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Gaming W/Jemal: Legends Chapter 1

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First Post
1d20+28=44(Fort Stun), 1d20+28=37(Fort Paralyze), 1d20+13=32(Refl Ray Save)

Arineil seems the shake the rays venom attack off for now as she is assaulted by the bear form once.. then twice and once scooped up into the bears arm she scrambles from the massive hairy arms with ease and an ominous chuckle.... "fool... no mortal coil can hold me..." she barks with a sideways grin of victory... Arineil readied herself for a full on attack the bear form almost completely ignoring the sharp pain in the back of her neck....


First Post
Oroz starts shaking uncontrollably as he kicks and flails, raining down untrained yet still powerful blows onto his foe almost unintentionally as he resists his captor. Looking around, the faces of his new companions and foes seem to twist as his vision blurs. They begin forming into the faces of the risen corpses of his loved ones. He begins screaming, a mixture of rage and sorrow, until he looks once again upon the bear grabbing him, not seeing the creature before him, but the necromancer who defiled his home.


Grapple Checks (43, 51)

Oroz attacks unarmed in the grapple. He uses full power attack and inspire recklessness.

Attacks (+34,+34,+29,+24,+19) Hits 54 (44 on the Crit Confirm) , 50, 38, 31, 25.

Damage = 43, 41 (82), 43, 42, 42

Combat Stats:
Ref: +15
Fort: +32
Will: +12
AC: 11 = 10 Base + 6 Dex + 9 Armor + 5 Deflection + 7 Shield - 20 Inspire Recklessness - 4 for Frenzying - 2 For Raging
HP: 250 + 80 For Raging
Immune to Crits, Evasion

*Edit* Just in case anyone gets confused, yes I am taking the -4 penalty to deal normal damage on an unarmed attack. If I ever deal subduel, I will specify it in the damage, so if I don't I am defaulting to normal damage. [/sblock]
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First Post
Adamas - HP: 173/243 - AC: 38
F: 21 R: 21 W: 12

Finding his current situation almost comical, Adamas hopes that his attempts to escape this beasts grasp could be aided by the fact that he's also occupied with two others. Hopefully though, with the Bear's allies all fleeing, all of Adamas' allies will be focusing on this unfortunate creature.

I know it's in vain because I can't beat a 53, but Grapple Checks of 49, 29, 21, 30.

Myth and Legend

First Post
Silivrenniel sighed and sulked at the retreat of the prodigy of War, and later the monk that had insulted her. She contemplated chasing after one or the other, but decided to stay with the group and assist them first.

"Enough of this beast."
she barked out with anger, and raised her hands towards the bear. "AVRENGIS!" she shouted, the word of power manifesting a fearsome invisible force inside it's head.

[sblock]Hit Points: 181/181 AC: 25/25 Touch AC: 14 Flat-footed: 21 Spell Resistance: 18 (Robe), Evasion (ring)

Immunity: fire, paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning, critical hits, flanking

Possesses Darkvision 60ft, Arcane sight (via Permanency) See Invisibility (via Permanency) Tongues (via Permanency)

Caster Level: 18 + 3 (Spell Power) + 1 (Ioun stone) + 2 (robe) + 4 (Energy Penetration: Fire) = 22(base)/24(vs SR only)/28(Fire vs SR)

Spell DC: 10 + Spell Level + 13 (Int) + 2 (Energy Focus: Fire) + 1 (Spell Focus: Evocation/Conjuraton)

Summary of this round: Power Word: Stun vs Bear

Spell DC: no save
Caster Level: SR not needed vs bear


Casts: Power Word: Stun (question, the range is 25+ 11 x 5 ft, can the spell potentially reach the Feral? I'm not targetting him, just asking)

Greater Blink:
18/22 rounds

Spells Used: Assay Spell Resistance 2/3, Meteor Swarm SLA 2/2, Energy Admixtured (cold) Cone of Cold 1/2, Rod of Greater Empower - 3/3, Spell Enhancer 2/3, Polar Ray, Power Word: Stun[/sblock]


Imperial Mountain Dew Taster
Seeing his companions once again struggling against the ferocity of the drow/bear creature, Chevik puts the fleeing enemies out of his mind. Looking up at the sky he declaims: "Cometes cado!" The sky immediately responds with a screech as a small object comes streaking from the sky to slam the ground just behind the bear creature. It sends a shudder throughout the clearing and debir and a shockwave shooting into and at the bear.
[sblock=Combat actions]Chevik casts Cometfall from Spell compendium.

5' radius burst centered on the square to the top left of the bear (where non of the companions are/will be even if grappled) so that only the bear is caught in the effect.

Reflex save DC 25; On fail full damage + bear is knocked prone; on save 1/2 damage & no prone

51 Damage; 25 on save. And the 10' square is covered in dense rubble (DMG pg90)[/sblock]
[sblock=Combat Info]Analyze Dweomer: Duration 18rds

Daily Buffs:
Divine Insight (SC): 1hr/lvl - +15 Insight bonus to single skill check then discharged
Greater Magic Weapon: 1hr/lvl - +5 Enhancement bonus to Mace
Nondetection: 1hr/lvl (DC35 to overcome)
Conviction (SC): 10min/lvl - +5 Morale bonus to all Saves
Lore of the Gods - Extended: 10min/lvl - +10 Insight bonus to all Knowledge checks
Spell Resistance: 32 (Persisted with Divine Metamagic)
Bless: +1 Morale to Attacks and Save vs Fear - 20 min

Permanent Effects:
See Invisibility 120'
Comprehend Languages

HP: 208
AC: 34, Touch: 19, FF: 29
SR: 32
Energy Resist: Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, Sonic - 10

Darkvision 60' [/sblock]

With movement that shows balance, speed, agility and skill Damian dances around the bear sliding over under and around all attacks against him by the bear. With out a sound he moves in to the place that Oroz was before the creature pulled him in. Attacking mirror to Arineil, making two quick attacks that strike at what would be vital locations on a bear, before dashing out of the beast's reach.

[sblock=combat] Damian spring attacks the bear, moving to where Oroz was to flank with Arineil. Using bounding assult to make two attacks. The attack rolls are 1d20+35=41, 1d20+30=34 and damage 3d6+17=28, 3d6+17=30 the extra d6 is from merciful i forgot about it i never turned it off. i won't roll sneak because i'm pretty sure it's immune but because of my class abilities and feats it takes 2 strength damage per hit even if it's immune :p Damian then continues his movement to 2 spaces lower on the map. Oh ya 1d20+13=33 his dance roll so as a nat 20 that makes a 53 DANCE CHECK!!! as he moves also move slilent 1d20+61-5=69 -5 for moveing less then full movment but more then half, i rolled the wrong modifier just before that

Damian 141/161 hp ac 24 +1 dodge vs bear, +3 ac vs spells, 20% concelment immune to crits, improved uncanny dodge(11lvsR), FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT.
Attack +35(20bab +11 str +1 weapon focus, +1 weapon +2 flanking)*divine power
Damage 3d6+17 +10d6 sneak non-leathal
saves fort 28 Ref 32 will 25 evasion, mettle and I reroll 1's on saves
expended a 1 lv sorc slot, 1 charge divine power, 1 charge force orb


*NOTE: We are currently out of initiative unless any pcs decide to chase the dragon/try to find the feral*
-Round 7-
Currently To Act: Sigil, Arineil *OPTIONAL*
Initiative Order:
Sigil 24
Arineil 21
Feral 18A
Rho 18B
Adamas 11a
Silivrenniel 11b
Oroz 10
Chevik 9
Raven 5a
D - 5b
= 5' square
@ Forest
- Building(Cabin)
1*=Dragon And Rho(20' in air, ~1000' N of map edge)
S=Sabastian (Unconscious)
A=Celestial Arineil
m=Adamas(the Myth)

As Adamas once more tries to escape the grasp of his furry nemesis, Silivrenniel assaults the bears mind.. but to no avail, as the beast seems unphased.

Also held tightly in the bear's clutches, Oroz tries a different approach as his fury overwhelms him, lashing out with his fists, landing several solid strikes upon the bear. The blows come at a price, however, as the man leaves himself relatively undefended against the bears teeth, which clamp down solidly on Oroz's arm. It is unable to maintain it's grip, however, as Chevik's comet strikes the bear's head, and it falls atop Oroz, dead. Slowly the bears form melts away, leaving a strangely garbed, dead choker wearing a feathered hat and masterfully crafted breast plate with numerous archaic sigils upon it.

Raven looks around but there are no other targets within his range, so he approaches the dead thing carefully, lest it get up again.

Off to the northwest, the dragon continues his high-speed retreat.

Myth: A spell can reach anybody within its range, provided you can see where you're targeting it. Any spell that has to be targetted requires line of sight, and the Feral is on the opposite side of the building, somewhere in the forest.

Oroz hits the bear four times, critting once(total damage . The bear takes a single AoO vs Oroz's unarmed strikes, Bear Bite (1d20+37=48, 2d6+16=22) hitting for 22 damage.

At this point, the bear had 16 HP. Even if it succeeded on its save against Cheviks comet it dies. So it dies.
Will save Vs Frenzy (1d20+14=34) You manage to stop frenzying with a nat-20, so no need to kill your companions.

We're out of initiative unless anybody plans on chasing after either the fleeing dragon (Who is aprox. a thousand feet away), or the Feral (Who dissapeared behind the building).


First Post
Sigil whirls and flies up higher to see over the building, hoping to verify that the feral one isn't still lurking nearby, ready to pounce!

(move action to fly up 15'...if she can't see him then, she'll do a double move, and fly 30' over towards the cabin, still trying to make visual contact)


First Post
Arineil looks about her situation.. her still pumped with the rage of her barbarian ancestors as she drew back her blade in a hawk fighting stance and the end of her narrow pink lips curled upwards into a half-grin.... She showed Heironeous, regardless of the help not asked for that she was too be the one left standing while her adversaries were left dead or in need of carrying from her mortal rage.... as her blood calmed her body went weak yet as she dropped to one knee.. Korinna she held high in guard unwavering though.... a slow rolling chuckle past her lips for a time before she rose to her feet once more and whirled up to look into the sky before bellowing a long and frightening word.....

RHO!" she barked long and loud in the midst of her allies before slumping to a seated position in the blood soaked dirt beneath her feet.... slowly the angelic wings faded from her back as did her golden aura.... she was left with tears of joy and honor that slowly rolled down her face as her God had finally tapped her true power... she would never forget this day.. nor the creature that pulled the will to strive to be something she was not ready to be from within her very soul.....

EDIT: Arineil looks over to Chevik and nods to the man a bit.... then looks down to her wounds and smiles to the cleric..... I could use a bit of healing before we move on my friend.... Heironeous can only bless me so much..... the woman laughs softly as she limps over to Chevik in hopes he can help her....

[sblock=Current HP:]173 / 363[/sblock]
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