Frukathka's Feats

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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Mass Spell [Metamagic]
You are able to affect multiple targets through use of this feat.
Benefit: Any spell that has a range of touch, short, medium or long can be modified to effect multiple targets. Spells that have a range touch change to have a close range (25 ft. + 5ft/2 levels) and the target entry changes as follows; one creature/level, no two of which can be more than 30 feet apart. The duration of the base spell remains unchanged. A mass spell uses up a spell slot four levels higher than the spell's actual level.

Inspiration: I figured that by taking out spells that have mass in the title and deleting the entry, spells could be simply be Mass spells with the application of a feat. It may not be appropriate for all campaigns, but I like the idea of it.
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First Post
Unfortunately, not all spells should be mass spells. The trick is effectively limiting which spells can be meta'd, which you've tried to do based on ranges. Most proposed metamagic feats have this problem, because as the books with new spells in them multiply, new spells may not be compatible (balance-wise) with the metamagic feat.

What you probably should do (and I, personally, would dread doing myself) is look at all of the Touch, Close, Medium, and Long range spells in the books you'll be using for the campaign this house rule is entended to be used in. Think through how each spell could be abused by being made a "Mass" spell. If nothing is game-breaking, then you've got a feat that works for your campaign.

That's alot of work, though. Good luck?

the Jester

I have a Mass Spell feat imc, developed by Orbius, an epic-level diviner/divine oracle cohort, and I often wonder if it's overpowered even at +4 levels. Some really common, more problematic tricks that I've seen the pcs pull off with this feat include:

Mass mirror image (6th level)
Mass far strike (6th level)
Mass stoneskin (8th level)
Mass elasticity (8th level)

Now, granted, half of those involve homebrewed spells, but still....


Just think about Quickened Mass Truestrike (9th level) or Mass Disintegrate (10th level) or Mass Harm (10th level), or Mass Ray of Enfeeblement (5th level). For a 20th level caster, it's like a spell Twinned 10 times.

This feels a bit too good. Damage-wise, it's more like Intensify Spell (+7 levels), which given that Charm is 1st level and Mass Charm is 8th, seems more like it. cf also Suggestion and Mass Suggestion - 3rd and 8th for +5 levels. So +4 levels is very much on the low side. Try putting it at +7 levels - you can always reduce it later.

Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Heart of Gold [Exalted]
You practically radiate your inherent goodness.
Prerequisite: Sacred Vow
Benefit: You gain +4 bonus on all Diplomacy checks. This stacks with all other bonuses to Diplomacy checks.
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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Ensorcelled Spell [Metamagic]
Spells you cast of the Charm or Compulsion type are harder to resist.
Prerequisite: Spell Focus (Enchantment)
Benefit: Any enchantment spell you cast that has the charm or compulsion type gives the creature affected a -5 penalty to overcome the spell’s saving throw. An ensorcelled spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spells actual level.

Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Windfall [General]
Fortune has smiled upon the character with this feat and granted her with unexpected material wealth.
Benefit: A character benefiting from this feat receives a one time bonus of coins, goods and/or magic items of her choice, equal in value to her current level multiplied by 600 gp. For instance, a character that chooses this feat upon reaching 6th level receives 3,600 gp of wealth.
Special: If the character has the wealthy feat add the number of times it was taken to the character’s level before multiplying by 600. Characters that benefit from this feat and have the Gold Breeder feat receives an amount of goods or coin equal in value to her current level multiplied by 620 gp. For instance, a character that chooses this feat upon reaching 6th level receives 3,720 gp of wealth.
Note: This feat may be taken several times, each time providing a separate wealth bonus appropriate to the character’s current level.

Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Wealthy [General]
You come from a family that has invested its assets wisely and have left you with a dividend to collect when you reach the age of maturity.
Benefit: Your character receives twice the maximum amount of starting funds.
Special: You can select this feat more than once. Each time it is selected, the amount of money doubles again. So, if you choose the feat three times, your hero gains eight times her normal starting funds (2 x 2 x 2 = 8). The bonus starting funds are available only at character creation; selecting Wealthy after character creation does not grant a sudden infusion of ‘back interest’. Further, characters that have this and the Gold Breeder feat multiply all their starting gold by x20 and start the game with that amount of funds.

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