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gaming boards


Wielder of the Power Cosmic
i remember a few years ago websites where you could set up message boards for your gaming group to ease communication between members etc etc, but i can't seem to find any now. i know about ezboarb but i was wondering about others. any suggestions.


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Ahh, a fellow Paragon :)

I am also interested in such a thing, anyone have some good links?

(Paragon of Virtue logged on from his girlfriends account, as to confuse in the most confusing way)
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Paragon said:
i remember a few years ago websites where you could set up message boards for your gaming group to ease communication between members etc etc, but i can't seem to find any now. i know about ezboarb but i was wondering about others. any suggestions.


Clue me in here...are you looking for a place that hosts message boards for you to use, or are you looking for free message board code that you can place on your website with little or no effort?

If it's the latter, and your webhost supports ASP, I'd look at www.aspin.com

It has some great FREE code. I use the Snitz message boards on my website. It's easier having your own, as opposed to posting on others...


Official ENworld Space Monkey
I use PHPBB, it's free and works quite well (not to mention being easy to set up). It needs php (duh) and a database backend (mysql and quite a few other options). I can set up private forums (one for each player) to dole out xp and character specific info. We use it to schedule games, have in character posting between game days (on the road travel rping, etc), work out item creation, spell research, crafting, etc specifics and lots more.



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spacemonkey said:
I use PHPBB...

phpBB is definately a great system to use. I switched over to it from a yahoo group a couple of years ago, and am really happy with the level of customization it offers. It is a free sollution (you just need a host), and there are lots of free mods in production to do all sorts of useful things.


Well, it's not a messageboard system, but if you're looking to keep track of things in game, or just communicate with players, might I recommend KillaCampaigns? I've used it in the past - and it's always worked out really well:



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Yahoo Groups works quite well for our group. It has built in calendar, database, and place to upload files. Sure it doesn't do multiple threads, but it can email you each message individually...


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