GAME OF THRONES #10:Mother's Mercy ACT12 /2015-Season Finale


Guide of Modos
it's just bad TV, period.

Wanna show us a better low-fantasy TV show?

There's a bright side to the season 6 debacle: we may be able to read Winds of Winter and not know what will happen in every TV scene. This phenomenon watered down the first couple seasons for me a bit.

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Wanna show us a better low-fantasy TV show?
The first three seasons of Game of Thrones, when the annoying creative liberties were at a relative minimum by comparison?

And even if there's no other fantasy show with a similar premise, that still doesn't make Season 5's degraded quality acceptable.

There's a bright side to the season 6 debacle: we may be able to read Winds of Winter and not know what will happen in every TV scene. This phenomenon watered down the first couple seasons for me a bit.

I would think seeing a well executed visual representation of what I read in the books so long ago would be its own reward. Silly me.

Honestly, I don't mind changes from the novels as long as there's a good reason for them and they're well done. Which Season 5's weren't. And because of that, I'm not waiting with baited breath for Season 6.

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