'll leave it to Jim to spill further details on that one as its his project.

To return to the actual question... I will be writing rpg adventures and source material for EE, as well as overseeing much of the production. I continue to write board, card, and rpg games under the Inner City Games Designs banner as well, and there is a great possibility of genial overlap on the rpg front between things that will be released by ICGD, and projects I present to EE. Nothing is graven in stone there, but its all very friendly (much like the relationship I maintain with the Troll Lords during their stint as "the place to get LA stuff - they re-printed several of my LA adventures under TLG).

So... I have a couple of other adventures that go with Forest of Deceit (3 to be exact) as well as a campaign center adventure - a town named Namryr. That's all targeted towards Eldritch. I am also working with the entire group on a sourcebook that shall currently remain nameless. :D Lastly, on the Eldritch front, I am the main editor for Jim's stuff. I will "say this on that"...

If you ever liked Jim's stuff, this is some of the best work he has ever done.

On the ICGD front, I am finishing a new near-future space travel rpg called Lance, and we are game testing a new gladitorial microgame called Lutus.

I am also writing at least one 1st Ed. adventure for Gary Con entitlted, False Prints.

Life's pretty full, ya'know?

Tell me what I left out... informationally, and thanks for asking.

Voidrunner's Codex

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