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Gaming - Coming into September


OK folks,
If you are interested in playing in the Agents of the Gods campaign, I still need your concept email so we can begin working on that.

We need to begin working on the restart of the primary campaign as well. Expect me to post a little narration for the Ternell complex soon. Please think about what your characters will be doing there through the winter season. I do need a final count of how many people will be journeying to Mount Korliss. The journey to Mount Korliss will be a game session. That is tentatively planned for Sept 2. For those of you whose PCs will not be journeying to Mount Korliss, I can find things for you to do in that session if you want to play. So don't feel excluded, hell I will even make sure you have opportunities for Experience. :D

The first Agents of the Gods session is planned for Sept 9. I am still lining up all the players for that campaign, but if you aren't interested in playing, that is an off week from the main campaign.

Sept 16 should be back to the Seekers of Legend campaign. Hopefully we will be picking back up from there with the Seekers of Legend heading out to do something. I'm not sure what you guys plan yet, but I figure we have a little while to work it all out.

September is a 5 Friday month! So what do we want to do with that bonus Friday? We could do nothing. We could play boardgames. Maybe somebody would be willing to run a quick-shot adventure? In any case it is all open to discussion.

In any event, September 30 is an off week. That also happens to be the opening of Serenity. That is what I will be doing that night. So I guess the question is whether we want to do anything Sept 23 or have two weeks off?

Oh yes, one last thing: Do we want to do something for August 26? Personally I am a little interested in trying a Round Robin D&D game as a one-shot. We would all make a character and then run through a Round Robin DM adventure. It would be a good chance to get together and catch up on things while having a good time before we get serious about playing.

Thoughts on the schedule? Please share.
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I know that this friday is draft night for Brian, Chris, my dad, and me. That should be done somewhere around nine or ten.


Hmm, sounds like you guys probably won't be stopping by then since you wouldn't arrive any earlier than 9:30.

Well, if anyone else wants to show up that would be cool.

I have a friend that is interested in playing. I've asked him to look around in here and to post if he has questions. So if you see a post by Meowzebub, that is why. Share your thoughts on the game in general and on the campaign specifically. While you are at it, why don't you post a highlight of the 5 most fun things we have done with the current campaign. This is for my reference so I can focus more on thefun stuff rather the boring stuff.


First Post
Hello All,

Thank you David for the Invite! I plan on playing in the Agents game and have some ideas kicking around for that. This is a little easier for me to jump in on since everyone is on the same footing of entering a new campaign.

I would also like to shoot for the Primary campaign. This is a little more daunting as the group has been around a while. David gave me some background on your party composition, but I would like to here from you what you think might make a good fit, what are the party goals, What is the surrounding territory like that might suppy an adventure ready character?

My initial reaction after reading David's thoughts on your group was an above-typical intelligence barbarian as a fast, cunning, survivalist. Rogue, Archer, or Swashbuckler (or various combinations) also come to mind. But I would like to hear more about the group and the group dynamics.


I think coming in to either group will be equally easy. The Agents of the Gods integrates a lot of backstory that most of the players have been picking up for a number of years now.

The Seekers of Legend campaign has PCs that have begun to establish a reputation for themselves (VERY important) and are in the midst of doing stuff. But you can pick up multiple perspectives on what is happening in the background of that game from the rest of the players. So you have a broader pool to draw from.

Anyway, an overview of where the PCs currently are:

The Ternell Complex - history and dogma - As told by Geoff, Guard of the Shrine of the Sword to the Seeker's of Legend
A millenium ago the heroes of the world woke the mad god (AKA the slumbering god, Mhata Nahal) from his sleep in a semi-plane tied to both the ethereal realm and the material world. The mighty hero Ternell, High Knight of Pter, invoked the blessing of Pter himself and acted as a vessel for Pter's Avatar to stand between the mad god and domination of the world. Due to his great valor and sacrifice, the rest of the heroes were able to seal the gate to the world. This forced the mad god to retreat to otherworldly realms and leave the mortal races in peace.

Because the mad god was no longer tied to the world, Tholnar the Builder was able to complete the creation of the world. An entire mountain range rose from the plains to fulfill the vision of the world as it should be.

Pter gazed upon the world and he could see that though the mad god had been driven from it, there was still a corruption and taint that would plague the mortals. Working with Tholnar, the two gods shaped Mt Ternell in the very place the battle had occurred. The mad god's corruption was made manifest in a passage of evil memory. However Pter's power is greater than the mad god's. He made manifest a shrine at the top of this mountain. The shrine is the very cave you see yonder. It is said that Pter drew Ternell's sword from where it was buried in the earth and set it in the stone within that cave. This sword, the weapon of a High Knight and a Vessel of Pter, is bound with protective magic.

In honor of Ternell's sacrifice and in respect to Pter for his part in allowing the world to finish being shaped, Tholnar laced this mountain with Adamtine.

It was years later when a pair of women followed a dream and journeyed to the newly formed mountain range. One of the women was none other than Eve, one of the rebuilders of Greerson. The other woman was a relation of Ternell. Together these women braved the wilderness and passed through the Bowels of Mhata Nahal before finding the cave here. Knowing that they gazed upon Ternell's sword, they returned to their homes and spread hope through the world.

It was a short time afterward that the first guardians arrived and began to build the Ternell complex. Within a few years the first vein of Adamtine was discovered and craftspeople arrived to shape this rare metal into the finest swords available to a High Knight of Pter. As time marched forward, more people arrived and we built this into a strong fortress. We remain here to protect against the corruption of the mad god. Even after all these centuries, strange things still walk the land in these mountains. Foul things that must not be allowed to torment mortals.

The Shrine of the Sword is our lord's gift to the world. Those of us that live here make his strength manifest in our arms to keep evil at bay.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The Ternell complex is a small city in the heart of a wild mountain range. Above the fortress city rises Mt Ternell, where the Shrine of the Sword sits. The Ternell complex is a safe place for travellers, miners, merchants and all other manner of folks that pass through the mountains. Evil is not welcome there and troops from the Ternell complex patrol to seek out all foul beings.

This is where the PCs are 'wintering' in the game. Any good aligned PC could be there for a variety of reasons. Obviously followers of Pter can be found there. The Shrine of the Sword is a holy place and a certain number of people make pilgrimages to see it.

If you wanted to bring in a character, you could meet people at the Shrine itself, down in the complex, or outside of it. Some of the group will shortly be making a journey to see Mt Korliss. Mt Korliss is significant to followers of Lune. The Pcs haven't heard much of the dogma or stories associated with that yet.


I haven't heard from anybody else that there is any interest in doing anything. If we have a decent group, enough to play a game or something, I would be up for it. Otherwise, it might be best just to take the night off and plan for next week.

Anybody interested?


First Post
Brian wont be able to make it after draft and I cant get ahold of brandon. Unless we are gaming I dont think that my dad would be all that interested in showing up unless its to work on his agents of the gods character. If we do anything I will be there and I have no idea what is going on with chris or sage.

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