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Full circle: D&D now being based on video games...

Doug McCrae

Emirikol said:
* Character abilities, even in the beginning, far outshines common folk (not necessarily a bad thing)
Pacman far outshines the common folk? He's just a mouth.
* Bling, bling, bling = character power (4E going where?)
Toward less bling bling but what's that got to do with video games?
* "Interaction" diminished, Mortal-Combat type combats on the rise (4E getting rid of the weasels you have to fight, now going right to the BBEG)
Dunno where you get this from.
* D&D 4E will probably not influence video game design in the least anymore
This is just conjecture.

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Penguin Herder
Doug McCrae said:
Pacman far outshines the common folk? He's just a mouth.
It's a capitalist metaphor. The commoners are the dots.

"It's made of people! Soylent Dots is made of peeeeeeople!", -- N


First Post
Emirikol said:
Does anyone else now get the impression that things have come full circle and D&D is now being developed based on video game concepts of ease of play and depth of concepts?

No. No one. You're the first. :)

Sorry, couldn't resist.


First Post
Emirikol said:
Remember when we used to say that video games had much of their content gained from D&D? Does anyone else now get the impression that things have come full circle and D&D is now being developed based on video game concepts of ease of play and depth of concepts?

For example:
* Character abilities, even in the beginning, far outshines common folk (not necessarily a bad thing)
* Bling, bling, bling = character power (4E going where?)
* D&D becomming more computer adaptable
* "Interaction" diminished, Mortal-Combat type combats on the rise (4E getting rid of the weasels you have to fight, now going right to the BBEG)
* D&D 4E will probably not influence video game design in the least anymore

First Point: A 1st level rogue next to a 1st level expert in 3e? A 1st level fighter, or paladin, or barbarian, or ranger, next to a 1st level warrior in 3e? This has been going on for a long time. I still remember 2e and 1e... 0 level commoners... even a prince could supposedly be 0 level... so, seriously, it's nothing new.

Second Point: Bling? What? They're eliminating the concept of characters dripping magical items and I couldn't be happier. The characters will still get magic items, but they'll be magic items that actually count for something.

Third Point: Baldur's Gate series, Neverwinter Nights series, Temple of Elemental Evil, D&D Online, D&D Dragonshard... this is nothing new. I love the online gaming concept. I travel a lot, and I want to still be around for gaming too, so this works out awesome.

Fourth Point: Ummm... where'd you get this information? Can you cite a source? As I recall, there will be goblins and kobolds and any manner of low-level goons to take on before the big foes, same as there ever was.

Fifth Point: D&D has always had an influence on other entertainment venues, and will continue to do so. However, the game designers do not live in a vacuum, and they will be influenced by other cool stuff they see/read/watch/play. This will influence, naturally, how they design things and what they do, even if they do it subconsciously. It's just how things go when you're a writer. My writing is influenced by my D&D game, but it's also influenced by video games, movies, and novels.

Viva 4e!

The Little Raven

First Post
Nifft said:
It's a capitalist metaphor. The commoners are the dots.

"It's made of people! Soylent Dots is made of peeeeeeople!", -- N

"If Pacman had affected us as kids we'd be running around in dark rooms, munching pills and listening to electronic music."


Penguin Herder
Mourn said:
"If Pacman had affected us as kids we'd be running around in dark rooms, munching pills and listening to electronic music."
-20 points for missing name of speaker, -50 points for missing company represented by person named, -100 points for missing [uyear[/u] (which really nails the joke).

So you get -169, which is still kinda hot.

Cheers, -- N

The Little Raven

First Post
Nifft said:
-20 points for missing name of speaker, -50 points for missing company represented by person named, -100 points for missing [uyear[/u] (which really nails the joke).

So you get -169, which is still kinda hot.

Cheers, -- N

Well, I do have a reputation as a negative person, so it is rather fitting.


Penguin Herder
Just for the full impact:

"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids,we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo Public Relations, 1989.

(But really it's from this guy.)

Cheers, -- N

Voidrunner's Codex

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