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Gaming W/Jemal - Epic Mortal Kombat (Character creation.)


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Jemal said:
Hmmm.. Personally, I would NOT suggest starting your first PBP as an EPIC DM.
Trust me, PBP can be very fun, but it IS different from Pen&Paper/Face2Face. I find that because it's a written format, there's a lot more description and thought (On both the DM and Player's parts). It also takes a lot of getting used to, and you don't know the people you're playing with as well as you'd like.

That being said, I'd suggest you play a couple before you try your hand at DMing.

(I can't believe I just tried to Persuade someone AWAY from DMing Epic... damnit, now I HAVE to or the others'll kill me.)

OK, Guys & Gals, gimme a couple weeks (I'm heading home soon for my week off, and will be rather busy to start a new game) and I'll come up with something.

crazypixie, I'd like you to try your hand at Playing in one of my Epic Games to see how PBP's tend to go, and then maybe you can return the favour and run a game that I can get into, eh?

*EXTRA: I'm open to suggestions, but I think I have an idea for an Epic Campaign.. I originally ran it for my friends IRL and they've been ravign at me to do it again.

It's a 'mortal kombat' style tournament, full of Fighter Types (Nobody with major spellcasting), but don't worry, it's not set up like all those other tournaments. A group of Epic fighters (I'm thinking somewhere from LVL 25 - 40) gets brought to this Demi-plane Island and dropped off. In the center of the island is a Castle. nobody can enter the castle and it's guarded by Demi-Gods. Some of the participants are here of their own will, others are not. Nobody can leave the plane, and at the begining a guy would inform you that within the clearing around the castle, you cannot affect each other in any way. The object is simple... 8 of you get to go Inside...
You get 1 point for bringing back a dead body (Or majority thereof). 2 points for bringing them back unconscious, 3 points if you can get them to surrender.
When there are only 16 left, there is a 24 hour period in which the 'safe zone' around the castle is gone, except a 20' square in front of the gates. After that 24 hours, the 8 with the highest scores are allowed in. Any others, well....

It will NOT be just fighting, there's a LOT of roleplaying involved, there's various things on the island, places to explore & hide, non-participants that still need to be 'handled', and then there's finding out what's going on INSIDE the castle.
Many of the participants form groups, and split the points amongst themselves. For simplicity's sake, it would probably be best if the PC's were of groups that could easily work together.
I'm not saying it's required, though.
As for # of PC's, b/c this is a Non-spellcaster campaign, and of how it's set up, I could handle quite a few.

As I stated, I won't be starting for a while, but I'm willing to Discuss for the next couple weeks.
Well I'm keen, once you've sorted out the exact character creation guidelines I'll happily submit something

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Mmmnnn. Sounds of an Epic game. I missed my chance at the other one (two?), but I'm more than interested in splashing into this one. I wonder what kind of damage a Rouge/Swashbuckler/X (with Complete Scoundrel) can do in Epic. It would be amusing, at the very least. Sneak attack die up to the stratosphere, and over half the competition are immune. :lol:


First Post
Sounds like a nice idea. I don't have personal experience with the Epic rules, but I've always been pretty interested to try them out. This seems like a great opportunity to do just that.

I'll give it some thought... definitely interested. :)


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I'm also interested. I'll post my concept in a little bit.

Here's what I'm thinking:

Class Druid/Master of Many Forms/Nature's Warrior/Some fighter or barb levels
Alignment Neutral Good
Concept The character is simple at heart, he (or she) is in tune with nature and rather carefree. He has lived for a long time, and he's ageless just like nature itself. He's had many experiences in his lifetime and has fought many battles. And yet, he could never truly become determined in the face of evil. It was more of a way for him to unleash his passions, to hone himself and to travel to new places. And yet he has a good soul deep down which guides him.
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First, I strongly advise any who want to game with me to check out one of my other Epic games to get an idea of how I run stuff.

Secondly, As stated before, I won't be starting this for about 2 weeks, though I may post char. creation guidelines before then.

Now onto individuals:

Brother A - I've always wanted to play a Feral Half-Ogre Fighter/Barbarian/Bear-Warrior/Frenzied Berserker/Warshaper.
As such, I'd be inclined to allow a Feral Half-ogre, and as an added bonus (I like added bonuses) it's NO LA!!!
One thing to watch out for, though... Bear Warrior's loose all their equipment when shapeshifted, as per polymorph. You may want to take that into consideration.

Craypixie - The Archer sounds fun, but do be warned, EVERYTHING has a weakness. Yours would be obvious - Fast melee characters, Grapplers, and the worst yet.... Infinite Deflection. Enialis definitely needs to be a team player.

As for the Epic ruling, I usually count LA last, after all the HD are factored in.

Moritheil - Solars, Balors, and Dragons, when played correctly, KICK ASS.
(Plus, how freaking cool are they?)
OH, and the BEST high LA template to add to pretty much anything... PARAGON.

Shayuri - Hmm, as much as I like Warlocks, i DID say no Spells/psionics/Spell-like abilities beyond 4th level, and Invocations ARE spell-like abilities..
If you wanted to just focus on the weaker invocations (Or blast shape/Essence Invocations), and use the warlock mainly for Eldritch Blast, that would be allowable, but I can't allow the normal Spell-Like Abilities above 4th level (OR any of the EPic Warlock SLA's from the wizards site)

Solarius - Actually, I don't usualy make my Epic NPC's immune to sneak/Crit, unless it's natural (Constructs, Oozes, Undead).
And I only stated a half dozen vamps, there's gonna be like 50-100 contenders total.
That being said, there would probably be a dozen or so (NPC) Fighters immune to crits/Sneak attack.

Tric - A shifter would be pretty cool.


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For this sort of game I'd be very tempted to submit something using the Soul Eater PrC, so obviously something focused on unarmed melee attacks.

Brother Allard

First Post
Jemal said:
Bear Warrior's loose all their equipment when shapeshifted, as per polymorph. You may want to take that into consideration.
We should probably clarify this, because the polymorph/wildshape/alternate form rules are really, really confusing. The polymorph -> alter self chain specifies that an item "remains worn or held by the new form (if it is capable of wearing or holding the item)". It's wildshape that specifies that all items are melded into the new form and rendered nonfunctional. It's not clear, in any case, to what extent the bear form ability is related to polymorph - it's referenced in the ability description, but the ability is obviously closely tied to rage, and isn't exactly base on polymorph. Wildshape isn't reference at all. In other words, there's lots of room for interpretation. My reading has been that, like polymorph, any items for which a bear has item slots would remain. So the question then becomes: which item slots does a bear have? Draconomicon seems to suggest that a quadruped could have quite a few, but it seems there's a fair bit of disagreement.


First Post
Jemal said:
Any of the "power builds" from the Wizco Optimization Boards (If you don't know what these are, GOOD. if you do, Don't try them.)

So no theoretical builds then? Can I join another of your games Jemal? They rock!


Brother A -
Well, personally I think that if the item makes sense, then it's ok. But you'd have to wear it in a form that works on the bear, too. (IE BOOTS wouldn't automatically translate, neither would gloves/gauntlets. Rings wouldn't work, Armour would need the 'wild' ability, but Bracers, Anklets(instead of boots), Necklace(Collar?), Vest, Cape shouldn't be a problem.

LR - OOOH, scarey. ;) I've seen some nasty stuff with them.

Avalon - Sure, and as for 'theoretical' builds, what do you mean?

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