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More Comfrey!
In a "reputeded properties of herbs" description is some 2e book (I don't remember which) it described that comfrey staunched bleeding. Based on this a player tried to convince the DM that his character shouldn't die because he would use some comfrey he happened to have handy to stop the bleeding. Now, whenever someone is on deaths door everyone yells "More Comfrey!"

Bork! Bork!
From the 2e days when a fireball would incinirate your party, Bork! Bork! means "I'm gonna drop some heavy artillery so take cover. "

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The phrase used when the toilet humor (or the current situation in general) just went waaaay too far. It was a good segue to get things back on track.


I ran a harsh 1e campaign where you could play whatever you wanted and there were plot and module hooks all over the greyhawk world but the world was there whether they ran into orcs or dragons at first level, the decision to run was up to them, there was no fudged dice and serious consequences came from the action. It was a really gritty game with little magic for a long while.

At one point while they were in Greyhawk and about 7th level they went into Castle Greyhawk (the joke module) and did the bakery level, with a dough golem, gummy werebears and the dreaded mind filleter. The only artefact the party encountered until years later was the mithral breadknife of Greyhawk. Which actually turned out advantageous years later when they encountered Baba Yaga and needed a suitable gift.


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"Don't make me incapitate you!"


"You'd be stupid not too."

The first one was from a super late session when we were in school and everyone was getting tired and mouthy. Well the DM got fed up and in our mouthy dealings with a guard he meant to say decapitate. It was pretty funny and we ended it there.

The second is from the resident evil game. "Do you take the crank?" Again the response from someone was, "You'd be stupid not to." That found it's way into our next sessions.


First Post
A while back I posted my party's gaming proverbs. Here it is again for posterity.

1- Don't flash money
2- Don't believe or trust the waitors
3- Don't do KYO or Kumitei
4- Look before you drink
5- Look before you sit down
6- Don't hum along with Demons
7- Don't buy insurance from the duck
8- Don't Kill Halflings on Whiteford
9- Don't wrestle with 1,500 lbs creatures or Liches
10- Be very very very very very very very very very very careful what you ask for
11- The Ethereal plane is bad
12- Don't interupt a typing duck
13- Don't have Phallic conversations
14- Don't say "I"M INVINSIBLE!!!"
15- The Higher source is not benevolent
16- Don't fire guns while ridding Kanks
17- Don't open a parachute in mid flight
18- Don't host a bachelor party for the most hated man on your world
19- Paranoia is a virtue
20- Insist on proof of ownership before purchase
21- There is no escape, the GM wil find you and kill your pets, that's what he does, that's all he does
22- NPC's will always spill their guts to PCs
23- Check behind the pillars
24- Don't taunt the GM's wife
25- Remember your Ammo Capacity
26- Check your partner before debauching
27- Magic is inherantly dangerous
28- Don't leave survivors
29- Don't use magic openly on Athas
30- The weakest PC will always be pinned under the Heaviest object
31- Swords parry daggers, seldom the reverse
32- Criticals aren't always the best roles
33- Check the want ads before planning an attack
34- Poodles have suicide charges
35- Don't ask a horse for directions
36- Don't reason with a poodle
37- Golems have the inteligence of a braindead frat boy
38- Carefully place the sentries
40- Don't cross the streams ray
41- Dress the peon like the boss
42- Don't hire an assassin when the assassin's guild has a contract out on you
39- Negadave can not count or spell
43- Honesty works every once and awhile
44- Try Puritainism, it just might help
45- Loose d-cks sink missions
46- Waking up naked at the bottom of a glass bottom pool overlooking the dining room is not the best way to wake up
47- Don't have conversations with Mind Flayers
48- When do the living guard the crypts of the dead?
49- Spam does not make an effective door stop
50- containment fields are there for a reason
51- Look for the obvious traps
52- Don't drink 2 different potions at once
53- Peons are the dangerous ones
54- Amok Amok Amok
55- 99's can be a good role
56- Don't tell the GM it's your last day at his game
57- When choosing an area to be hit in, don't take the vital one
58- Check for Piranha before bathing
59- Don't piss of Rockshillman
60- Toilet humor can go to far (really!)
61- Make sure you have back up
62- Beat the woman, get a luck point
63- Don't mess with religion on Whiteford
64- I'm warm and fuzzy, come to me!
65- There is a nipple in my eye slit
66- Only you can prevent Rhohirrim fires
67- I'm talking in this voice, how do you think its going?
68- I didn't marry him, you stick it up his butt!
69- Masturbating during an autopsy is considered bad form
70- It's time for a little game we call "Roll the Troll", give me the belly jewel b-tch!
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First Post
"Justinian Stealth"

Used to refer to a character who was the lost prince of an empire currently with an oppressed populace. He would respond to NPCs talking about how much the government bugged them by paying for things in platinum pieces and making sure everyone knew that 'something was going to be done', and winked a lot.

He always got hell from the party rogue, but we at least managed to convince him to grow a beard, since his face was on the money.


First Post
I can only think of two, at least off the top of my head.

However- WE once played with an absolute sociopath named Phil. Phil also had to be the most eloquent sounding person at the table, and would counter your plans(since it was pseudo-freeform) by saying his sentence, and then cutting your response short with "However..." followed by a deep breath and his rebuttal to what he thought you'd say. In contrast:

And then, and then, and then!-Pat was the DM's personal hell; a bully who HAD to be the most powerful, and a cheating bastard to boot. Pat had the most annoying habit; when a player would get fed up with him in game and try to fight him, he'd run on and on and on and on and on with his actions, repeatedly going "ANd then(insert action), and then(insert action), and then(insert action)" until, in my case, you'd get in his face and scream SHUT UP! to be able to get one turn to his five. After which, of course, the DM would allow the "And then" chain to happen again.


This just reminds me of a pet peeve of mine.

Playing at a game at a convention with a group of friends who play together all the time, and sitting there, listening to them laugh about obscure references that only they get throughout the entire game.

Ugh, that drives me crazy.


Liquid Awesome
die_kluge said:
This just reminds me of a pet peeve of mine.

Playing at a game at a convention with a group of friends who play together all the time, and sitting there, listening to them laugh about obscure references that only they get throughout the entire game.

Ugh, that drives me crazy.

In our group we call that 'getting "die_kluged".'


Iron Fist of Pelor
One that I've never encountered in other gaming groups, but which is profoundly useful, is:


Used when a character learns some information and wants to convey it to the other characters, but all the players were sitting there when the DM gave out the info -- or used when you're telling an NPC information that the DM (obviously) already knows.


DM: Okay, Bob, you made your spot check. You can see, just above the mountain's ridge, a scaly head watching you; given the distance, you'd guess the head is about ten feet tall.
Bob: Uh, guys? Blah.
Other players: Oh, crap! What's my RLH speed?


DM, acting as Nancy the NPC: So, what brings you to this town?
Bob: Blah.
DM: Do you tell her everything?
Bob: Uh, make that blah, except I leave out the bit about the king being a demon-worshipper -- I don't want to get arrested for treason first thing in town.

I had another bit of our jargon, but I forgot it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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