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Gaming W/Jemal: Legends Chapter 1


First Post
With an apathetic face, Adamas has watched all, heard all, and now with the emergence of these nefarious folk, he makes sure to remain still and motionless. He has no armor, only simple elven garb adorned with a few accessories. And this is why I have remained alone for so long, too many voices, too many egos, the impassive elf thought to himself. But his hands hovered, ready to strike at his hilts like a snake at its prey should the need arise, and it appeared that such an occasion was ready to coalesce.

Spot check of 17

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When the new arrivals appear, Damian turns and starts to walk toward them with a smile but with the attitudes of some of his companions.... With a sigh and with out changing his pace Damian fades from view.

Any who spot him, see him going for one of his swords, but pauses and grasps a different handle with a slight nod. He stands a little ways from the drow.

[sblock=ooc]hide check ...aww snap... the first nat 1. 1d20+61-5=57 with the -20 that would be a hide check of 36.... move silent 1d20+61-5=74the -5 was for moveing greater then half but not full speed... i think they can see me... and for my spot check i make 1d20+23=37 i stand behind the drow only if i don't see some one else
reminder nondetection cl 20 Dc31[/sblock]
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Myth and Legend

First Post
The Elven Wizardress was not fond of being threatened at all. She also did not like the prospect of being shooed off like an annoying child, and she definitely did not want to have traveled here for naught. The presence of a Drow Elf amongst the newcomers and the old man's mention of them slaughtering innocents solidified Sila's intentions further. "You are intruding on our conversation, leave now or make true on your implied threats.". Silivrenniel stayed on edge and prepared herself against any magical assault by either the winged man or the Drow.

Spot: 10+3=13

Readying to Counterspell if either opponents starts casting a spell.

Posesses Darkvision 60ft, Arcane sight (via Permanency) See Invisibility (via Permanency) Tongues (via Permanency) Spell Resistance: 18 (Robe) [/sblock]
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First Post
Sigil watches the newcomers carefully and silently as they reveal themselves. There would be at least one more, she thinks. An ace in the hole, either invisible or concealed. Should she be targeted by that one, she'd have to trust her prescience and fey sight to warn her. She could see things hidden by magic easily enough, but not always things hidden in plain sight.

They seemed potent, and Sigil found herself a bit relieved that she'd left Tatter to watch over Bramble, hidden away among the trees not far off. She'd rather not risk the sprite over something like this. Truth be told, with the news of the Warlord, she wasn't even thrilled about risking herself over it.

But she'd never, ever, been able to abide a bully.

So as the others try diplomacy and intimidation, Sigil merely prepares to fade away into invisibility at the first sign of danger.

(Readying action.)

Spot: 15
Init: 24

[sblock=Combat Stuff]Sigil has the following stats:
AC 32, HP 182
DR 5/cold iron
Resistances: 10 fire, 10 cold
Darkvision 60'
See Invisible 120'
+12 Luck bonus to Fort saves
Spell Turning from Ring[/sblock]
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[sblock=initiative Order]
Sigil 24
Rho 23
Arineil 21
Sabastian 19
Feral 18
Drow 13
Raven 12
Adamas 11a
Silivrenniel 11b
Oroz 10
Chevik 9
D - 5
Initiative: Arineil; Adamas; Sabastian; Chevik; Silivrenniel; Raven; (1d20+6=21, 1d20+10=11, 1d20+5=19, 1d20+5=9, 1d20+4=11, 1d20+8=12)
I rolled for everybody who hadn't allready posted to speed things along.
= 5' square
@ Forest
- Building(Cabin)
3=Bear(Large, Formerly Drow)
M=Adamas(the Myth)
D=Unknown Enemy
*Raven and D will appear when their locations are known to someone other than each other*

The man scowls and looks around at you "You accuse me of things without having the faintest clue who or what I am. The only threats here today have been yours, and the only thing we've intruded upon was your leaving. You're far to quick to judge your opponents by their appearances and apparent numbers, and that will be your downfall." He snarls and steps backwards.

"Since you all seem so eager to find your death in combat, then step forward and test yourself against the son of War!" He waves his hand, chanting a word of power - and all hell breaks loose.

As the warrior begins casting, Siliv dutifully begins the magics that will unravel the spell. The drow glances over, snarling, at the mage, and dissapears. He reappears beside the sun elf, roaring as he shifts from drow into a large bear and smashes his paw into the caster, disrupting the magic.
Seeing that combat has begun, Sigil dissapears from sight as her companions all draw weapons, and Oroz steps forward swinging, but it stops against an invisible field.

Seeing all this, the Elder promptly turns and flees towards his cabin.

'hokay, B/c multiple NPC's and PC's had set readied actions outside of iniative, I'm working those readied actions as a special form of 'surprise round' that doesn't affect the first 'normal round's initiative order.

So people know: I will be updating whenever an NPC's turn comes around, so I will ask for all PC's inbetween to post their actions, then will summarize. Right now, I just need Sigil's action for the next update.

[sblock=Spellcraft DC 18]
The Spell Rho cast was Ferocity of Sanguine Rage(Dragon Magic)

[sblock=Arcane Sight]
Rho(center man): Numerous magical auras cover this man, making it hard to distinguish them. You can identify multiple Strong Transmutation, multiple Strong Abjuration, 1 Strong Divination, and numerous weaker auras, most of the strongest coming from him, more moderate powered auras emanating from his clothing.
Feral(Left): no magical aura whatsoever.
Drow(Right): A single Overwhelmingly powerful Transmutation/Abjuration aura emanates from the drow.
[sblock=Analyze Dweomer]
You had time to scan the main guy. Here are the active spells you saw on him:
Greater Mage Armour, Greater Magic Weapon, Energy Absorption, Superior Resistance, Greater Enlarge Person, Moment of Presience, Retributive Twinned Force Orb, Contingency, See Invis, Ebon Eyes, Heroics, Dolorus Blow.
All at Caster Level 20.
*See also spellcraft block, above*

[sblock=Combat stuff]
Bear Attack vs Siliv; dmg (1d20+44=52, 1d8+28=29) Siliv is hit for 29 damage.
Siliv's Concentration (1d20+30=32) DC 10 + 29(dmg) + spl lvl = fail.
Oroz defensive Attack (1d20+8=18) miss
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First Post
Sigil rises swiftly into the air and pivots to face the feral one from a good fifteen feet up. A chill breeze sweeps through the battlefield, carrying with it the hauntingly beautiful sounds of ghostly voices singing barely-heard lullabies, too softly to quite make out the words.

Sleep, comes the silent imperative. Forever.

(OOC Actions: Fly 15' straight up, exhausting movement. Use Painful Slumber of Ages on the Feral guy. Will save DC 28 or fall asleep.)


First Post
(Pre-Emptive Post for Next Round)

Sabastian had hoped it wouldn't have come to this. Really, combat was not his most prized forte'. The next few seconds were a blur, at best, even for him as the infernal dark elf transformed in to some manner of beast and whalloped the poor caster upside the chest. Now, however, was not the time for questions -- rather, now as the time for action.

Finally, the wily rogue rises from his sitting position by the once roaring fire, up on his feet as quick as he's able. His mind was afire with what to do; help the caster fighting off the gigantic bear-esque creature? Lend a hand to the sword-swinging warrior against whom Sabastian could only presume to be the lead antagonist? Or dare he attempt an assault against the as-of-yet unmoving of the trio? Decisions, decisions...

His decision made, it's obvious the massive mammalia wailing on the local arcane initiate was the most dire threat at the moment. Something had to be done in order to level the proverbial playing field. And so it began -- arms outstretched, moving in strange yet oddly distinct patterns, Sabastian feigned his knowledge of magic as best he could to produce his desired effect; a small trick he'd picked up somewhere along the line of his long and elaborate career...

"Invictus Stupiditicus!" yipped the firebranded lad in the tell-tale form of a two-bit stage magician, a combination of mock humor and serious tone to produce that distinctly unique version of Sabastian Flair.

That, however, was not the end. Oh, no. So acquainted with his meager arcane talents was Sabastian, that with blinding speed and efficiency another was already being cast! Indeed, it was his lack of formal tutelage that granted him this affinity for arcane quickness -- his repertoire was so small, you see, it was as if he had all the time in the world to perfect his minor abilities.

"Poofius Shmoofius!" he chants again, the ridiculous arcane verbal components ringing true as he fired a deadly green ray at his furry adversary; the classic one-two magical punch, if you would.

[sblock=Summary]Going for the DC 35 Tumble Check to Stand from a Prone Position as a Free Action (Complete Adventurer, pg. 103.) Should Sabastian fail, he'll simply rise as a Move Action instead.

Tumble +28 vs. DC 35 (Total: 48. Natural 20.)

Burning 2 Inspiration Points from Sabastian's 10/Encounter to activate Cunning Breach (Dungeonscape, pg. 17) as a Free Action. Drow-Bear-Thing loses its Spell Resistance and Damage Reduction till' the start of the next round. He also automatically fails any Spell Resistance check to ignore spells.

Casting Feeblemind on the Drow-Bear-Thing; DC 25 Will Save vs. having its Intelligence & Charisma drop to 1.

Burning 3 Inspiration Points of Sabastian's 10/Encounter (now at 5) to activate Cunning Surge (Dungeonscape, pg. 17) to take another Standard Action in the round.

Casting Disintegrate on Drow-Bear-Thing; DC 26 Fortitude Save for Partial Damage.

Ranged Touch Attack vs. Drow-Bear-Thing (Total: 31. Rolled 11.)

Disintegrate Damage vs. Drow-Bear-Thing (Total Damage: 141)

Partial Disintegrate Damage vs. Drow-Bear-Thing if Save is Successful (Total Damage: 17)

Sheets updated in the Rogue's Gallery to account for spell and inspiration expenditure.[/sblock]
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= 5' square
@ Forest
- Building(Cabin)
3=Bear(Large, Formerly Drow)
M=Adamas(the Myth)
D=Unknown Enemy
*Raven and D will appear when their locations are known to someone other than each other*
The Feral looks up at Sigil, laughing as the magic has seemingly no effect on him.
Rho leaps back towards his Feral Friend, and chants in arcane for a few moments, doubling in size as he grins and cockily gestures Arineil and Oroz to come to him.

Please no premptive posts. I'll wait on you if/when it's your turn, but do not post when an NPC goes before your next action, I have a tendency of NPCs doing things that change peoples actions, and I don't want it to seem like I'm using advance knowledge of your actions to the NPC's benefit.[/sblock]
Feral makes his save, Rho successfully Tumbles backwards and begins spellcasting.
[sblock=Spellcraft DC 22]
Rho cast Arcane Spellsurge(Dragon Magic) followed by a swift Greater Blink(Spell Compendium). You're not sure what caused the doubling in size, however.[/sblock]
Next actions: Arineil, Sabastian


First Post
Arineil looked back over her shoulder to see what Sebastian was doing.... she noted the arcane casting and shook her head softly as the enemy tumbled away from her.... she was no fool.. she could see him grow in size and knew moving to him yet would only cause herself pain and humiliation... she grinned under the visage of her helm as she hear her companions incant and turn and darted quickly to help out the caster on their side... the sun elf would be protected and she would be her guardian angel so to speak as Arineil decided to use 'pile it all on one enemy first' tactics..... she looks at Rho with a smirk before dashing off.. "I'll be back for you in a minute...." she uttered with almost a playful tone.....

[sblock=Round 1 Actions:]

Move into melee on one of the squares south of the feral bear thing assuredly drawing an attack of opportunity unless it's too distracted to get one... somehow I don't think it is heh...
Taking one swing on it with my sword.... 1d20+38=40 for 2d4+23=27 and if it's evil aligned it takes 2d6=8 more from the holy part of the swords bonus....[/sblock]

HP: 363, AC: 40, SR 40, DR 6/-, See Invis. DarkVision 60 ft, Uncanny Dodge (Dex to AC), Improved Uncanny Dodge (Can't be flanked by anything with less than 14 rogue levels, Immune to Criticals, Freedom of Movement from Ring))[/sblock]
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Currently To Act: Raven(Private), Adamas, Silivrenniel, Oroz, Chevik

Initiative Order:
Sigil 24
Rho 23
Arineil 21
Sabastian 19
Feral 18
Drow 13
Raven 12
Adamas 11a
Silivrenniel 11b
Oroz 10
Chevik 9
D - 5

= 5' square
@ Forest
- Building(Cabin)
3=Bear(Large, Formerly Drow)
M=Adamas(the Myth)
D=Unknown Enemy
*Raven and D will appear when their locations are known to someone other than each other*

Arineil sprints off to assault the bear as Rho laughs at her sudden departure.
As she approaches the bear, It turns and swipes a huge paw, smashing into her shoulder and nearly knocking her over with the force, but she slashes back, leaving a gash across the bears paw and causing it to growl in pain and rage.

Sabastian takes the bears moment of distraction to unleash his magics. It's hard to tell whether the Feeblemind had much effect on the allready slobbering and growling beast, and though the disintegrate strikes the bear directly, it only serves to dust a small patch of hair.

The Feral man curses in undercommon(quite fluently for those who understand the language), then looks up at Sigil. With a flex of his shoulders, great feathery wings spread out from beneath his concealing cloak, and with a heave of his legs, he speeds up at the warlock. Sigil prepares to defend herself against his giant sword, but as he approaches - far more Rapidly than the fey woman was expecting - he drops the sword to the ground, drawing a pair of rods from his pockets, and headbutts her instead.

As Sigil reels from the hit, the Feral man drops swiftly to the ground to stand between Adamas and Sabastian. With a slight, odd bow to the two, he raises one of the sticks and dissapears, replaced suddenly with the Bear, who - though looking slightly confused - Growls hungrily at the two meals in front of him. The Feral man appears in front of Arineil, lashing out with a kick at the woman, but she gets her shield up in time to block it.

Roaring, the bear lashes out at Adamas and Sabastian, grabbing each of them with a claw while savagely biting Sabastian. As he does so, a Tentacle coils out of his fur to lash out at Adamas, though the Myth is able to dodge it.


Just for the record, the 'feral man' is feral looking, not Feral Template.

I know that some of what these guys are doing seems like it shouldn't be do-able, but it's all perfectly legit.
Also, I won't be showing the NPC's rolls b/c I don't want the players to know their stats at the current time, but I promise that I do actually roll... usually ;) And that when an NPC has been defeated(permanently), I'll explain how he did what he did (Possibly loading their character sheets into the rogues gallery).

From now on, Check the Initiative sblock at top to see whose turns it is. I'll include the current line-up at the top of the sblock.
[sblock=combat Breakdown]
Bear Failed save vs feeblemind, but made the save against Disintegrate.
Bear gets an AoO for Arineil moving through his threatened space, Hits.
29-6DR=23 damage to Arineil. Your Attack hits the bear and the Holy DOES seem to affect it.

Feral uses Flyby Attack to attack Sigil then land. He hits, but no damage. Instead, make 2 fort saves - If you fail the first you're paralyzed for 2 rounds. If you fail the second you're stunned for one round. If you are neither parlyzed nor stunned, you can take an AoO as Feral moves away from you.

After landing, Feral defensively casts
[sblock=spellcraft DC 16]Quickened Benign Transposition, obviously targeting himself and the bear.[/sblock] Then kicks at Arineil, Missing.

Bear Attacks Sabastian with Claw, Bite. Hits both. 30 dmg from claw, 24 from bite.
Attacks Adamas with Claw, Tentacle. Misses with Tentacle, deals 34 from claw.
Grapple Checks: Sabastian; Adamas (1d20+20=28, 29=)
*whoops forgot to add the +1d20 to adamas...
Adamas grapple (1d20+29=42)
Unfortunately neither makes it, so you are both grappled.

[sblock=DM's Notes]
[sblock=That means please don't read]
Bear: 23 dmg
D: 21 dmg
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