• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Gamers = Friends = Good Friends


Doors and Corners
Krieg said:
After hearing about my marital issues a very good friend who I haven't seen in person in six years let me know that if I need to get away and start fresh somewhere else they will always have room for me out in Colorado.
I have a very good friend that taught me D&D 23 years ago, offer to clean out a room in his very small house. He has no money, can barely feed himself and his family, but he was willing to take on another mouth (though one that can pay his own way) just because I was emotionally broken and needed a place to feel at home.

A true friend, indeed.

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My present gaming group formed in ~1981, with new players joining and others leaving at various times in the 1980's; its membership crystallised into a "core" around 1987, with five of us still the same who played together in 1981.

Of those people, one's dead, one's quit gaming, and I'm presently married to the one who gave birth to my son in 1994; my boy's now old enough to game with us sometimes. The others remain good friends and come round to my house from all over the country ten or twelve times a year for a full Sunday's RPG'ing. We play no matter what happens... the game didn't stop even the night that one of my players was repossessed, he was busily fighting a lich while his landlord threw his furniture into the street.

We've been through all sorts of things - not just the traditional issues of health, bankruptcy, divorce. I employed one of my players for a while when he needed a job; another player married a millionairess and another's recently announced a decision to have a sex change.

Gaming conquered all, and I think we'll keep gaming together now until the last one drops dead.

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