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Gaming and orgies don't mix

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
"Y'all" is preferable to "you" since it's clearly a plural form of you, which most other languages in the world tend to have. (The ones without often have "informal" or "slang" versions for clarity's sake as well.)

In any case, I've clearly been playing with the wrong groups over the years. All I've ever spontaneously been offered is a warm Mountain Dew.

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John Morrow

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Munin said:
Obviously you don't live in the South. But it's better than 'yous guys', at least to my ears.

No, I don't live in the South but, yes, I know there are place in the South where that's already happened. If I remember correctly, you add something to "y'all" to make in plural again in those cases, right? :)

Yes, it's better than "yous" and even "youn" but all of them are attempts to replace the co-opted plural. If using "y'all" as a second person singular pronoun doesn't prove my point, I don't know what does. Not don't get me started on spit infinitives and double-negatives. :)


die_kluge said:
Now, during the course of this game, the female - the wife of the GM, keeps touching Bob's feet under the table. Bob doesn't think anything more about it, since he just figures she's stretching out her feet, but it continues to the point where it's no longer a coincidence. She's literally playing "footsie" with him under the table!

When I heard a rumor that D&D 4.0 would have more "feats", I didn't think they meant this kind of footwork...

Where can I sign up to playtest this?!



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freebfrost said:
When I heard a rumor that D&D 4.0 would have more "feats", I didn't think they meant this kind of footwork...

It just goes to show you how the new editions have lost their sense of mystery. In the old days, they didn't have to spell out the rules for having threesomes. I'm surprised Diaglo hasn't waded in on this.


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It sounds like gaming has finally gone mainstream - now we just need is D&D to be worked into an episode of "Desperate Housewives"


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Female Gamers

Ummm... yeah. Let's see here, your friend joined a group that had issues. I would think that your "friend" would be just respectful enough to simply bow out if he is uncomfortable, and not go posting their issues (no matter how soapy) all over the boards.

I appreciate your attempt to post us all a good laugh, but I must agree with Emperess... really what does your story have to do with "Female Gamers"?

It seems to me that your friend is confusing the actions of one person, whom just so happens to be female (in this case) that has exercised poor judgement. Also, without consulting or confirming his thoughts of what the GM (male) in the party really had in mind or intended, has passed unjust judgement upon another. To make things worse, I hope that they unknown to all on this board, because you have just done the favor of announcing your friends awkward situation to the world. You both should be embarassed for your, perhaps singularly rare, serious lack of judgement.


First Post

Occasionally I have found the odd "anonymous" thing on the 'net that I strongly suspect has been written by a friend. But part of the code, at least where I'm from, is to act as though one has not seen it. So, I don't see quite the big social transgression here that you do.

Rel said:
"Dear Dragon Magazine,

I never thought something like this would happen to me, but..."
For when Paizo really gets desperate for more readership? :)

But really, while I haven't experienced it myself, I've had friends who stumbled into this scenario. Apparently some people do use gaming as a way of "hooking up" with others (sometimes in groups), which can come as something of an ambush to people who don't use it like that (the majority of gamers).

Of course, if they weren't gaming, they'd probably be using whatever social activity they were engaged in as a means of trying to find new partners, it probably happens all the time, we just mostly see it when it intersects with our hobby.

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