Gamers and Stereotypes


die_kluge said:
I'm always busy. I write music, I'm working on my master's degree, I surf the web, I play on the computer, watch movies, spend time with my wife and daughter, we go out to eat, etc, etc.

I don't care for drinking. I'll occasionally have a wine cooler, but in general I find the taste of alcohol to be most disagreeable. And I can't see drinking for the purposes of getting drunk because I rather enjoy having full use of my mental facilities.

I think most people are mentally weak, which is why some day I will rule them all!!

i don't recognize these lines from the song. :confused:

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Teflon Billy

Berandor said:
*Paging T-Billy*

No goddam way. Not twice.

If you want to suss out my opinion here, just go to the Hida Bukkorosu thread regarding how to pick up girls while remaining a fat, smelly geeky creep.

I'm through beating my head against a wall trying to convice people that showering and not looking like twats will get them further in life, while listening to them play off their personality flaws as points of pride.

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I like sports, I enjoy watching sports on TV. I played High School basketball, and coached high school basketball. I shower every day. I havent lived with my parents since I was 17, I moved out as soon as high school was over, and didnt move back.

I played Magic: The Gathering enough, and well enough, to go to Nationals, chose a roommate based on how likely he was to play a ton of D&D with, spent hundreds of dollars a month on gaming, worked at a comic/hobby shop, went to university for philosophy, and juggled girlfriends in and out.

I dont drink, smoke, or do drugs, but I will go out with friends to a bar or pool hall to watch a game, or to spend time with them, once in a while.

I think the long and the short of this little anecdotal story is that liking or disliking sports has nothing to do with whether you are a geek. I have had jock friends who smelled bad, and geek friends who didnt, and vice versa. That said, I have gone into way too many magic tournaments and nearly gagged from the suffocating odour of unwashed folds of flesh, so I wont pretend it isnt an issue at all.

However, my friends are all incredibly intelligent. I dont associate with anyone who isnt. I cannot stand even speaking to people who gape at everything I say. Unfortunately, smart people are not always socially adept people. I take the good with the bad. Sometimes the price I pay for intelligent conversation is stinkiness. Well, my nose is offended, but at least my brain isnt. Thats worth it, to me.


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I'm convinced that had I committed a crime at GenCon, my chances of getting away scot-free are very good. All the victim has to do is begin describing the perp as "an overweight guy with a beard, in his late 30's or early 40's...." and the cop would've just tossed his hands in the air and walked away.


First Post
die_kluge said:
So, I'll bottom line it for you. Screw everyone else!

IMO something they should teach in health class in High School is that your 20s suck. Ok, maybe if you're a rock star or one of the Kennedy's things are pretty cool, but I think for most other men, at least, that decade ain't no picnic.

So my theory is that you'll reach Kluge-vana and won't care what people think anymore after you've wrestled with this problem for a few more years. IMO the thing is to realize that both everyone else and you have a problem, but you're only going to fix yours and that problem is that you have to learn to accept yourself to the degree that these other things fade away. Work on the friendships that you have with people that accept you. Work on showering, moving into your own home, girlfriends, weight, hobbies, sports, etc. when/if those things interest you. It's a lot easier for people to enjoy things when you don't feel like a gun is being held to your head telling you "do this or else people won't like you."

I'm going to wear my Iron Maiden t-shirt to my cushy office job tomorrow. And then at noon I'm going to surf over to enworld, read about DnD, and laugh to myself about how I don't work at Blockbuster. Then maybe the day after I'll go get a tatoo.

And for the love of Odin, don't listen to anything you read on a girl gamers thread. Man, I feel dirty for just reading that thing.

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