From the Ashes (Updated 11/04/2008)


First Post
Session 7 (continued)

The group immediately set out to the destroyed hamlet that the old man told them about to search for clues. Perhaps they could backtrack the attackers, or maybe they left clues that would help the group stop them. It wasn't too far, a day's travel to the north, down a beaten trail off the main road. There they found the burned remains of what was once a small village, little left but ashes. It had been almost a month since the attack occurred, however, and search as they may, they couldn't find anything to help them.

Luck, however, was on their side. It seemed that they were not the only ones who were interested in stopping this threat. A pair of elves emerged from the forest. They wore similar trappings to the eladrin Gael that they had met in Kelbrook, though subtly different. The shades were different, and while they both wore blues, whites, and grays, these elves added light greens to the mix.

After brief introductions, in which the elves identified themselves as Lucan, who carried a longbow and several daggers on him, and Rolen, who carried two short swords as well as a light crossbow, they got to business.

"We've heard that you are tracking the goblinoids that have been attacking hamlets along this road. We, too, have been tracking them, though we lack the ability to attack them ourselves," said Lucan. He glanced to his companion.

"What are your intentions? We assume you will do battle with them yourselves," said Rolen. He seemed more wary than Lucan, who seemed more open toward the group members.

"Of course!" boasted Korvun. He wasn't one to turn down a fight.

"We'll scout them out and see their numbers first..." added Alandra, a more wary member of the party.

The others nodded. They weren't sure how many goblinoids were involved in the attacks, but assuming some of them were out raiding, it probably wouldn't be too large a force. It doesn't take much to subdue a small village.

"You would aid us in this fight?" asked Quinn. "We could use the help. So far we haven't had much luck tracking them."

Tordek snuffed his nose, but the others paid him no mind. Dwarves and elves and all that. He wouldn't turn down aid, even if he would prefer a good dwarven body instead.

"We have. We know where they are in the mountains. There's a trail." said Lucan. "Wagons have a hard time in the mountains, so that's where we started looking. Once we knew about where the attacks were taking place, it wasn't difficult to find out where they were taking the wagon loads of bodies up the mountains. There are some ruins with a small forward base. We haven't ventured further into the mountains, though. Too risky."

"Maybe twenty or thirty... depending on who's out. Mostly goblins and hobgoblins, few bugbears. Added Rolen.

The group discussed it. It wasn't horrible odds. Goblins hadn't proved to be extremely durable enemies. They still hadn't fought many hobgoblins, and they had never seen a bugbear, but they thought they could take them, with the help of the two elves, that would be seven of them, so roughly two to one to three to one. If they could separate them...

"They'll probably have some undead, too, though," noted Tordek. "I can help take care of them. Undead fall easily to me." He glanced at the elves smugly.

"Right. We'll try to break them up, get the drop on them. If we move quick, we should have no problems." said Quinn. "We'll move out as quickly as possible and get over there. Once we're there, we'll send some scouts to look ahead, the elves and Alandra, then we'll figure out what we need to do from there."

"Sounds like a plan," said Korvun.

The group quickly set out back toward the mountains to the east. The Denmout range ran in a north south direction for hundreds of miles, the road running the forests in its shadow alongside it. It took only a day to reach the rocky outcroppings of the mountains, but they had to travel a few more days southward to reach the trails that the elves were talking about. Once there, they took to small trails that the goblinoids wouldn't be able to use with their wagons as to not run into them in an effort to sneak up on the ruins they were using as a forward base.

Hopefully, they would reach the site without incident. Of course, when does that actually happen?

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