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[Full]The Drow War Book One - The Gathering Storm - OOC Thread

Evil Ujio

First Post
Well as one can see I am recruiting players for this epic campaign, not sure how far we will get, but I would like to go as far as I can. The game will use the core rulebooks, I will post more info on the world as presented in the tome, and I am looking for no more then approximately five characters.

Keep backgrounds basic for now, main thing is a balanced group I suppose and a penchant for wanting to have fun. Stats will be based on a spread of 17, 15, 13, 11, 10, and 8. The characters will be first level, standard rules with average starting wealth for their given class. Standard core rules, from the main books so we can focus on the game and not so much which book we are using; well here is hoping I can get some players!

The Drow War Book One - Chillhame

Character Thread
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The Shaman

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I'm interested in running a human fighter.

Before I put up a background, can you tell me anything about the world in which the adventure takes place?

Evil Ujio

First Post
This is the default setting for the adventures of the Drow War trilogy. It is relatively easy to transplant the most important locations, events and characters of The Gathering Storm to another existing setting but the world of Ashfar is presented in such a way as to give a Games Master the most possible leeway for filling in their own details and creating their own stories while still giving a cohesive framework and setting for the contents of this book to occur within.

The countries of Ashfar range from cosmopolitan democracies where races of all kinds freely mingle to entrenched bastions of tradition where the same race or class has been dominant for centuries. Unlike other worlds, where different cultures slowly reached out to encounter one another, Ashfar has had a hub for the past thousand and a half years. The civilisation that rules it has had an impact upon virtually all of the humanoid races.

Civilisations from all over the world have been brought into contact with each other via the Xoth Sarandi sea-gates. This has led to a global culture of suavity and acceptance in which you are just as likely to encounter a half-naked barbarian walking down the street as you are to meet a noble in his finery.

Excerpted from The Drow War...

The bulk of the story takes place on an island nation of Chillhame; but the characters can come from elsewhere, I give you leeway to create what you will, the other nation that figures prominently in this tale is Caldraza an imperialistic nation tat nearly conquered Chillhame some time ago, but has since lost control on the island. If there is something you want specifically for your background let me know, also each character in this story, player character wise is a chosen savior, one of the Starborn… which I will explain in detail in a moment.


First Post
Sure, I'm interested. Character Details
Name: TBD
Race: Elf
Gender: Female
Class: Ranger
Sign: Unicorn

Feats: Point Blank Shot, Track
Str 10
Dex 19
Con 11
Int 8
Wis 15
Chr 11
HP: 8
AC: 16, 12 flat-footed, 14 touch
level: 1
fort: +2, Reflex: +6, Will: +2
Favored Enemy: Humanoid (Elf including Drow) +2
Move Silently: +8
Hide: +8
Spot: +8
Listen: +8
Search: +1
Survival: +6
Handle Animal: +1
Ride: +5
Knowledge Geography: +0
Swim: +1

Equipment: Shortbow, 40 arrows, Leather Armor, other stuff
Shortbow To Hit: +5 Damage 1-6
+1 to hit and damage within 30'
+2 to damage to Elves (including Drow)
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Evil Ujio

First Post
Each player needs to chooe a sign/star that they identify with, they have a birthmark on their body no smaler then an inch across and it is up to them where it is located. The following is the list of stars that they can choose from, it is perfectly fine for two players to have the same sign, if they so choose.

1. The Great Wolf
A wolf’s head bares its teeth, with a single star forming the gleam in its eye. The wolf represents the threat of starvation during the cold, dark months of winter, but is also a positive sign, as he devours the old year and its woes.
Those born under the wolf’s sign are usually practical, down-to-earth people, with a tendency to be harsh, having contempt for the soft and weak. They are fiercely protective of their few true friends and allies.

2. The Unicorn
The unicorn’s star-tipped horn, reminiscent of the icicles of winter, breaks the horizon as the snowdrops break the cold earth. It is as cold, bright and pure as the ice but brings the promise of renewed life.

People born under the unicorn are enthusiastic, keen and direct. They can become obsessive; when they want something, they stop at nothing to get it. They detest circumlocution and petty debate when there is action to be taken.

3. The Delver
The earth has now softened after the winter frosts. The symbol of a man (or, as some say, a dwarf) digging the ground represents the sowing time, when the farmers plant seeds in the soil. A star gleams at the tip of his shovel.
Those born under this sign are often curious, inquisitive people, with a desire to look below the surface and find out the secrets of others.

4. The Wave
Heavy rains and floodwaters follow the full thaws of spring. The Wave is the symbol of the rushing waters and signals the beginning of the season of safe sea voyaging.

Those born under the Wave tend to be graceful, empathic people, though like the waters they can be deceptive and shallow.

5. The Satyr
With spring in full bloom, the blood runs hot in man and beast alike. The Satyr is the sign of animal energy, fully restored to life. This is an exultant sign, representing joy in one’s own strength and the freedom to exercise it.

Those who have the Satyr as their birthsign enjoy life to the full. They can sometimes annoy people by taking nothing seriously, treating life as one big joke. When they are in the mood to be cruel, they can be viciously sadistic in the name of their own fun.

6. The Rose
The Rose is the beauty of the blossoming earth made manifest in the heavens, though its thorns also symbolise treachery and cruelty for its own sake.

The people of the Rose are often physically attractive and able to manipulate those around them by subtle cues. They make good leaders, whether of heroes or villains.

7. The Firedrake
A firedrake is the old name for a dragon, specifically one who breathes flame. This sign symbolises the searing heat of summer. It also calls to mind the dim memory of the time when dragons would visit the towns of men to receive tribute; this would always be in the seventh month, as the herds and crops were at their fullest then, allowing for the greatest plunder.

Those born Firedrakes are difficult to read; they conceal deep thoughts behind placid faces and can smoulder with resentment for years before taking action. They are usually rational and calm, though they can break into furious fits of passion when provoked or stirred.

8. The Reaper
The Reaper appears at the end of summer, the figure of a tall man with a sweeping scythe. He stands for hard work, the fruits of labour and the reward (or punishment) that waits for you after death. This is an auspicious sign to be born under, signifying the power to conquer whatever lies before you.

Those born under the Reaper’s scythe are strong-willed, sometimes to the point of bullheadedness. They do not give up easily.

9. The Flail
The Flail is both the tool that threshes the barley and the weapon of the same name. As the Flail rises in the sky, the earth beneath is scourged by wind and rain. Summer is over and the hardships of the darker months begin.

Those whose sign is the Flail are meticulous and focused. They are very thorough in their investigations and tend to stick doggedly to a task until it is achieved. They make excellent researchers; many wizards are born under this sign.

10. The Spinner
The Spinner is one of the more mysterious signs: a huge spider, with eight closely clustered stars for eyes. The common interpretation is that the spider stores up food and weaves webs, reflecting the work of stockpiling and cloth spinning that happens at this time. Other interpretations see the spinner as the sign of magic, weaving the web of fate and trapping the unsuspecting with charms.

Spinners are patient people by nature, who enjoy making plans and hatching plots. They can bide their time for a long while before taking quick, decisive action.

11. The Spectre
The eleventh month is often said to be of ill omen. The animals are slaughtered on its first day, in the blood-harvest; by the end of the month, the bitter cold of the season has usually claimed its first victims. The sign of the Spectre is a grim reminder of death, which also has its place in the order of things. It also recalls the belief that the souls of the dead are believed to revisit the world during this month, to make sure they have not been forgotten.

Those born under the sign of the Spectre seem to be older than their true age, as if they were recalling some previous life.

12. The Watchman
Sixteen stars form the shape of a man holding a lantern aloft. His lantern is the brightest star in the sky, the symbol of hope through the winter months.

Characters born under the Watchman make natural leaders. They have a nigh-unshakable confidence in themselves, which radiates to those around them. This leadership ability makes them superb teachers, battle leaders or even criminal bosses.

The Shaman

First Post
Evil Ujio, I'm sorry, but I've had to reconsider joining another game - I'm going to start another PbP so I don't think it would be wise to be a player, too.

Thanks again, and good luck with your game! I'll be reading along.


First Post
Well I'm certainly interested, I have a druid in mind who I've used in a number of pbp's, just need to tweak him and his background to fit the game.


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I'm up for playing, too, if you'll have me.

I'm thinking of playing a Wizard (most likely an Elven Wizard) who was born under the Spectre sign. If you'd allow me to play a Grey Elf (a subrace from the Monster Manual), that'd be cool, but if not, I'll play a by-the-books elf. I'll try to get the numbers posted soon.
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Evil Ujio

First Post
Willowhaunt said:
I'm up for playing, too, if you'll have me.

I'm thinking of playing a Wizard (most likely an Elven Wizard) who was born under the Spectre sign. If you'd allow me to play a Grey Elf (a subrace from the Monster Manual), that'd be cool, but if not, I'll play a by-the-books elf. I'll try to get the numbers posted soon.
Standard elf, I want this game to be simple :) easier to run online if we just stay standard stuff :) but other then that, sounds cool.

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