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g.i. joe campaign: a more realitic cobra (long-really need feedback)


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Hey people-

I'm putting together a short campaign based on a 'realistic' approach to g.i. joe. I think the g.i. joe force itself is pretty realistic, since although its members are eccentric none really have any bizarre powers or whatnot. I'm trying to come up with a way to make Cobra seem more plausible, dangerous, and less silly. I've used some basic ideas from the comics (CC started with pyramid schemes, Sprinfield, weapons sales, cobra character backgrounds) along with my knowledge of Amway and Scientology to create a backstory for cobra. I've tried to come up with a more 'realsitic' approach to the pulpy Zartan, Dr. Mindbender, and Serpentor to keep an emphasis on the military aspects of the story. My plan is to have g.i. joe slowly discover what's behind cobra. Criticism and more ideas are really welcome. Feel free to laugh at this or provide better ideas. Let me know what you think.

Cobra was started by Cobra Commander, a broke used car salesman who believed big goverbments and big corporations were responsible for his failures. Cobra Commander started a front organization called Fruit pf Eden Industries, a thinly veiled pyramid scheme which sells 'all natural' soap, food, and other 'ecologically friendly' household products. Potential recruits are duped into becoming Fruit of Eden 'marketing agents'by way of phony demonstrations which show how ecoligically safe Fruit of Eden's products are. Potential recruits are subjected to high pressure sales tactics, which exploit potential members' fears of fianancial ruin and a lifetime of corporate wage slavery. During recruiting, potential recruits are invited to meetings, where they are surrounded by Cobra members who appear highly successful, normal, happy, and who have achingly perfect family lives. Cobra is careful to to subtly indoctrinate members by blaming all the recruits' problems on the United States government (which bankrupts small businesses via regulation and IRS false prosecution in violation of Constitutional 'due process') and large corporations (which enslave people in '9-5 but barely alive' jobs, and who downsize without mercy). Fruit of Eden is shown as the only way to 'make money and be your own boss', with all other alternatives leading to ruin. Cobra also preaches the lower members of the pyramid revere those higher up on the command chain, stating obedience to the Fruit of Eden system is the only way to gain financial freedom. Since most members in the Fruit of Eden heirarchy actually DO have million dollar houses, fleets of new cars, and seemingly perfect lives, Cobra finds it easy to recruit those down on their luck. Members are also given FOE 'motivational tools', tapes and videos which furthur indoctrinate members. FOE members are encouraged to ignore 'anti-success propoganda' including mainstream news, television, and books, since it is all messages from 'the corporate government conglomerate' designed to 'instill negativity and thwart success'.

FOE formed the seed of Cobra, generating massive wealth for Cobra Commander. Extremely paranoid and delusional, CC looked for a way to protect his ever growing empire. CC established various dummy corporations, trusts, and other pyramid schemes to increase his wealth. CC also utilized various overseas money laundering operations and connections to organized crime and other unscrupulous individuals. Cobra gained thousands of loyal FOE members, since the organization actually created much personal wealth for higher level memebers through the pyramid scheme and illegitimate gains. Vast wealth was not enough for Cobra Commander; over time, various federal authorities including the IRS, the SEC, and Attorney General came after the burgeoning Cobra empire. CC decided to clandestinely establish a paramilitary arm of FOE called Cobra. Relying on the organization's vehement anti-government and anti-corporate rehetoric, CC had many recruits. Under the radar of the u.s. government, Cobra established training camps in unfriendly territories such as North Korrea, South Vietnam, Iraq, and Afganistan through hefty bribes to local corrupt governments. The recruits were furthur indoctrinated, and trained in espionage, sabotage, personal combat, and military equipment operation. Seeking to procure more military technology, CC came into contact with Destro, a ruthless scottish arms merchant who had superior military technology and a reputation for providing hardware confidentially with no questions asked. Slowly, Cobra established FOE pyramid legs overseas and domestically.

Cobra's intitial headquarters in Springfield, a small town in rural Ohio. Springfield is in reality Cobra's worldwide headquarters, with over 75% of the town members either FOE employees or members of the covert Cobra organization. The town, formerly a burnt out rustbelt, is now thriving thanks to FOE and new businesses set up through money laundering.

Cobra commander grew even more ambitious and maniacal. His ego exploded to gigantic proportions, and became even more paranoid, seeing enemies behind every corner. With his vast fortune, he assembled an inner circle of efficient operatives to protect him and his burgeoing empire. Storm Shadow was recruited to be his personal bodygaurd. The Baroness was hired to establish Cobra's intelligence network, which is as vast and more effective than the CIA. Cobra operatives are present in nearly every major government agency and corporation. Major Blood and Firefly were hired to head up sensitive special missions and black operations against enemies. To deal with increasing prosecution by the u.s. government, cc procured the services of Tomax and Xamot, ruthless corporate lawyers affiliated with the Italian mafia that use the legal system to harass and bankrupt anyone critical of Cobra.

To lessen IRS and state oversight, CC created another front organization. The Congreation of the Creator was established as a non-profit religious orgnization. The church is very new age, encouraging members to revisit past lives via hypnosis. The religion requires its members to eat 'pure organic' foods to avoid toxification, and of course FOE foods are served at the organization. The Congregation targets rich and powerful individuals, using hypnosis and subtle influence to grow loyalty. The Congregation encourages members to give 'fixed donations' for 'past life review', which the church uses to hypnotise and indoctrinat4e recruits. Lawyers, accountants, and highly intelligent businessmen are recruited to the 'Crimson Divison', the high level administrative and white collar Cobra organization. The Crimson Gaurd is trained in covert operations and whtie collar crime, and many of its operativ es are planted in government agencies such as the IRS and even the Office fo the Attorney General. Congregation members are taught that the Congregation is their only hope fo resolving their life problems, since only review of their past lives will help them resolve past traumas so they can live as 'unburdened' beings free of 'negative feedback effect' caused by past life experiences. The Congregation bilks thousands of dollars from its members in donations for hypnotism services, and many members join the 'defense corps' (really the military branch of Cobra) as staff members to continue to receive hypnosis services. The entire indoctrination program was perfected by Dr. Mindbender, a greedy genius level psychologist with no scruples. The Congreation has an excellent public image as a 'harmless new age enlightenment organization', due to the efficiency of Cobra's intelligence and public relations network. Journalists opposed to Cobra are framed for child pronography or drug charges, potential plantiffs against cobra's schemss die in 'mysterious accidents', and people who attempt to leave the Cobra organization are considered fair game for any kind of reprisal. The ruthlessness and effectiveness of the organization has paid off; the media, the public, and even the federal prosecutors are too afraid of cobra to take them on legally or air its dirty laundry.

Much of the success of Cobra's intelligence operation can be attributed to Zartan and the Drea;dnocks. This biker gang of ex-mercenaries is composed of mostly European and Australian members with multiple fake identities. None of them have a fixed address, social security number, or any traceable records. Cobra Commander pays them handsomely to blend in with local lower class populations whereever they go, and the terrorism the dreadnocks and Zartan create effectively silences opposition to Cobra. Zartan and Zarana (who have NO SUPER CHAMELEON POWERZ) are adept at acting, subtle disguises, and using their bizzsarely everyman appearance to be covert operatives of the highest caliber. Rumor has it that member sof the Zartan Family often undergo plastic surgery for months at a time to evade law enforcement and prepare for new missions.

Once an individual has agreed to hand over his assets to the Congregation to become a minister (i.e. unpaid brainwasher who guides people through their past life experiences) or member of the Crimson Gaurd, the 'secrets to enlightenment program' begins. Eager members go through 'safety checks', similar to confessionals. 'Ministers' use their influence to dig up dirt that could be embarassing or subject the confessee to criminal prosecution if revelaed to use as future blackmail against anyone who may leave the organization. Through hypnotic techniques and the use of drugs in food, members become addicted to the 'enlightenment' the hypnotic past life regressions they undergo. Then the members are promised 'true enlightenment' can be reached through loyal service to the 'defense arm' of the Congregation, Cobra. The existence of Cobra is justified on the basis that the unenlightened (especially the government) is composed of enemies who wish to turn humanity into government/corporate slaves. Cobra hypnotists teach members that the first animal made by 'the creators' (more on that later!) was the Cobra. The Cobra is the ideal animal, since it is versatile and knows how to defend itself from other predators in order to assure its own survival. In fact, the Bible and eastern religinions villify the snake as the creator of original sin as a part of a massive cover-up by 'enemies of the creator' designed to foil true human enlightenment. Cobra teaches that religions such as catholicism and hinduism which do not encourage monetary success as the highest value are really designed to make the masses financially weak, so that he masses have no defense against totalitarian governments and are forced into wage slavery. The Cobra should be revered because it may be small, but it is powerful, agile, and covert enough to take down much larger animals and defend its pride!

The unbridled power CC has over his minions due to their behavioral conditioning is frightening. Members treat him as almost a godlike figure. His mad rantings are treated as the undeniable truth, since he has a 'direct connection' to the maker, and he knows all of the philosophy and true wasys of the Cobra. The closer member of cobra get to the commander on the pyramid results in increased wealth, increased power over others in the organization, and more conditioning to make the members indoctrinated. Since higher ups in Cobra truly do receive massive finanacial rewards, obedience is a virtue. Also, Cobra commander seems nearly all knowing due to his intelligence network, and a mysterious death or disappearance seems to befall anyone opposing him. With a vast military intelligence network, a desire to displace governments, a legion of brainwashed followers, and a frightening stockpile of miliatary hardware, Cobra Commander is truly THE MOST DANGEROUS MAN ALIVE!!

Unknown to CC, Dr. Mindbender has plans to stage a coup of Cobra from within. Not content to merley serve as 'head minister' of the Congregation, Mindbender has begun an experiment unparalelled in the world of psychology "Project: Serpentor'. Only an unethical madman genius of Mindbender's caliber would attempt it. Mindbender bought a baby from an anonomous European couple, and then had them assassainated along with anyone else who could possibly know about the deal (in mysterious car accidents, drug overdoses, and suicides). Mindbender than began to construct a bizarre social reality for the child, who is isolated in a remote himalayan locale and treated as loyalty by Mindbender's loyal servants. The boy settles the nature versus nurture debate. Mindbender has indoctrinated the son from birth, and the boys caretakers follow a creful script. The boy is taught he is the reincarnation of Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Alexander, and other great military leaders, and it is his mission to establish a 'benevolent empire' on earth since his is the chosen one of the true creators. Unknown to Cobra Commander (who is increasingly involved in the miliatary and terrorist activities of Cobra), mindbender is encouraging 'ministers' to insert past life experiences of cobra members serving under one of the past lives of Serpentor, the reincarnation of the true spirit of the Cobra. Congregation literature is filled with references to 'the return of the creators' one true son, the reincarnation of the original spirit of the cobra'), priming cobra members to accept the eventual ascension of Serpentor. Sepentor is taught every detail of his past lives, and is mad eto believe all of it is undisputed reality. He is also taught in miliatry tactics, speech, and propoganda. His perceived omsicience will be shown by his knowlege of the service of indvidual Cobra members in the past (Mindbender feeds him the information he gleams from 'confidential' Congregation 'confessionals' of prior life mideeds). Only time will tell if Mindbender will use Sepentor to overthrow Cobra Commander.

Cobra Commander is working on the project of buying an island from an unscrupulous foreign government, in an attempt to create a sovereign state for Cobra. Cobra is expanding its front organizations overseas, bribing foreign governments to start 'literacy programs' and 'convict rehabilitaiton programs' which subtly indoctrinate new cobra members. Calso contracts with foreign governments for 'military training' and miliatry outsourcing', resluting in massive profits for the Cobara/M.A.R.S. (destro's arms company) partnership, whose funds are laundered through a massive network of dummy coproations and overseas accounts by Tomax and Xamot. More importantly, CC chooses unstable governments he could likely topple as customers.

Cobra Commander is becoming even more dangerous, since his increasing meglomania, paranoia, and increasingly facist agenda has caused him to turn to experimental hallucinogenic drugs. CC's durgged out states, temper tantrums, and his ability to succeed in enacting seemingly bizarre operations has made even his most ridiculous schemes extremely dangerous. CC is now so paranoid he regularly hides out in isolated compounds in Florida marshes, and travels the seas when he fears extradition for crimes (even though he being nailed as a culprit for any Cobra schemes is laughable, since he is so well sheltered from scruitiny by the labirinthe of corporations created by Tomax and Xamot). Afraid of 'traitors' escaping, CC recruited a brutal and possibly insane crockodile breeder (Croc Trainer) to infest the isolated marshes with crocodiles trained to feed on humans. This program has prevented land based infiltration of Cobra compounds, and is nearly 100% effective in preventing traitor escapes. CC also recruited Raptor, a possibly insane bird trainer to use birds implanted with small cameras as part of a spy network. Using GPS satellites and a huge network of cameras monitored by cobra televipers (cobra information processing experts), CC has becoming frighteningly aware of worldwide events by the bizzare practice of releasing hundereds of birds with video cameras and determining the location of what the birds are viewing by determining their GPS locations. CC also recruited Crystal Ball, a sham fortune teller and scam artist, as a supplement to mindbender's techniques.

CC also created the final core belief of Cobra through forced hypnosis by Crystal ball and a massive dose of peyote and other mind altering drugs. After a week of fasting, tripping, and talking to members of his past lives, CC revealed to a stunned Cobra why Cobra is necessary. Before humans walked the Earth, a benevolent Empire of enlightened snake people directly evolved from the cobra, the coil (its a stupid name, but come on it is better than Cobra-la) ruled the earth. the coil was one with nature, not using any polluting or unatural substances. The golden age of the coil ended, when primordial apes (neanderthals) evolved into humans, and cast the coil out of the paradise the coil created. Humans also destroyed the weapons and tools the coil used to defend itself from outside aggessors. Crystal Ball is careful to teach upper level cobra ministers to reveal past lives of cobra officers as members of the coil, who were traumatized by cruel treatment of humans, their families exterminated by the evil humanity and their paradise and means of self sufficiency destroyed. Humanity wiped out the coil. However, by becoming enlightened through past life understanding, the secret knowledge of the means of recreating the paradise on earth the coil established is possible! All life will be destroyed (or enslaved by the government/corporate complex) unless Cobra is built to be militarily strong enough to opppose evil 'protoapes' (derogatory name for humanity who don't believe in the coil), or Cobra will fall just as the coil did! When Cobra has control over the world, the Coil will rise again creating a paradise on earth.
All of this information is kept totally secret, and most members of Cobra do not know of this upper level knowledge. The mystique of the secret behind the creators is what draws people into cobra. When high levl officers discover the truth, most are so brainwashed they believe every word. Some people just go bat $#!^ insane, and are 'let go' into the crocodile infested swamp. Dr. Mindbender's alterations to the 'sacred words' of cobra commander are suntle, but mention the coming of 'the chosen son of the coil, the one true first descendent of the cobra who has been with us at all times, but asleep as to his true origins utnils the upcoming planetary correlation' that will become the leader of Cobra's worldwide empire and usher in the new golden age.

My intention is for all this 'cobra-la'/coil stuf to be b.s., with references to globulous, nemesis enforcer, and pythona to be a result of cc's drug induced nonsensical babble which has become the central tenet of the cobra religion.

Why do we need g.i. joe?

Conventional government agencies will not work to take down Cobra. Cobra has infiltrated them. Additionally, Cobra's vast financial resources, army of lawyers, extremely effective intelligence operations, and shielding as a 'church' makes law enforcement problematic by domestic agencies. Plus, even high level government officials practically piss themselves when someone suggests going after cobra, because almost every opponent of the organization has ended up dead under mysterious circumstances.

G.I. Joe is the code name for America's daring, highly trained special mission force. Its purpose: to defend human freedom against cobra, a ruthless terrorist organization determined to rule the world.

G.I. Joe is a covert special operations force established to combat terrorism at home and abroad. It is composed of highly skilled, creative, daring (and some would say suicidal!) operatives who are willing to face constant death, abandon their families, their civilian identities, and a normal life to ensure the downfall of cobra.

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Wow. I'm a G.I. Joe fan too, and this sounds like a great d20 Modern setting, with maybe a couple shots from d20 Future so if someone wants to play sci-fi (the laser trooper) or battleforce 2020 (haha!) they could.

Not to mention the cartoon G.I. Joe w/ red and blue lasers instead of the bullets in the comic book...

This is a well-thought out premise. You might consider putting together a d20 PDF and talking with Hasbro/WotC. At least it wouldn't cost Hasbro anything to license its own IP...

Darrin Drader

Also a GI Joe fan here.

I like everything here (a lot) except for the bit about CC becoming increasingly insane due to hallucinagenics. Unless I'm mistaken, there have been no instances of this in the comics. It isn't so much that you can't deviate from canon, because clearly you have, but drug use just doesn't seem to fit his character. Instead I think it would be better just to classify him as an unstable evil genius who has gone off the deep end.

Other than that, I hope you don't mind if I archive this for my own Joe campaign that I would like to run sometime.
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A few passing thoughts:

1. Zartan's ability to hide in the shadows should be reflected, even if it is just highly trained mundane skill.

2. You need "real names" for Cobra Commander, Dr. Mindbender, etc. Dr. Mindbender, for example, would be way too obvious even to most idiots as to what he's up to.

3. Possibly, instead of Cobra-la being entirely a hallucination, maybe its another layer to the whole thing: Maybe Cobra-la as a name IS a joke, the common use English name used by a reptilian race for a hidden base they are operating from to try to take over the world. In their own language, which is almost unpronouncable by humans, it translates simply as "the base". They've been subtly influencing Cobra Commander since some point, maybe since almost the very beginning, maybe only since he started babbling on about The Coil. He's not the only pan they've got in the fire, though, they have a separate group they've been influencing that is oh so subtly named after their base - called simply "the base" in the predominant language of that group. Or in other words, they are called Al-Qaida in Arabic. The reptiles numbers are small, so they're relying on building groups of humans to do their work for them. Possibly, they are entirely alien. Maybe, they really HAVE been around since prehistory, evolved from some sort of dinosaur or something, and have been trying this slow manipulation over and over - Khan, Hitler, etc. (Possibly, if THAT is the case, it ties in somehow to what Mindbender is up to with Serpentor?) Possibly, a combination of the two - they evolved here, but left right before the mass extinctions of the dinosaurs, and they are only recently back, and trying to retake their world from the stupid monkeypeople.

I suggest this one because it allows for some of the characters from Cobra-la to come into actual play if people want, it allows a possible explanation for some of the sci-fi tech that gets thrown around, and it provides another faction (or two, if you choose to use the Al-Qaida aspect of it) for players to be involved with. It ALSO, and here comes my hidden agenda, allows campaigns to be run with your system for "V" as well, possibly even cross-over campaigns. :D

4. Speaking of factions, don't forget to do something with Red Oktober. I always loved it when those guys showed up.


Oh, one more thing:

5. Without trying to get too political here - for both the purposes of explaining characters from other countries AND for the game to appeal to an international audience, some of whom aren't exactly enamored with the U.S. at the moment, maybe it would be good if G.I.Joe had started as an American anti-terrorism force, but has since been transferred to performing as an autonomous function under NATO? Still allows for them to be called "America's daring" etc, because they started here, but makes the group more multinational.


What I'd really like to see is a crossover game run with this and the Mechamorph thingy, and with Spiderman running around, too.

Consider this something of a post-outage BUMP. GO JOE! :D


First Post
winkiekid7519 said:
Hey people-

Why do we need g.i. joe?

Conventional government agencies will not work to take down Cobra. Cobra has infiltrated them. Additionally, Cobra's vast financial resources, army of lawyers, extremely effective intelligence operations, and shielding as a 'church' makes law enforcement problematic by domestic agencies. Plus, even high level government officials practically piss themselves when someone suggests going after cobra, because almost every opponent of the organization has ended up dead under mysterious circumstances.

G.I. Joe is the code name for America's daring, highly trained special mission force. Its purpose: to defend human freedom against cobra, a ruthless terrorist organization determined to rule the world.

G.I. Joe is a covert special operations force established to combat terrorism at home and abroad. It is composed of highly skilled, creative, daring (and some would say suicidal!) operatives who are willing to face constant death, abandon their families, their civilian identities, and a normal life to ensure the downfall of cobra.

So, are the Joes the top pick of the private mercenary pool or are they Ubermensch U.S. Special Forces? You didn't actually say.

Dark Jezter

First Post
Torm said:
Oh, one more thing:

5. Without trying to get too political here - for both the purposes of explaining characters from other countries AND for the game to appeal to an international audience, some of whom aren't exactly enamored with the U.S. at the moment, maybe it would be good if G.I.Joe had started as an American anti-terrorism force, but has since been transferred to performing as an autonomous function under NATO? Still allows for them to be called "America's daring" etc, because they started here, but makes the group more multinational.

But then G.I. Joe wouldn't be a Real American Hero, he'd be a Real Multilateral Politically Correct Hero designed to be inoffensive to America Haters.

It just dosen't have the same ring to it.

Dark Jezter

First Post
VirgilCaine said:
So, are the Joes the top pick of the private mercenary pool or are they Ubermensch U.S. Special Forces? You didn't actually say.
Since we're going for semi-realism with this G.I. Joe portrayal, I'd suggest that the members of G.I. Joe be drawn from U.S. Special Operations Groups, such as Army Special Forces (also known as the Green Berets), Army Rangers, Marine Force Recon, Navy SEALs, Air Force Pararescue, and Delta Force.

Real-life mercanaries tend to be poorly-trained bullies. They aren't highly-trained professional soldiers by any stretch of the imagination.

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