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Game Summaries


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Dang, I also didn't think to tell Deborah. We should make some effort to contact her as soon as possible. unfortunately, unless we can find some people on the road who could take a letter, I have no idea how to get a message to Greerson. Anybody got any spells that might be usefull?

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The Mighty Flower Warriors Continued...

After realizing the rest of the party had disappeared along with their own equipment, Ayla, Felix, and Oceaus try to decide what to do next. Quickly, Ayla finds tracks on the ground and begins to follow them, Felix and Oceaus accompany her. They head off into the brush after the kidnappers and it doesn't take long for Ayla to notice that little effort had been taken to cover up the tracks she is following. Suddenly, the plants surrounding the trio spring to life and reach to grapple them. Ayla and Felix dexterously leap from the area, but Oceaus is quickly bound up against a tree. As they try to think of a way to continue tracking their target without having to go through the entangling area, Oceaus remembers that his god can grant him the power to avoid being trapped in this manner. He closes his eyes in a quick prayer and then quickly slips his bonds and joins his companions. Seeing no other options, and not wishing to waste any more time, the group traces the outside of the area of effect and attempts to relocate the trail on the far side, which proves easy enough. Again their progress is stopped shortly thereafter when they notice a net hanging high up in a tree. Oceaus recognizes it as his net. In an effort to both eliminate the threat of a trap as well as to aquire a weapon (since Oceaus and Ayla are currently weaponless), Ayla climbs up the tree to retrive the net. Meanwhile, Felix checks around to determine if and where there is a trap. He manages to locate a tripwire about the same time Ayla reaches the net. To simplify matters, they decide to simply spring the trap cautiously rather than attempt to disarm it. Felix cuts the tripwire and the net drops to the ground. Ayla climbs back down as Oceaus gathers up his net, and then the group continued on. Soon they come to a large tree with a note attached to it, held in place by a long thin arrow like the ones the party was attacked with back at the camp. The note reads "Leave all of your equipment here and proceed to the clearing." After a quick debate over whether or not they should leave their equipment and what, in fact, the note meant by ALL of their equipment, Ayla decides to proceed towards the clearing. After only several steps Ayla vanishes. Oceaus cautiously approaches the spot he last saw her in and he too disappears. What he and Ayla both experience is a brief shimmer of light and suddenly they appear right where they were a moment ago, but now there is a gaping hole in the ground right in front of them. Both managed to narrowly avoid it. They look down into the hole and see only darkness with occasional layers of vines. Oceaus then decides to step back through so that Felix will once again be able to see him. Unfortunately, he returns just in time to see Felix being dragged off into the bushes by some invisible force. He charges forward and dives at where he guesses an invisible creature might be, but fails to hit anything as Felix is lifted high off the ground. A woman's voice speaks out to Oceaus from above "You dont want to play our game. Go away!" After a brief argument, Oceaus returns to Ayla and the pair sit in the clearing and wait.


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WOOHOO! I just finished a massive paper I've been working on for school. That's what's been eating up my time and not allowed me to finish up the summary. Fortunately we had 2 weeks this time. Anyway, I'll finish up that summary here pretty soon - just wanted you all to know I didn't forget.

And even though it is now a few minutes past, I wanted to wish everyone a happy easter! See you all Friday!


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The Mighty Flower Warriors Concluded...

Li awakes to find that he has been buried up to his neck in the ground. A quick look around reveals that most of the other party members are in the same situation next to him. Oddly though, Ayla and Oceaus are nowhere to be seen. Keldorn, Ceru, Felix, and Tormal all awaken to realize their predicament. Felix and Tormal discuss what to do while Keldorn struggles to free himself and Ceru goes back to sleep. Soon after, a young woman appears, clothed in a dress of leaves. She flutters over on butterfly-like wings and settles on Li's head. She asks what he is doing in the forest and whether or not we are here to do good. After a brief discussion with each member planted in the ground, she departs. Later she returns with two more like her and they charge the five with the task of making a group of 'meanies' go away. Though they offer only one item to each of the group members to complete the task. One of the girls transforms into a huge blue ogre-like creature who proceeds to dig out the party members one by one. Each persons item of choice is brough over by one of the other girls. Li retrieved his sword, as did Felix. Keldorn took his axe, Tormal, his sash, and Ceru requested one of his masks. Along with each of the items, clothing of various flower colors were also provided, as their original clothes had been confinscated along with the rest of their equipment. The flower clothes were arranged in a dress-like style and each member had a different color. There were two exceptions. First, Keldorn, instead of a dress was given a loin cloth, albeit a flower loin cloth. Second, Ceru was given a dress of leaves not flowers, and instead of having one of his own masks returned to him, the girls instead brought a giant butterfly mask for him to wear.
Once everybody has doned their new flowery clothes, they are led to a trail marked by skulls. They are told that further up the road they will encounter a group of the 'meanies' they were informed of earlier. With that the group sets off. As they near the area they believe the creatures might be, they fan out in hopes of taking their opponent by surprise. Instead, Keldorn starts to chant and three bugbears emerge from a cave to greet them. The ensuing battle is breif, resulting in a victory for the mighty flower warriors. They quickly search the cave finding little more than the items carried by the bugbears, then set off back the way they came. When they reach the point from where they started, they find all of their equipment piled up along with a beautiful long sword (which Felix believes is magical), and a small pouch of gems for each of them.


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(I am writing this weeks game summary in the form of a letter from Li to Lord Tannerson. Unfortunately, Li has paper but no ink, so he cannot actually write the letter, but I'm still going with the form of a letter from Li to Lord Tannerson. If anybody has ink, Li would like to use it.)

To Lord Aldrich Tannerson, Honored Defender of the Eastern Gate, Marshall of the Twenty Trees, Ranger of Greerson and Paladin of Lune

From Your Honorable Servant Li Xian Gao, Samurai

Lord Tannerson,
I have much to tell you of the last few days. Out travels have been swift, but we have been sidetracked by some denizens of the forest who required our help.

After slaying a trio of goblinoids who had made a home in the forest at the behest of some strange, magical women-creatures, we were rewarded by Lady Morgancia, some sort or strange women, obviously magical, and apparently in tune with the forest itself. She gave us a few gems each, and a sword of masterfull craftsmanship, as a way of showing thanks. That night she invited us to eat with her, and during the meal, she asked if I would be willing to help her rescue one of her relatives, Anastasia.

Since I could not seek your advice directly, I decided to act as I thought you would want me to, and help Lady Morgancia. She is, afterall, tied to the forest that you protect. Ceru and Felix also agreed to help, but Tormal and Keldorn did not join us. Ayla and Brother Oceas were not even allowed to join in the slaying of the goblin-kind, and were not asked to save Anastasia.

As it turns out, Anastasia was held in the realm of dreams. Lady Morgancia transported us to the dream realm as we slept, and gave us some vague instructions. She did make one thing clear: we should NOT wake the dragon. We set off without much direction.

After some time traveling, we came to a clearing, and found our journey blocked by creature that seemed to my eyes to be part dog and part lizard. It brought to mind the horrors of the Yuan-ti in my homeland. Felix tried to sneak up on it, to observe it and try to find a way around, but his stealth failed him miserably, and the creature attacked, leaving me to combat it. The battle raged, with Felix being nearly killed, and the scaled dog trying hopelessly to hit me. Ceru provided support with his magics, and turned the battle in our favor when he realized we were in a dream world. Reality is malleable in dreams, and Ceru used his mind to warp the world, and give us an advantage.

With the beast felled, we proceeded further into the forest, and started to hear the sounds of a waterfall. The air had a horrible, agitating scent in it. I later came to suspect that the scent was related to the dragon, but I am getting ahead of myself.

As we got closer to the waterfall, we heard howling in the distance. We never did see the source of the howling, but the sounds grew closer and louder as we explored around the waterfall.

When the waterfall cam into sight, Felix spotted a women chained to a rock a great distance up the waterfall. We suspected (corectly) that this was lady Anastasia. Since we had no way to get to the rock, I started trying to climb the rocks several times, falling each time. Finally I made som progress, only to fall from a great hieght, and be knocked unconcious in the water. Felix and Ceru came to my rescue, but I must recommend that for the future, Ceru be trained as a better swimmer. He only seemed to hinder Felix's efforts. Ceru ended up with me on the shore, both of us barely alive, when Felix was snatched by the dragon that lived behind the waterfall (I did not know this at the time, but he told me later), who had been alerted to our presence by my fall.

As soon as Ceru and I were able, we ran behind the waterfall, finding a stairway chiseled into the rock. We took the stairs up past the dragons lair (since we had no idea it was a dragon's lair, or that Felix was inside), and made our way all the way up to the rock where Anastasia was chained. Ceru fell while trying to make his way onto the rock. I was about to dive after him, when I saw the dragon fly out and swallow him whole. As the dragin murdered him, I prepared to jump down and plung my nagamaki into his head, but at the last minute I remembered my mission, and took to trying to free Anastaia instead.

I could not break the chins, and with the dragon approaching, I had no choice but to try to cut of Anastasia's hand to get her out. She was in great pain, and unable to help me, but the first bite of my blade shook her out of it, and she reached out to me with her hand. Not sure of what to do, I grabbed her hand, half ready to try and cut it off again, but as soon as our hands touched, I awoke in the clearing where I had gone to sleep. Felix and Ceru were also there, since death in dreams only means that the dreamer awakes.

We went back to sleep for the rest of the night, and the dragon spoke in our dreams. I fear we have made a great enemy.

But in the morning, Lady Morgancia and Anastasia met with us, and thanked us. We had indeed saved Anastasia, and Lady Morgancia was greatfull. She gave us some information on the bandits, telling us that the bandits were not human, but of goblin stock, and bid us on our way.

I believe we should apprehend the bandits in a matter of days, and we will be well prepared for them, now that we know they are not entirely human.

Yours in Service,
Li Xian Gao, Honorable Warrior and Samurai


First Post
I agree, and i'm glad you're still alive guys! Tormal, if he knows about the situation, seems a bit relieved about the situation as well. He is curious how the dreams work and hopes that some time Ceru would explain it a bit more. For now, however, he prepares to apprehend the bandits.
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Li will explain the situation to Tormal and Keldorn, giving them the same descriptions as he wrote for Lord Tannerson.

Glad it was a good read, hope everybody enjoys it.


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Well it's Thursday and nobody has made an effort yet to write up last weeks game summary. In order to do the one day in advance thing, I'll go ahead and write it up again this week.

After the dream encounter with the dragon, Ceru, Felix, and Li, along with Keldorn and Tormal, are led to the road. The recent events in the forest have set the five back a good distance, meaning a fair amount of backtracking had to be done. Meanwhile, Ayla and Oceaus, had decided to return the way they came in hopes of finding the rest of the party. Before long the two groups were reunited. The group then continued to the west in search of the bandits they were originally charged to locate.

After a day or two of travel, the group encountered a small caravan. The wagons showed evidence of having been attacked and there were six dead bodies loaded onto the last cart. The party set up camp with the caravan and learned what they could of the bandits that attacked them while tending to their wounds.

The following day the group again set off to locate the bandits, which they finally encountered several days down the road. Waiting in the middle of the road was three men who demanded a tribute before the group may pass. Some members of the party noticed another four bandits hiding in bushes on the sides of the road, several members of the party were off of the road as well though. The battle that ensued turned out to be more difficult than originally predicted for several reasons. Among those reasons was the impressive fighting skill of the leader of the bandits, the arrival of bandit reinforcments, and a hobgoblin with skills not unlike those of Deborah. When all was said and done though, the entire party was still alive, had allowed only one hobgoblin to escape, and even managed to take one of the bandits hostage. Thanks to their new hostage, the group was able to locate the bandit camp and recover many stolen goods. Now if they could only find out a way to get it all back to Greerson...

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