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Kickstarter FUNHOUSE for Prowlers & Paragons UE is now live!



Hey superhero fans! From the creator of Blood & Justice and The Widening Gyre comes FUNHOUSE – A darkly comedic superhero setting for Prowlers & Paragons Ultimate Edition –now live on Kickstarter!

In this world of superhumans, people don't trust them—a weirdo who can lift a tank over their head or read your thoughts is terrifying! People with superpowers have been redlined into certain neighborhoods, including one known as FUNHOUSE—a ghetto for superheroes, filled with poverty and super-crime.

FUNHOUSE was inspired by comics such as the Uncanny X-Men and Top Ten, and movies like Freaks and Code 8.

Just $10 gets you a copy of the PDF, or $30 gets both the physical book and the PDF! But there’s more! Backers at the $250 level get to create their own character for the world of FUNHOUSE – Hero or Villain, it’s your choice!

FUNHOUSE is completely finished. The PDF will be ready to go out the door almost immediately after the Kickstarter ends and funds are collected, and the physical copy won’t take long after that! Your support helps recover some of the costs in bringing this to you!

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Hey Funhouse friends! Thanks for all your support so far. We're so close to meeting our goal I can almost taste it!

Just to sweeten things further for you, I've just added some new add-ons. You can now add on the Prowlers & Paragons Ultimate Edition PDF, Softcover, Hardcover, or PREMIUM Hardcover to your pledge -- all of them at HUGE discounts. You won't see another deal like this again any time soon, so jump in while you can!

And don't forget we've lowered the pledge to create your own Funhouse character to a mere $100 (which is an absolute steal!). Imagine your own character, fully written up with P&PUE stats and illustrated by our own John Ridley, in the Funhouse book!

Thanks again, friends! Until next time,



Hey Funhouse Friends... Fully funded in <48 hours! Thanks so much for your support and your faith.

And not only are we funded, we've also already reached our first TWO stretch goals, a short adventure by the incomparable Ross Watson (creator of Accursed, Warhammer 40K: Wrath & Glory, and too many others to list), and a second short adventure by the creator of Prowlers & Paragons, Len Pimentel!

Now we're going to work towards our third stretch goal, a short adventure by veteran creator Michael Surbrook! I'm certain Mike's got something crazy up his sleeve for us, so let's make it happen!

Don't forget to check the previous updates to learn about new Add-Ons, and a discounted price to create your own Funhouse character!

Until next time,


Hey Funhouse Friends! As of this writing, we've already hit the first three of our stretch goals, and we're well on our way to reaching the fourth one!

So far, we've got a short adventure by Ross Watson, a second short adventure by Len Pimentel, and a THIRD short adventure by Michael Surbrook! If we can reach $1300, I will add 5 new villains to the book!

Additionally, if we hit that one I've got two NEW stretch goals lined up - at $1400 we'll have a new adventure from Marc Le Guen, and at $1500 James "Pigeon" Fielder will write another adventure for us! Dare we hope for more?

Until next time,



Hey Funhouse friends! I am flabbergasted. My gasts are flabbered. Today we blew through not one but TWO stretch goals! Now the book will include five (5) new villains (created by yours truly, and illustrated by John Ridley), PLUS a short adventure by Prowlers & Paragons superfan Marc Le Guen! Next stretch goal will be a short adventure by Mobius Worlds Publishing's James "Pigeon" Fielder. Do we dare hope to hit $1500? We've got 9 days to find out!

I am so proud and humbled and delighted by all of your support. What can I say but thank you? Thank you so much!

Until next time, friends!


Hey Funhouse friends! I can't believe it. I simply can't believe it. I started this KS hoping to get $750 to pay for the art, but now we've DOUBLED that amount! I can't thank you enough for your support!

This latest two Stretch Goals were for five new villains to include in FUNHOUSE, and a new short adventure by James "Pigeon" Fielder. I'm currently working on the villains (let me give you a hint: their names are Hooligan J, King, Lady Nox, Pumpkin Poe, and X-7), and I've got Pigeon lined up to start his adventure.

Since we made the latest Stretch Goal, I'm hoping to get one more down in our final seven days. If we somehow manage to reach $1750, we have FIVE MORE new villains, created by Prowlers & Paragons superfan Marc Le Guen!

Thanks again for all your support, friends!


Hey Funhouse friends! Time for another update. As of this writing, we are four days away from the end of the KS and very, very close to hitting our $1750 stretch goal - 5 new villains! At this point, I have no doubt we'll hit that target - y'all have been nothing short of amazing throughout this campaign!

But it puts me in a bit of a quandary. I'm going to let you take a peek inside my head to see what I'm thinking...

We've succeeded so far beyond my original goal that I'm running out of ideas for further stretch goals. Should I add more? At this point, you're gonna see at least 5 and probably 10 new villains, and 5 new adventures. I don't want to get too greedy; I've seen other Kickstarters promise more than they could deliver. I'm comfortable that we'll have no problem finishing what we've promised so far, but too much more feels like it will stretch my capabilities.

What do you guys think? I mean, I know more is always better, but are you happy with what you're getting so far?

Thanks friends!



Hey friends, we're in the final days of the Kickstarter for Funhouse, a darkly comical superhero setting for Prowlers & Paragons Ultimate Edition! We funded in under 48 hours, and then blew through our Stretch Goals! And you've only got a short time left to get in on the action!

Funhouse is inspired by great comics like The Uncanny X-Man and Alan Moore's Top Ten, and films such as Code 8 and Freaks. Play a hero called to clean up this dangerous town. Fight not only against gangs, organized crime, and corrupt cops, but also against the hostility and bigotry of a world that fears and hates you!

This is also your opportunity pick up the core rules for Prowlers & Paragons Ultimate Edition at a DEEP discount, so tell your friends and join the fun at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/bunneh/funhouse-a-superhero-mini-setting

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