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From Peasants To Heros


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Turning to Ty, Sash says "Cleaning boots? Well, I noticed you didn't hesitate to come, Ty." Sash smiles at Brandon when he arrives, and helps set up camp. As Ty shoots down the branch, Sash smiles: "More." he says simply, unimpressed.[sblock=OOC]Don't worry, Ivellious. Hope things clear up[/sblock]

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
"My parent's sell a fine array of boots; who better to judge the success of your efforts than a well trained merchant." The barbs do not miss a beat. He then yawns a leans against a tree. "I've already provided this start, thus I've put more work into this venture than the lot of you. Everyone's fair, correct?" The grin continues.


First Post
Well, since no one else is posting...

Sash looks at Ty, and laughs. "Well, I feel better knowing someone is there to bear witness to my success."

Sash begins to start collecting smaller twigs and branches, saving his spells for when he'll need them.


First Post
The hunter moves to sit down nearby, his back resting against the trunk of a tree. He looks around at the others. "So, do you have a plan?"


First Post
Picking up the branch that Ty shot down from the tree. "You obviously haven't spent much time outdoors Ty, otherwise you'd know that green wood doesn't burn that well. But I'm sure we're all deeply impressed by your display of occult power."

As the hunter addresses the group Brandon's scowl only seems to get deeper "Firstly I don't like you disapproving tone, if you don't want to be here then go. But to answer your question no we haven't got a plan because Sash and I haven't had a chance to discuss this yet, as we've been rudely interrupted by uninvited guest."

Taking a deep calming breath Brandon manages to wipe the look of annoyance from his face and address the others in a calmer tone of voice. "I don't know about you but I certainly don't believe the rubbish that those adventurers were trying to feed everyone. Perhaps they're sincere perhaps they're just naive. But t I know what it's like to have everyone think you're dangerous so I think that this Druid should be given a chance to explain his side of the story. Before he gets condemned to death."

"So I suggest that we find this Druid, I'll approach him and try and talk to him. If he is 'evil' as they claim then no one else but myself will be at risk."


First Post
"What, alone? C'mon, Brand, you make it sound like you're the only one who'll have any fun. I wonder if I've got any spells for location. Give me a sec?"

Sash retrieves his spell book from his belongings and begins to riffle through the pages. "The theory can't be too hard," Sash says to the camp at large, "Sort of like finding music by ear - if you know it's there, you just strain your ears to hear it, and you can work your way to the source. Everyone has a different 'sound' to search for," Sash continues, his hazel eyes twinkling - something about the way he explains the theory makes you want to know more, if just for a second. "Aha! Stokesky's Animus Scopere - ah. No, wait, this spell only works when you've made a chalk drawing of the person and slathered it with bee's honey. Never mind. I guess we'll just have to find him another way." Sash grins at Weyland "Can you do it?"

[sblock=OOC] Ivellious, hope you don't mind my adding random magic anecdotes through Sash?[/sblock]
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Ty shrugs. He does not seem bothered by the insults hurled his way. "Burn down the forest may work, but it wouldn't keep the druid happy. Anyway, real druids don't leave trails. But, one can always be lucky."


First Post
Alonnd raises an eyebrow. "Burning the forest is, of course, a horrible idea. Many of us make our living in these woods; indeed, much of the meat you eat in town comes from here." The hunter chews on the end of a twig as he looks over the rest of the group. "However, those adventurers did mention something about the druid being in some ruins...and I just happen to know where the nearest ruins are."

Voidrunner's Codex

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