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[Free] Artificer's Handbook condensed

der_kluge said:
As a sort of mental exercise, I created a condensed version of the Artificer's Handbook into a 10 page PDF.

w00t!!! Thanks very much for this. I'm a big fan of the book, although I haven't had much chance to actually use it in my game.

darthkilmor said:
I believe Mystic Eye went out of business a year or two ago? When I was looking for AH in print last year I came up empty handed, and just bought the PDF(i think off rpgnow). Hopefully der_kluge gets some $$ from pdf sales.

Ronin Arts appears to be the company that now has the old Mystic Eye Games stuff. I seem to recall that Ronin Arts pulled all their stuff from RPGNow when it did that merger to become One Bookshelf. I've no idea if that's changed or not. It doesn't look like it has, but I could be wrong. You can currently find their products for sale direct from them, or at a publisher Co-Op called Your Games Now.

Here's the Ronin Arts selection of Mystic Eye Games stuff:

And here's the link to the Artificer's Handbook at Your Games Now:

Additionally, it appears as though Noble Knight Games has at least 1 copy of the print version of the book:

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darthkilmor said:
Awesome, this should make it much easier than flipping through all those pages before in your original pdf.

Has anything changed, or should the worksheet from the back of the original still be accurate?

Yes, and yes. The text is greatly condensed, and some aspects were simplified. Some of the more esoteric rules were removed.

Like, I removed the concept of putting feats into a magic item. Mostly, because I think it's a colossally bad idea. Rings of evasion gave us fits when writing the original rules. The item should never have been allowed to exist. And covering rules to allow it's creation was a huge headache. My advice - don't do it. I also greatly cleaned up the rules for creating items that grant permanent effects - tomes of leadership for example. These items are truly an enigma, and I question why anyone would ever create such a thing. In practice, they shouldn't even exist because it costs more to create one than it does to just cast a wish spell. They really are a Gygaxian oddity.

The original rules were also really muddy in parts. One that comes to mind is the concept of creating 50 +1 arrows using the 50 charge wand rules. You can do it, but it ends up being more expensive. It actually makes some sense to do it that way. Unlike a +1 sword, 50 +1 arrows are not permanent. When fired, they lose their enchantment - sound like anything else you know? Yes, in the original book (and clarified in the errata) I had rules for creating ammunition using the charge-per rules. But ultimately, I decided the costs didn't really allow it very easily.

I removed a bunch of useless feats. I also think the PrCs are stupidly broken. My recommendation - don't use them. Don't even think about using them. This pdf doesn't include them. I included the feats I liked the best.

I also included a greatly simplified item instability chart. I LOVE the concept. The implementation is tricky. The problem is is that instability should increase with power, but it shouldn't increase exponentially so long as the creator is able to contain that power. This chart doesn't reflect that quite as well as the original, but I think the original intention is there. The original was a bit awkward though. I also had to sacrifice a lot of the random effects to condense it, but it could be expanded easily enough.

The book also has some things I really, really love - the item history generator, the potion flavor chart, item piecemeal rules, socketed items, gestalt items mainly. But those really are secondary things and aren't necessary if you're just trying to price out your basic run-of-the -mill stuff.

In short, these rules more or less replicate most DMG costs/time pretty accurately. When you get into the higher level, higher priced stuff, some of the times and costs are greatly reduced from the DMG costs/times. But to me, that's an OK tradeoff given how formulaic the approach is. YMMV


Jeff Wilder said:
I really appreciate this. I've been dissatisfied with the crafting rules in 3.5 for quite some time. While I'd heard of The Artificer's Handbook, this is my first chance to see the rules for myself. I suspect I'll end up buying the full version. Three questions/comments:

(1) Is the full version available in print, with errata incorporated?

You can find it in print, but it's out of print. It's not easily obtainable in hard-copy form anymore. The errata is available. I don't have a link handy. I actually posted it in the publishers forum years ago. If you need it, let me know and I can dig up a link. The PDF, AFAIK, includes the book and the errata document. If you do decide to get the PDF, I would suggest replacing most of chapter 2 with this free PDF. It's cleaner.

(2) Have you considered offering this to Paizo, for Pathfinder? Since it's OGL, they could use it anyway, I guess, but I very much doubt they would do so without permission.

Funny you should mention that. I actually wrote this PDF to offer it up for discussion for Pathfinder. But my feeling is that the folks at Paizo are simply not interested in perusing all the available OGC for their book.

(3) I think the example in the "Spell Trigger" definition (page 1) is misleading, though technically correct. "A 3rd level cleric can’t cast miracle, but the spell is in their spell list, so they have the ability to spell-trigger an item with the miracle spell." The problem is that this implies, due to this section immediately following the definition of "Spell Completion," that a 3rd level cleric couldn't use miracle from a scroll, which of course isn't true. (It's risky, but it's possible!)



darthkilmor said:
I believe Mystic Eye went out of business a year or two ago? When I was looking for AH in print last year I came up empty handed, and just bought the PDF(i think off rpgnow). Hopefully der_kluge gets some $$ from pdf sales.

I never received a single penny for writing that book and still don't.

So, I guess in some small way, me making a free 100% OGC version available is my little way of sticking it to the man. Who knows, maybe I'll actually get productive and re-produce the entire book in free PDF form some day. :)


First Post
der_kluge said:
I never received a single penny for writing that book and still don't.

So, I guess in some small way, me making a free 100% OGC version available is my little way of sticking it to the man. Who knows, maybe I'll actually get productive and re-produce the entire book in free PDF form some day. :)

Ouch. It's one of my favorite purchases, I'm sorry to hear that you didn't get your cut.


First Post
der_kluge said:
I never received a single penny for writing that book and still don't.

Dude, I am sorry to hear that. I know how it is though having beeen through it myself on more than one occasion.

der_kluge said:
The errata is available. I don't have a link handy. I actually posted it in the publishers forum years ago. If you need it, let me know and I can dig up a link.
Hmmm. I've either misplaced the eratta document (a distinct possibility) or it wasn't with my pdf. Would it be possible to get that link? :)

der_kluge said:
I never received a single penny for writing that book and still don't.

So, I guess in some small way, me making a free 100% OGC version available is my little way of sticking it to the man. Who knows, maybe I'll actually get productive and re-produce the entire book in free PDF form some day. :)

Dang. I'm really sorry to hear that. :(

The Artificer's Handbook is one of those books that is on my shortlist of books that people should really have if they're doing a 3.x game.

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