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Gaming W/Jemal: Legends Chapter 1

Damian pokes at the choker with the sword in his hand a few times before sheathing it. Kneeling next to the creature he looks over his shoulder at the rest "Excuse me but could some one do something about that light? It's kinda painful on, let us say, a family level. Does this beast have anything magical useful to those here?" This being said Damian starts his own search of the boby through more... manual means. Stripping the creature of it's gear he then covers it with a white sheet pulled seemingly from his cloak. He continues to offer a short prayer. "May those above us grant you a rest before your journy continues." As he stands he started to pat him self down as if looking for something.

[sblock=OOC] And thats a search check from the humble merchant, not that he expects to find anything of real importance. 1d20+25=32 or anything at all for that matter but he tries and strips the body of it's gear, leaving it's clothes, if it had any, before covering it with a white sheet he draws seemingly from his cloak or rather his haver sack,l slight of hand check1d20+27=33 man i keep rolling low.[/sblock]
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Nor is a battle field ripe with the blood of my enemies and allies intertwined... not you're ideal Sunday picnic spot I assure you.." the wily yet rather feminine barbarian said with a strong grin of her own.... romance was not in her 'cards' so to speak for the moment... her goals prevented her from even looking for the remote possibility of a mate anytime in the foreseeable future....

From her pack Arineil pulled a spotted and old torn rag as she reached about cleaning the blood and remains of herself and her enemies blood from her mithril armor she wore.... once done there she carefully and VERY thoroughly cleaned Kornnia.. her falchion before closing her eyes and uttering a small prayer to her chosen weapon of FINE quality before placing it back in it's sheath.....


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Sigil puts a hand to her cheek and sighs, though good naturedly. She replies in the Sylvan tongue as well.

[sblock=Sylvan]"Your eyes are sharp, or my glamor's slipped a bit. I'm of the fey, yes. Now that I've left the Undying Lands, I suppose we'll have to see how long that lasts."[/sblock]

Her lips quirk in a wry smile as Arineil and the elf exchange stories of personal woe. If there was one thing being Queen of Summer meant, it was that solitude, in any sense, was always purely voluntary. Still, she didn't want to seem insensitive.

"Where is your tower, if I may ask?" Sigil inquired, gently guiding the conversation away from boy troubles.

"Humm..." Finishing his short rites over the body Damian turns to the gear he striped off and starts to examin it closer. He continues to talk in a pleasent tone, thou does not look at the subjects of his inquiries. "If you ladies are intrested in meeting men, my business does include dating and escort services. Dating and escorting ONLY mind you, any thing else beyond that is up to the chemistry between you and them." He picks up the hat and turns it over in his hands. "Of course it's not just limited to men, there are women as well and ... lets just say other for now. Might not be what you're looking for in intimiacy, but simple companionship is a large part of the business. Some to talk to, drink with, wingman or wingwoman." As he examines the, for lack of a different turn, loot, Damian speakes in that sweet voice of his. The calm one, full of confidence and fellowship, the voice of a merchant.


Damien finds nothing on the choker other than the two magical items Chevik had identified, and a small purse with what he assumes are some minor travelling expenses (roughy 50 gp).

The group converses and waits, someone calling to the old man in the house, but he either doesn't hear or is too scared to venture forth - or simply doesn't wish to converse more. The Cabin remains closed and silent.

The fire begins to die down - it had been magical in nature to start with, and now that the elder is no longer keeping it going, it is slowly fading - though the magical daylight will remain painfully bright for hours.

Myth and Legend

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Silivrenniel was about to object, finger raised and an appalled expression on her face, but she decided against it. "Well then, anyway. My tower - she turned towards Sigil, glad the other woman caught the subtle nuance of her unease. - is roughly two hundred leagues south-east. To be frank i was glad to leave seclusion - there is only so much magical research one can do before they grow bored with stagnation. I used to be an adventurer in the past, so i suppose i could never truly settle down. Now, where is that elder..."

Silivrenniel looked around and noticed the magical fire - fires were her specialty after all. She went over to the cabin and knocked on the door: "Hello? Would you open the door please."


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"Hmm. Maybe he's said all he means to," Sigil suggests.

"He did, after all, tell us where to go and what to do already. As well as what's at risk. What more is there to say?"

She glances at the dying firelight and adds, "Though I think we all have much to discuss. I invite you all to dine with me at my house tonight. We can talk after the meal of this task that's been laid before us."

Damian of course pockets the gold before any one see's him find it. After that he draws some colored balls and beginse to juggle, waiting for the group to come up with a plan of action.

[sblock=OOC] And slight of hand check to pocket the gold followed by one to juggle 1d20+27=33, 1d20+27=37 [/sblock]


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At first, listening to the prattle of his new companions drew out a fierce rage from Oroz. But after a few minutes, the anger subsided as he recalled his day fighting with his comrades, celebrating a victory, and sharing their woes. For the first time in a long while, he felt himself relaxed again. Maybe this trip would be good for him, even if all the unsightly delays were more and more becoming obstacles in his path of vengeance.

He dissappeared his weapon and shield into his hand and slowly and quietly approached the group as they had their conversation. Coming up from behind Arineil as she was cleaning her sword and put a hand on her shoulder to grab her attention.

"If I may... I appologize for our previous altercation. Apparently your god sees something very special in you that I did not before. I have been without hope for so long that those with faith have always seemed strange, even alien to me. But I do welcome your aid in this matter, and will be happy to fight side by side with you in the future."


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Don't you dare apologize Oroz.... you were entirely way too helpful in this battle we were victorious in... even pain, when focused, can he used as a powerful tool in battle, without you I fear I would not have been able to do as much damage to Rho as I did.... thus he probably would have ended me much sooner... you seem to know how to channel your rage.. much as I have learned to.. but not with as much skill as you though... Arineil spoke to Oroz as if she'd known him for years.... Arineil was not much of a talker either which was strange to her... for once she too also felt quiet at ease with all gathered.....

Arineil nodded to Sigil..... It would be my pleasure to dine with you tonight.... I'm starved to say the least.... is your home far? she asks softly....

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