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[Full] Scourge of The Howling Horde

Mathew Lankard

First Post

The frontier hamlet of Barrow's Edge has called for adventurers, requesting help and promising reward. The request did not include any specifics.

The dirt road you travel shows signs of regular use. There are few weeds and fresh grooves show the frequent passage of wagons. The road winds through moderately forested land. Somewhere up ahead, you hear the sound of battle.

I'm looking to start a PBP using the WotC Adventure "Scourge of the Howling Horde". This is my first 3.5 game in almost a year so I thought a nice first level adventure would help me get back into things :)

I'm looking for 4 1st level characters, using 28 point buy. I would like to use the alternate spell point system from Unearted Arcana, also avaliable here. Specialty wizards and clerics will get an extra spell slot to prepare per level for their school/domain. I'd like to keep the races to the PHB but I have most 3.5 books, so you can use non-core/alternate classes with approval. Standard gold/items for first level.

As for posting, I'm looking for something along the lines of 5 posts a week. Players can roll their own dice using invisible castle. I plan on posting tactical maps updated on a round for round basis. I would of course like players who have not read the adventure. I will accept first come first serve, but would prefer players who are not in a large amount of PBP games.

So who's up for some adventures?
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I'm getting back into PbP on my ole' standby, ENWorld, since I've got some free time recently and aren't in my usual plethora of face to face games. I'd love to play either way, but any chance of expanding this module in a campaign, or are you more interested in just running the module?

In any case I'll put together a character tomorrow, and I've never even heard of this module, much less read it. :D


Beta Character


Half-Orc Paragon 1

STR 16
DEX 14
CON 14
INT 10
WIS 10
CHA 10

Hit Points: 10
Armor Class:
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Menacing Demeanor

Special Abilities:
Divided Ancestry (Ex)
Unlike other racial paragons, half-orcs can take levels in more than one racial paragon class. After gaining at least one level as a half-orc paragon, a character can take either orc paragon levels or human paragon levels (but not both).
Monstrous Mien (Ex)
Half-orc paragons can channel their innate ferocity, resulting in a +4 racial bonus on intimidate checks.
Darkvision (Ex)
Half-orcs (and orcs) can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and half-orcs can function just fine with no light at all.
Orc Blood (Ex)
For all effects related to race, a half-orc is considered an orc

Intimidate 4 (+12)
Jump 2 (+5)
Ride 3 (+5)
Survival 4 (+4)
Swim 3 (+5)



Kjaer Half-hand
Male Dwarf Druid 1, Neutral Good

STR 12 (+1)
DEX 12 (+1)
CON 12 (+1)
INT 12 (+1)
WIS 16 (+3)
CHA 10 (+0)​

HP 9 AC 13 (+2 leather armor, +1 DEX) BAB +0 Size Medium Speed 20ft. Initative +5 (+4 Improved Initative, +1 DEX)
Melee Attack
+1 longspear 1d8+1 x3 Reach
+1 dagger 1d4+1 19-20/x2​
Ranged Attack
+1 sling 1d4 x2 50ft.​

Fort +3 (+2 base, +1 CON)
Ref +1 (+0 base, +1 DEX)
Will +5 (+2 base, +3 WIS)​

Special Abilities
Darkvision (60ft.), Stonecunning, Weapon Familiarity: Dwarven Urgrosh & Dwarven Waraxe, Stability, +2 on saves vs. poison, +2 on saves vs. spells and spell-like effects, +1 on attack rolls vs. orcs and goblinoids, +4 dodge bonus vs. giants, +2 on Appraise checks dealing with stone or metal items, +2 on Craft checks related to stone or metal
Animal Companion (Dog, Link, Share Spells, Tricks: Attack (including undead and abberations), Fetch, Seek, Stay, Track, Heel), Nature Sense, Wild Empathy​

Concentration +3 (+2 ranks, +1 CON), Craft (Stonework) +3 (+2 ranks, +1 INT), Handle Animal +4 (+4 ranks, +0 CHA), Knowledge (Nature) +5 (+2 ranks, +1 INT, +2 Nature Sense), Listen +5 (+2 ranks, +3 WIS), Spot +7 (+4 ranks, +3 WIS), Survival +9 (+4 ranks, +3 WIS, +2 Nature Sense)​

Improved Initative​

Spell Points 3
Prepared Spells 0th -- Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, 1st -- Omen of Peril (from Complete Divine), Produce Flame​

Longspear, Leather Armor, Sling, Sling Bullets (x100), Dagger, Backpack, Artisan's Tools, Spell Component Pouch, Explorer's Outfit, Hemp Rope (50ft.), 9gp​

Kjaer stands just over four feet tall, broad of shoulder with a proud swell of belly. His hair, the ruddy red glow of autumn, piles across his back in knotty tangles, blending easily with an equally unruly beard and mustachio. Deep crows feet sit the corners of a coal black and cunning gaze. His dress is roughspun and patched -- a deep brown tunic with three black dogs sewn just below the collarbone, thick canvas pants, hard boots, and a volumous black cloak with a deep hood.

A shaggy gray dog with eyes the color of honey is never far from the dwarf.​

Early and often in life Kjaer, son of Kjorn could be found rolling and wrestling with the Kennelmaster's hounds, and the hard-edged admonishment provided by the mother, Anid, was a common sound to follow. Much to the shegrin of poor Anid, the fleas Kjaer welcomed into hearth and hair were not the only troubles the boy dwarf would bring home. Rarely did Kjaer return to his familial hall dripping not mud from studying the cave fish found in Blackwater Lake, or without a putrid smelling sack of rare, but pungent, fungus.

Yet it could not be denied that the boy had a gift. Kennelmaster Magrin, his voice the braying of a cur itself, oftentimes called on Kjaer to quiet a particularly disruptive hound, and when a very difficult to find plant was needed for a salve or compress, it was Kjaer who came through. Kjaer did not, however, stare in awe of the great forges and foundries Lord Tetrax's vast armories required. Nor was he captivated by gems or shining things. Kjaer was content to wrestle the dogs and watch the fish.

Magrin was found dead a cold winter morning, stark in the harsh light painted on the floor by a window slit in the kennels. Kjaer retched at his daily companions throat being torn in such a way, the head at such an angle. A hulking gray dog was pacing the bars, a tell-tale cage left open, snapping at the other dogs.

Kjaer, nearly a man grown, was named the new Kennelmaster. There was simply no one else. Magrin had no apprentice, being a scant few hundred years old. "Put the snarling thing to the axe," Lord Tetrax decreed that afternoon after the ceremonial entitlement had passed.

And so it was the boy who inherited his mother's red hair and his father's dark eyes lost three fingers to the gray beast, earning the name Half-hand.

But it was not put down. Instead Kjaer took the shaggy gray dog as a companion, naming it Rejix, a dwarven word for "trust".

"You are the Kennelmaster," boomed Lord Tetrax, upon finding his command disobeyed, "I hope you retain the rest of your hand."​
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Mathew Lankard

First Post
Your character looks good hero. If you wanna write up a short background and fill in the details you'll be good to go.

Good question dave_o! My goal at first is to finish the module, but I definitely am interested in taking the game further on to other adventures if people are interested. I've had my eye on The Shattered Gates of Slaughtergarde and The Barrow of the Forgotten King in particular.


Mathew Lankard said:
Your character looks good hero. If you wanna write up a short background and fill in the details you'll be good to go.

Good question dave_o! My goal at first is to finish the module, but I definitely am interested in taking the game further on to other adventures if people are interested. I've had my eye on The Shattered Gates of Slaughtergarde and The Barrow of the Forgotten King in particular.

Awesome. I've never played in a campaign that was a linked series of modules but it seems like it'd definitely be fun. Character's up, BTW. Gonna run some errands and then get down to some background and description, lettin' it gel in my head a bit.

Thanks again for even offering to run something. I'm usually firmly planted in the DM's chair so it'll be a nice respite.

Lobo Lurker

First Post
Color me interested. I'll think and post a character concept soon.
...human female NG dragon shaman (brass, most likely) running from her past and on towards her destiny. Murdered parents, mysterious assailants, a kidnapped twin sister... She, Leena, would be a do-gooder but not really all that driven. She'd be traveling with the party initially to find/follow-up leads as to her sister's where-abouts but then because she'd finally found a place to belong, amongst her new family.

Sound okay? Or am I wasting my time?
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First Post

I could be interested, assuming this is still going to happen. :)

I realise it may not work in my favour that this is my first ever post on the site, but I assure you I'm a long-time lurker (mostly in the Story Hour forum; I remember the days when Sep updated regularly ;)). I recently actually registered an account since my face to face group vanished in a puff of interpersonal feuding and I started craving my fix.

I'll write up a character soon; probably a rogue, or something like one. What's the setting? Standard Greyhawk?
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