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From Peasants To Heros


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Sash begins to walk out with Weyland to get the horseshoes. On his way out, he calls over his shoulder to Brandon: "Where should we meet, the edge of the forest? I think the Doctor will be sorting his scroll collection tonight..."

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TheMagician said:
Sash begins to walk out with Weyland to get the horseshoes. On his way out, he calls over his shoulder to Brandon: "Where should we meet, the edge of the forest? I think the Doctor will be sorting his scroll collection tonight..."
"Indeed tonight it is, let's meet at Falcons Grove three hours before sundown. I'll tell my parents that we're going camping, so be prepared to stay the night."


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Ty listens to the planned outing, making a mental not to be there, invited or not. He then sneaks back to the shop, hoping to arrive before his parents so he can pretend nothing was amiss. If they are there, such is life, and he was not going to get out of shape about.

He discards the disguise along the way home.


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Everyone arrives back to their designated post without too much of a stir, though as Sash hands Alitrius the horse shoes he requested from Weyland the young mage gets the feeling that the good doctor knows of what he's done. Though if does, the older mage says nothing about it. Everyone goes on about their business for the next 3 hours as the sun begins to descend on the sleepily little town.

If anyone wanted to do anything in those three hours specfic, let me know, and I'll work it out, but for sheer story purpose, I decided to jump ahead :p


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Alonnd returns home after a second mug of beer. He then hikes into the woods, to the nearby stream for a cool bath. Feeling much refreshed, he returns to his cottage to putter about as dusk begins to fall.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
If his parents suspected anything, they kept it to themselves, which was fine as far as Ty was concerned. The moment they returned, he smiled and left the shop. For the next few hours, he busied himself with idle activities. As the sun set, he made his way to agreed on meeting place. He may have not been invited, but he was coming along.


First Post
Coming home from the tavern Brandon goes and visits his surrogate father and master, Ducking as he steps thru the doorway that leads to the workshop he approaches the small man that has come to mean some much to him.

With a smile and a nod Brandon resumes working on the cabinet that Mrs Matthews had commissioned the Carpenters to make. Getting out a fine bladed chisel and a wooden mallet, Brandon continues to carve out the flowers which are part of the fancy relief on the front of the cabinet.

Despite the large size of his hands he works with confidence and skill at the fancy delicate work and is soon immersed in the activity. When Master Carpenter finally calls it quits for the day, Brandon as always is surprised at how fast the day seems to go while he is working.

A nod of approval and clap on the back is all the praise he receives from his taciturn father, but it's all the praise he needs coming from a hard but fair taskmaster.

Stretching out the kinks from shoulders, back and arms Brandon draps his large arm around his surrogate father with obvious affection "Dad a group of us were planning on going camping tonight, do you mind if I stay out tonight at Falcons Grove with the others"

Turning to look up at his large son Mr Carpenter fails to hide his smile at the remarks "Well as long as you promise to behave and promise to be back my lunch time tomorrow, I can't see the harm in it Brand. In fact it'll do you some good to branch out and spend some time with some of the other local boys."

With a whop of delight Brandon speeds of into the house to get ready and leave his father shaking his head in general amusement over his antic's. After a hasty supper Brandon kisses his parents goodbye and then heads off to meet the others at Falcons Grove.

[sblock=Equipment]Brandon has gathered up all of his equipment (except his tools) plus a lantern and some oil, 50' hemp rope, a large knife (worn on his belt), and a small knife (hidden in his sock inside of his boot) from the workshop.[/sblock]


First Post
As dusk comes near, Alonnd gathers up all of his gear, and prepares to go out. Although he had no real interest in following the adventurers, he wasn't about to let the other boys wander off into the forest alone without at least keeping an eye on them. The woods could be dangerous at night; Sash and Brandon probably couldn't tell scrub oak from poison oak. And Falcon's Grove wasn't far off.


First Post
Weyland finishes welding the last piton and plunks it into a bucket of water to temper it. Then he inspects it and sets it back in the coals. Once it is glowing the proper color he sets it aside to cool. He is cleaning up the shop when he sees Sash and Brandon go by. He shakes his head at their foolishness and keeps wiping then glances over at the armour stand with it's suit of scale mail. He keeps wiping while chewing worridly at his lip. Finally he gives an exasperated sigh and begins to pull on the armour.

Voidrunner's Codex

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