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From the desk of JMS: New B5 News (updated!)

Viking Bastard

Just spreading the joy:
Excelsior @ LowerDecks.com said:
Some News from www.jmsnews.com:

[...]anything to do with B5:TMoS (which as some of you have guessed or inferred does indeed stand for The Memory of Shadows)
On the movies DVDs, and what's inside: the main thing is that we've got
commentaries on literally every one of them. Mike Vejar and I did a commentary
on In the Beginning, I did one with John Iacovelli on The Gathering, and
another with Janet Greek and Tracy Scoggins on River of Souls. I can't
remember now if I solo'd on A Call to Arms or if Mike was there as well (it all
blurs after a while...I've done something like fifteen of these things by now).

There's a separate cast commentary on Thirdspace with, I think, Pat, Jeff,
Jesus Trevino, and one or two others.

On the Crusade DVDs, there's one commentary I did on the original pilot (once
WB and I came to a meeting of minds, to wit, "I'm gonna say what happened to
the show, what *really* happened...you got a problem with that?"). There's a
second commentary track with Fiona, Janet, Peter Woodward and Carrie Dobro.

(We interrupt this message with a coded message for our friends in England and
Australia: keep your eyes on the horizon.)

One oddity...constant readers will remember a while back when I was asked what
TMoS was, and I provided a list of things it *wasn't*. The aforementioned
oddity is...one of those things has come up as an adjunct to TMoS.

Also, expect word fairly soon-ish about a new series of B5 novels.
So, that means 5, count them, 5 Babylon 5 events on the horizon!
1. Movies on DVD
2. Crusade on DVD
3. B5: The Memory of Shadows
4. New B5 Novels
5. A project related to B5: The Memory of Shadows
But are we any closer to know what Memory of Shadows actually is?

I'd like to see a series of novels finishing of Crusade and for some reason, I want
a comic book series of Legends of the Ranger. I'm not sure why I want a comic
book series, I just do.
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Eosin the Red

First Post
I just want to know when he is going to finish Rising Stars!! Oppphss, I also want in on the Memory of Shadows --- please, oh please be the Teep wars.

Hand of Evil

Eosin the Red said:
I just want to know when he is going to finish Rising Stars!! Oppphss, I also want in on the Memory of Shadows --- please, oh please be the Teep wars.
You just want to Garibli (sp) drive that stake into Bester's cold heart! So do I! :p

Great news.


Hand of Evil said:
You just want to Garibli (sp) drive that stake into Bester's cold heart! So do I! :p

Great news.
Considering the Novels are canon, afaik, we already have a resolution to that particular conflict, via Keyes.

Oh, and as for the rest of the info....



I mean...that's very nice. :)
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Eosin the Red said:
I just want to know when he is going to finish Rising Stars!!
As I understand, JMS's refusal to continue Rising Stars has to do with him not being consulted about Top Cow's negotiations with someone about the movie rights, when his contract with Top Cow said he would be. I'm pretty sure I've seen him say somewhere that he basically has the scripts finished, he's just waiting for Top Cow to fix their mistake.

Viking Bastard

And more (quite interesting, JMS news) via http://www.cinescape.com/0/editoria...tion=page&type_id=&cat_id=270355&obj_id=41863

<table border="0"> <tbody><tr><td>[font=verdana,helvetica]BABYLON 5 & DARK SKIES creators asked to save STAR TREK[/font]</td></tr><tr><td><hr>[font=verdana,helvetica]Dateline: Friday, June 18, 2004[/font]</td></tr><tr><td>
[font=verdana,helvetica]By: PATRICK SAURIOL[/font]</td></tr><tr><td>By: [font=verdana,helvetica]News Editor[/font]</td></tr><tr><td>[font=verdana,helvetica]Source: Usenet, JMSNews[/font]</td></tr></tbody> </table>
[font=verdana,helvetica] <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- hide // open new window function openWindow(url, name, t,l,s,m,r, w, h) { s=1; r=1; if (w>800) w = 750 if (h>600) h = 550 popupWin = window.open(url, name, 'toolbar='+ t + ',location=' + l + ',scrollbars=' + s + ',menubars=' + m + ',resizable=' + r + ',width=' + w + ',height=' + h); } //done hiding --> </script> Perhaps the brass at Paramount are thinking that the best way to plot the future course of STAR TREK is to hire outside their universe's box. [/font]

[font=verdana,helvetica]In a recent post made to the BABYLON 5 Usenet group (and archived at JMSNews), series creator J. Michael Straczynski surprised his fans by revealing that he and DARK SKIES creator Bryce Zabel wrote a treatment earlier this year for a new STAR TREK television series. Straczynski felt that the new premise "would restore the series in a big way. I actually think it could be a hell of a show. Whether that ever goes anywhere with Paramount, who knows?" [/font]

[font=verdana,helvetica]Apart from this tantalizing admission from the writer/producer/showrunner, no further details about the premise of Straczynski and Zabel's TREK show were mentioned. It's the first indication that someone from outside of the current STAR TREK creative team of Rick Berman and Brannon Braga had been asked by Paramount to develop an idea for Gene Roddenberry's universe. Braga has mentioned that he is stepping back from the showrunning of ENTERPRISE's fourth season, and that he and Berman are working on a new sci-fi series that isn't STAR TREK. Could Paramount really be considering a changing of the guard for their long-running franchise? [/font]

[font=verdana,helvetica]For his part, Straczynski spoke positively over the introduction of ODYSSEY 5 creator Manny Coto into ENTERPRISE's production. Coto joined the series last year and wrote four episodes; for the forthcoming season, he will be stepping up his duties and showrunning the series. "Left to his own devices, I think he could be a big help over there without the other powers that be impeding the process," Straczynski said. [/font]
Interesting, although I doubt anything will come from it. But gawddangit, I'd watch that.

Ranger REG

Interesting. I recalled a TV Guide interview in the 90's how JMS were peeved that Paramount's Star Trek franchise took his idea that eventually became Deep Space Nine.

I wonder if he no longer holds a grudge, or is he secretly delighted that ENTERPRISE is costing Paramount's money.

As for Paramount's confidence in merchandise sale, I got one tip for them: Stop making ENTERPRISE merchandise and focus on earlier show's brand, like TOS.

This coming from a longtime Trek fan, who is also tired of Braga. :]


First Post
Eosin the Red said:
I just want to know when he is going to finish Rising Stars!! Oppphss, I also want in on the Memory of Shadows --- please, oh please be the Teep wars.

From his post on 6/15/04
JMS said:
I've turned in all three final Rising Stars scripts, and the first issue of the last arc comes out in October, I hear.

I'm really hoping that is the case, as I've been waiting for this for a while too.


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