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From the same twisted mind who brought you the Death Star...

...comes the Half-Void Dragon template! :]

Created using the void dragon in U_K's Epic Bestiary and the metatemplate in the Book of Templates v.3.5.

Template: Half-Void Dragon

Size: Increase by 3 size categories, to a maximum of Macro-Diminutive.
Type: Change to Undead. The half-void dragon gains the Augmented Dragon subtype, even if it was not originally a dragon.
HD: Increase racial HD by one step, to a maximum of 1d100. Recalculate base attack bonus, saves, and skill points as if the creature were a dragon. Half-void dragons have maximum hit points per HD.
Speed: Increase base speed by 2,000 ft. The half-void dragon gains a fly speed of 6,000 ft (clumsy maneuverability) unless the base creature possessed a better fly speed or maneuverability; in that case use the better value.
AC: The half-void dragon gains a deflection bonus to AC equal to its Charisma bonus (minimum +1). In addition, the base creature’s natural armor improves by +112.
Attacks: The half-void dragon gains two claw attacks, two wing attacks, and a tail attack if it did not already have them. Any bite or gore attacks are lost. Treat the claw attacks as primary attacks. All natural weapons a half-void dragon has become touch attacks.
Damage: (for a Medium creature) Claw 1d8, wing 1d6, tail 1d8
Space/Reach: As adjusted for the half-void dragon’s increased size.
Special Attacks: The half-void dragon retains all special attacks of the base creature and also gains the following attacks: Abrogate, annihilation, entropic mastery, spells, spell-like abilities, unknowing
Special Qualities: The half-void dragon retains all special qualities of the base creature and also gains the following: Adamic dragon traits, damage reduction, energy absorption, energy resistance, spell resistance, undead traits
Abilities: Str +52, Dex +0, Int +60, Wis +60, Cha +60. As an undead creature, a half-void dragon has no Constitution score.
CR: As base creature +65.
Alignment: Usually neutral evil
Advancement: As base creature
Level Adjustment: NO. WAY.

Appearance changes: The base creature gains wings, a tail, and clawed hands. It has no head to speak of, and its entire body is pitch black. Oh, yes: it's also about eight times as large as it was before.

Abrogate (Su): The half-void dragon partially negates the benefits of its enemies’ strongest abilities. This can either be some power of its enemy (the effect of halving it subject to DM discretion), or the enemy’s highest ability score, which only provides half the bonus it would normally. This ability extends to a range of 200 ft +20 ft/Hit Die of the half-void dragon. This ability even affects intelligent items, treating them as separate enemies.

Adamic Dragon Traits: See the Epic Bestiary.

Annihilation (Su): A half-void dragon has no head but the hole in space where a head would be can project a cone-shaped vortex of annihilation out to 50 ft every 1d2 rounds, mimicking a dragon’s breath weapon. This effect annihilates 10d6 HD of each creature caught within the blast. Annihilation permanently removes a creature’s HD, although a wish or miracle can restore two annihilated HD per casting. Those immune to energy drain still suffer half this effect. A successful Reflex save (DC Cha-based) halves the effect (or quarters the effect for those immune to energy drain).

DR: 65/-

Energy Absorption (Su): Half-void dragons heal 1 point of damage for every 2 points of acid damage they would suffer.

Energy Resistance (Ex): Half-void dragons have resistance 50 to cold.

Entropic Mastery (Ex): Half the damage inflicted by a half-void dragon’s physical attacks is permanent. A limited wish cures one point of permanent damage. A wish or miracle heals one point of permanent damage per CL. Those slain by a half-void dragon cannot be raised, and they lose one level if returned to life by any means. Half-void dragons destroy non-magical matter with a touch. Magical items must make a Fortitude save (DC is Con-based) or be destroyed.

Spells: As a 65th-level sorcerer.

Spell-like abilities (Caster level 65th or as base creature, whichever is higher): 3/day—astral projection, energy drain, etherealness, greater teleport, plane shift, shapechange, wail of the banshee; 2/day— animus blizzard, eclipse, greater ruin, memento mori. Save DCs are Charisma-based.

Spell Resistance: 5+total HD or use existing SR, whichever is better.

Unknowing (Su): A half-void dragon temporarily nullifies 30 HD in a radius of 200 ft + 20 ft/HD. Beings with 30 HD or fewer are killed. Treat this nullification as a penalty on AC, attacks, checks of any kind, damage, save DCs, initiative, and SR.

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