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From Stone to Steel


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I own all the books that Iron_Chef refers too. And I have to say that From Stone To Steel is by far the best of the lot. This is a well done book. If any reader of this is looking to buy just one book on weapons and armour, I'd make it this one. Not to mention that the weapon illustrations have already inspired a number of sketches of mine... :)

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I agree - you can't own everything, but if you were going to buy one arms and armor book, this is the best of the lot. :)

Fearsome Monkey

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I'm glad folks seem to like this book. We worked long and hard to make it perfect. Of course it's not perfect - nothing ever is. We have started a thread in our top secret monkeygod forum for folks to post questions and for us to post errata. Drop in if you have any questions, wish to correspond with the author or other monkeys, or would like to make suggestions for additions (can you say web enhancement?).

See you there - From Stone to Steel Forum


First Post
It's a decent book, but a lot of the writing seems...hmm...a bit rushed together, maybe? Almost as if the book was trying to cover too many details at once and ended up losing a lot of the context which makes those details important. I'm at work right now and without the book so I can't post examples, but I'll try to do so later. Some of the rules wordings leave me scratching my head as well... "Blowguns, unlike most weapons, do not take damage when attacking, only when being attacked." Huh?

It seems like a nice book and I can certainly appreciate the effort that went into it, I'm just not sure what usefulness it will have for me. It seems like a trip to the library would turn up much more detailed historical information, and coming up with stats isn't that hard.


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The Author

One of my online gaming compatriots, a previous poster, told me about this thread. I figured I'd be remiss if I didn't check it out and post some thoughts and answers:

First, thank you to all of the people singing From Stone to Steel's praises. I spent a lot of time trying to be both complete and contextual, with varying degrees of success, and I'm really honored to see people appreciate that.

Second, there were definitely errors, omissions, and mistakes. Some I know I'm responsible for, some which came from editing choices, and some which appear to be typos.

Psion, for example, noticed the same thing I did as I skimmed over the Guang Hu in the print form: Meditation for the first three forms doesn't designate the time frame required. Grrr.... That was an early omission on my part, and I did write up an updated version that doesn't appear to have made it to print. That's going to be errata.

Meepo also hit upon something notable: In early drafts, the Materials and Durability rules used to be in the Introduction, and they used to be even more complex. The first chapters were written assuming that those rules were firmly in the reader's mind, and that issues of weapon damage and deterioration would come to the reader's mind from time to time with items like the blowgun. As we fine-tuned the mechanics of the durability system and reworked the flow of the book, early chapters were re-examined, and most erroneous references were removed. Still, as you noted, blowguns have the phrase, 'Blowguns do not take damage from attacking, unlike other weapons.' which is somewhat confusing out of context.

I've noticed a number of little misspellings, typos, compound words broken up, etc.. All of these things will need to be addressed in any later releases of From Stone to Steel.

As for other equipment or more historical meat, all I can say is that I set myself a goal to explore history through weapons and armor, and I tried to balance my approach between history and specificity. I included equipment where it seemed to overlap on my focus, and ignored other equipment that was extraneous to the main narrative. As for cultural context, where there was appropriate information I included what I could. I would have loved to linger on certain cultures longer, just to give a better flavor of them, but I felt, in the long run, that the goal of this book wasn't to be a world culture sourcebook, but a weapons and armor sourcebook which tried to examine the role of culture on said items and the impact of said items on cultures. Again, this was a personal choice, and I must admit that I strayed from this standard from time to time. I think I may have spent too much time on certain parts of Rome and the Crusades, for example, while I wish I had had more resources and opportunity to get down and dirty with Malaysian culture and fighting styles.

In the end From Stone to Steel is how it turned out, and despite the flaws, I am proud of it.

That said, I'm working with the guys at MonkeyGod on errata, and I'd like to make myself available to you folks, to both questions and comments. This book was a labor of love for me, and there was well more than what made it into the book that I had a blast researching and examining. Want to talk a culture? Let's talk! Want to ask me about some of my references to campaign setting options, alternate magic systems, setting flavor choices, or possible extensions? I'd love to! Have a disagreement on my history? I'm sure you're not the only one! Want to keep posting opinions, positive, negative, or indifferent, without my comment? Go for it!

But again, thanks to those of you who have purchased it, and thank you to those who care to make your comments.
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I haven't had the chance to peruse this book yet, but wondering if someone here could answer a question. What kind of prestige classes does it have in regards to Ancient Greece? One of the PCs in my ongoing game is our closest approximation of a Jannisary, a really effective shield-and-spear warrior. We've looked for a prestige class for him, but nothing has really drawn us in yet. Will I be able to find this in From Stone to Steel?


First Post
The Janissaries were actually a slave-soldier society established by the Ottoman Turks to create an irregular, highly trained fighting force from promising youths of conquered cultures. I do actually have a Janissary PrC.

I'm guessing, though, that you're probably confusing them with hoplites. Unfortunately, you'll not find a specialized PrC for a Hoplite, but I do talk about how to focus a Hoplite Fighter. Depending on how historical your campaign is, you'll also find a great deal of great Greek weaponry and armor, plenty of info on chariots and charioteers, and descriptions of Greek combat styles (phallanx tactics, spears against a charge, etc.) in the Golden Age and later. You may want to look at the Legionnaire, though, since the Roman Legionnaires were spear and shield fighters who only fell to using the gladius once formation was broken. The Legionnaire, though really benefits from fighting in ranks, so some of the feats and class abilities may not be beneficial to a small party adventuring concept.


First Post
Oooh..now that you mention it, the Materials stuff is right there in the back, in the "Materials" chapter. I think I saw all the tables when I was flipping through and got scared :) I recant my confusion.


First Post
:p Don't apologize. I agree that that sentence is confusing as is. And all of those optional mechanics in the back of the book were intended to be **optional**, so the rest of the text SHOULDN'T require you to read the back of the book first to make sense of it.

Thanks for catching it!


A suffusion of yellow
So what does the section on Polynesian Weapons and armour include?

How broad/specific is the selection (eg includes weapons from a number of Islands in Polynesia and groups them according to the islands that developed them)?

what is done in terms of rating armour vs weapon type?

Howabout the impact of Iron on stoneaged cultures?

How are different cultures integrated?

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