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Gamislore: Here it comes again


Justed wanted to pop in to say that this is actually a nice read. The adventure seems to be rather improvised and I wonder whether your DM really has a kind of plot arc in mind but the campaign world (I love underwater settings) and the pcs are great. I like your writing, too, particularly the cliffhangers ;-) ! Please keep on posting!

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Thanks :D It's always a nice motivation to keep writing when you know people are reading. Yeah I think Electric has certainly been improvising a fair bit with his DMing, but he's been doing it pretty well so far so I have no complaints. I have no idea how much plot, if any, he has in mind but he's a pretty creative guy.

The setting's my pride and joy (Haha). We've all been putting a lot of work into designing Gamislore, plenty of it being background details and history that the players/readers will likely never see. I still love it all though, and it's a blast to play in a world that I created.


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Episode 9: A startling development again


Sizemet and Maka swam for land, eventually reaching the sloped ground that led back to a ledge. Sizemet reached it first and began to carefully ascend the wet and slippery slope. Once he was halfway up however, he was dismayed to see a pair of lizardfolk skeletons clawing their way out of the ground ahead of him. He decided to continue forward though; after all, this time he wouldn’t be fighting alone.

The two of them scrambled to the top of the slope. Sizemet had his sword out, and Maka opted to use her longspear. “Can you stay in front so that I can hit these guys from a distance?” Maka asked.

“I can try” Sizemet told her, “But I’m kind of hurt right now.”

“I’d like to save my healing magic until we’re in a group so that I can channel it into everybody at once” Maka told him, “If you fall though, I’ll heal you. How’s that?”

“Works for me” Sizemet agreed. The skeletons had finished pulling their way out of the ground by the time the two had reached the top of the slope. One held a greatsword similar to Sizemet’s and the other carried a rapier.

The skeletons both advanced and swung their weapons at Sizemet, but he parried their blows and suffered no hits.

Beside Sizemet, Maka stepped back to the edge of the ledge and jabbed her spear at the skeleton on the right, the one with the rapier. Her strike cracked the bone of its left arm and shattered it, rendering it useless. Unfortunately that wasn’t the arm it was holding its weapon in.

Sizemet stepped quickly to a better point of attack, one where the undead would be distracted by Maka attacking it from the other side. He then swung his sword down hard upon the creature and split straight through its skull! The pile of bones fell apart from the blow, and Sizemet turned to face the other one.

The skeleton swung its sword, shredding through Sizemet’s armour and sending him crumpling to the ground. Its bones creaked as its skull turned towards Maka.

“Don’t worry Sizemet” Maka shouted, building up a blast of positive energy within herself, “I’ll heal you up.” She unleashed the wave of healing energy around herself, and the skeleton was blasted apart. Sizemet didn’t get to his feet however.

“Sizemet?” Maka asked worriedly, running to her teammate’s body and kneeling beside it.


Sizemet was dead.

To be continued...


I... Wow. Well, that's PC death for you. You're ten feet from the cleric and the monster gets a critical hit, sends you straight through the negatives past the point where she can heal you, and it's over.

I'll be rejoining the group after they escape. For now the focus will just be on the living ones.
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Episode 10: More problems arise again


Yaros crossed a rickety board propped between the ship’s open hatch and a pillar of land jutting from the water, and he was only just able to leap to solid ground when it gave way beneath his feet. Perhaps he’d been too heavy for it he realized as it splashed into the water between the ship and land.

This platform upon the pillar seemed to be some sort of docking station though. A thick metal post stood upright sticking out of the stone beside him, perhaps meant for use hitching the ship, and Yaros saw a brige; one that was moss-covered but still appeared to be in relatively good condition, and it crossed the gap from the platform over to the one of the main ledges of the cavern.

As Yaros crossed the bridge, which seemed to be able to hold him he glanced to the right and then left and saw that five tunnels led into and out of this cavern. On his right, across another gap in the water was where they’d entered only for a dragon to appear and the cavern to burst into flames. Directly in front of him across the bridge was a second tunnel, and across the water to his left was the large platform of land Maka and Sizemet had headed towards which had two tunnel entrances at its back. Finally; behind him and to his left was another tunnel that the back half of the ship had managed to park itself in the rocks beside, directly level with it as though one could step from its deck straight into the tunnel and vice versa.

Yaros realized as they headed in that direction that the fifth tunnel was the only one they hadn’t been near yet. He wondered if Slaal was in that direction. As he entered his own tunnel however his thought process was interrupted by a sound like a bolt firing from a crossbow. He reacted too late as a dart shot from a hidden slot in the wall and slammed into his side, but he was glad for his race when he pulled it out and saw poison on the tip. Automatons like himself were not affected by such things; any of the others might have been worse off.

He continued forward and the hall turned suddenly to the right. Yaros stayed behind the corner and peered out carefully around it where he saw yet another skeletal lizardfolk. This place seemed to be crawling with the things. This one held a small axe and hadn’t seemed to have noticed him yet. Yaros contemplated waiting for Maka and Sizemet to arrive since he knew they were headed in this direction, and their arrival would distract the undead, allowing Yaros to easily leave his hiding place and approach it while still striking unnoticed.

He had no opportunity to see if that plan would work however, as his thought process was interrupted by a scream. A single loud, long scream of “No.” It was Maka.

The skeleton Yaros had been watching had heard it too, and it turned and began moving slowly in the direction of the sound. Yaros made up his mind at that moment and raced up behind the skeleton, slashing at it with his sword.

His blade left a gaping hole in the back of the monster’s skull, but it didn’t fall. Instead the skeleton slowly turned to face him.

The creature raised its axe high, and then brought it down. Yaros let out a sound between a gasp and a grunt before collapsing.

The skeleton stood over Yaros’ unconscious form with its axe raised. In a single moment as it brought the weapon down, the second life among the adventurers was snuffed out.

To be continued...


This topic crosses over 200 views just as I cross over 200 posts. As always, thanks for reading everyone. :D It must be disheartening to see two members of the party die in quick succession like this, especially if you liked the characters. That's a danger of stories retelling a game though. Anyone can die.
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Episode 11: Almost there again


“Is our dead ex captain being a dragon really what you should be focusing on?” Cortez asked, seeming slightly amused.

“Sorry” Slaal muttered. “You were making an offer of how to escape this place?”

“Yes” Cortez said thoughtfully. “In truth it’s just an idea, and I’m not even sure if it will work…”

“You’re kidding me” Slaal groaned.

“Do you have any other brilliant ideas wizard?” Cortez snapped.

Slaal remained silent.

“Look, essentially my plan is to smash through the caved-in wall with the ship’s front half” Cortez said. “I’ve been bound to the ship in my death, so the only way for me to get out is for the ship to do so too. I think I could make it move even without its rudder.”

“And what would you do after setting out?” Slaal asked.

“Set the Fury on the waves for her funeral” Cortez said simply. “I believe I can pass on to the afterlife if I do that.”

“I see” Slaal said. “Then what do you need help with.

“My body is rebellious” Cortez sighed, “If I tried to take the front half of the ship it would attack. I’m unable to hurt my own body, so I need help from an adventurer to do it.”

“You’re asking us to fight you?” Slaal laughed.

“Us amigo?” Cortez asked. “Very interesting. You hadn’t mentioned that you’d come with others…”

At that point their conversation was broken by a single loud, long scream of “No.” It was Maka.

“I… I have to go” Slaal muttered, turning towards the door.

“If you plan to help, then gather up your friends and get to the deck of the ship’s other half” Cortez told Slaal on his way out. “I’ll exit the cabin once you’re there. That should provoke my body and any remaining… Unfriendly crew to gather.

The door swung shut behind him as Slaal stepped out of the cabin and into the cave.

Slaal turned the corner to the stairs that led up to the poop deck and saw another skeletal undead at the top, this one dragging a large club behind it. Had it been lured out of the dark tunnel by Maka’s scream? It was looking across the water as far as Slaal could tell and didn’t seem to have noticed him. Slaal snuck a glance in the direction it was staring; Maka was there on a ledge crouched beside something, Slaal couldn’t tell what.

“Acid Spash” Slaal muttered turning back towards the skeleton. His blast coated the bones, causing them to sizzle for a moment, and then without warning the creature was blown forcefully apart!

“Good enough” Slaal decided, turning back towards Maka. He saw a slope climbing from the water up to the ledge she was on, and decided to go for it. He dove off the ship and swam to the slope, scrambling up it to dry land.

“Maka” he began to call before realizing what exactly she was kneeling beside.

“Oh.” Slaal paused, slowly moving up beside her. “Is he?...”

“He’s gone” Maka whispered. “I couldn’t do anything.”

There was an awkward silence between them for several seconds.

The without warning there was a crash and a loud rumble as a boulder rolled out of the left of the two tunnels at the end of the ledge, leaving a trail of shattered bones behind it. It then continued rolling into and down the right tunnel until there was another crash at the end.

“What in the world?” Slaal muttered, running over to the right tunnel and looking in. There was a slight downward slope and it looked as though the boulder had rolled around the bend out of sight.

Slaal moved to the other tunnel. Lizardfolk bones lay in smashed pieces all along its length.

“The undead must have triggered a trap” Slaal mused. “Interesting…”

He turned back to the cleric. “Maka” he said, “I’ve spoken to the captain. We can get out of here by getting back to the front half of the ship’s deck.”

Maka didn’t respond.

“MAKA” Slaal snapped, “I understand that you’re upset, but sitting there isn’t going to change the fact that Sizemet is dead. Right now though, we’re still not dead. I’d like to keep it that way and escape, and I think Sizemet would want us to get out of here with our lives too don’t you?”

Maka closed her eyes tight for a moment and nodded. Then she got to her feet and cast a light spell on the mace hanging at her side. With that, she began dragging Sizemet’s body towards the dark tunnel.

“I’m not going to leave him in this cave” she said. “He might turn into a tormented ghost or something if I do.”

“Fine” Slaal agreed. With that they set off down the tunnel that the boulder had rolled down.

When they reached the next small cavern they saw a horrible sight. “Oh geez” Slaal groaned.

Yaros’ body lay beside the smashed remains of a skeleton. The undead seemed to have been crushed between the rolling boulder and the wall, but Yaros…

An axe was still in the grip of a skeletal hand, detached from its body, and Yaros’ head lay a few feet from his own. It had been chopped clean off.

“No” Maka whispered, “No, no, no…”

There was a clack as another skeleton holding a small club emerged from the tunnel to their left. Its bones were already cracked and broken, but it moved towards them malevolently. Maka snarled and let go of Sizemet’s legs, she grabbed her mace and lunged at the undead with a scream of rage, smashing its skull to bits with her first swing and causing it to collapse.

As she turned back towards Slaal and her two teammates’ bodies she saw the wizard picking up Yaros’ head. “What are you doing?” she asked.

“If we’re bringing Sizemet out with us, then I’m not doing this halfway” he said. “Both of our teammates will get a proper burial outside this cave, even if it means I have to drag several hundred pounds of automaton to the ship. He put Yaros’ head in his bag and grunted as he began to drag the metal man along by the legs.

The going was slow, but Slaal and Maka were able to drag their teammates’ bodies down the tunnel to the next cave, it was the one they’d entered from with the underwater passage. There was a dead Sahuagin by the entrance, killed by the undead perhaps.

“They’ve followed us in” Slaal muttered. “We should get out of here as quickly as possible.”

They continued dragging their teammates along the left tunnel toward the spot where they’d first been separated, to where the black dragon had last risen from the water. The ledge was calm now though, and they were able to move all the way along it, past another Sahuagin corpse, this one filled with arrows, to where the bowsprit hung over the ledge allowing them access to the ship.

Slaal and Maka together lifted Sizemet onto the ship, but Yaros was a more difficult problem. Even combined they weren’t strong enough to lift him off the ground.

“Hang on” Slaal muttered, stepping back and making signs with his claw to cast a spell. “Enlarge Person.”

Slaal grew. Large. He towered over Maka now and had to stoop awkwardly to reach Yaros, but when he did he was able to lift the automaton. It still took him visable effort, but Slaal was able to put their second teammate on the ship beside the first.

“This is it” Slaal sighed, loading a bolt into his crossbow. “We just have to take down Cortez’s body and we can get out of here.”

“I hope you are ready.”

Cortez’s ghost floated to them from across the water.

“Your team is less impressive than I had hoped” he remarked, “And they are in a less lively state than I’d been expecting” he added, glancing at Sizemet and Yaros’ dead bodies.

“But I’ve already left my cabin” he sighed. “My body will be here soon. It’s lost most of the strength, skill, and spellcasting ability I had in life, but it will still be dangerous.”

There was a snarl as a wolf made of rolling black smoke leapt down from the crow’s nest, the skeletal body of Cortez on its back.

“Good luck, amigos.” The ghost of Cortez said softly, moving aside.

To be continued...


Two... Three... Eh, it's a few more updates before the replacements of the dead characters come in. Which is nice, because I've been missing taking part in the story. Soon I'll be back in the game.
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Episode 12: Fight it out again


“Shield” Slaal muttered quickly, creating a glowing barrier that floated in front of him, adding an additional layer of protection to his Mage Armour. The wolf was unnerving; he knew he needed protection from it.

Cortez’s wolf lunged, fangs bared, and the skeleton swung it scimitar. Slaal was a large target and was bitten and slashed, and he collapsed.

“Slaal!” Maka shouted in alarm. She expelled another wave of positive energy into the air and the wizard groaned. Maka sighed in relief, he wasn’t dead!

Her energy had also caused Cortez’s skeleton to crack however, and it made the monster turn on her. Maka was able to sidestep the swing of the undead lizardfolk’s blade, but she felt the pain of the wolf’s bite moments later.

Slaal staggered to his feet and aimed his crossbow. It would not be an easy shot; Cortez was too close to Maka, and he felt dizzy in the presence of the wolf. He fired. It was a wide miss, going nowhere near its target.

Cortez’s skeleton and the wolf moved back suddenly and the skeleton dismounted.

“What in the world?” Slaal muttered as the smoke-bodied wolf dispersed into the air, “Is this some kind of attack?”

“His spell has expired” Cortez’s ghost called from behind them, “Now is your chance.”

“Right” Maka agreed, moving beside Slaal. “I think I can still manage one more of these.” She forced her final burst of positive energy around them, and both she and Slaal felt slightly rejuvenated. It was a weak burst though, and didn’t seem to be enough to have done much to the skeletal Cortez.

“Can you handle the rest?” she asked.

Slaal nodded. His head was clearing with the wolf gone, and he aimed his claw at the skeleton. “Acid Splash” he shouted, flinging a glob of magic… Right past the undead

“Shoot” he grunted, “I can’t believe I missed such an…” Cortez’s skeleton lunged at him and swung its blade, slicing through Slaal’s robes and into his side! “…Easy shot” he gasped.

Slaal fell to the deck, blood pooling around him.

“Slaal!” Maka screamed in alarm as the wizard fell for the second time in the fight. “Don’t worry” she muttered, “I can still cast Cure Light Wounds. Just give me a moment to finish this.” With the she swung her mace, striking Cortez’s skeleton in the ribcage and shattering it!

The whole cavern began to rumble at that moment and the light blue will-o-wisps floating around the ship swelled, lighting the sails with ghostly flame.

“I have control amigos” Cortez’s ghost shouted, “Prepare to exit the cave!”

The ship lurched forwards, smashing into the stone and sending both boulders and wood flying everywhere. After a moment of the ship grinding against the wall a beam of sunlight broke through!

“There she is” Cortez sighed in relief. Within moments the single small beam of sunlight had widened and multiplied, and the ship soon forced itself through the rock, creating an opening and breaking through to the sunlight outside!

They had escaped.

To be continued...


My computer went down and with it went my entire record of the campaign. Fortunately this wasn't the only computer I was keeping it on. I finally managed to get in touch with our DM though, who has copies of my campaign log that I've been sending to him.

The game itself is actually on hold for a week because Slaal and Maka's players are camping and on a road trip respectively, but we're a fair bit ahead of what I've got posted up here, so I can keep updating without having to wait.


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Episode 13: Now alone again


The ship stopped at a small deserted island between Chikauna and Tadesche for the funerals.

“Thank you guys” Maka said, “I guess we didn’t get to know each other that well but…”

She looked in turn to each of the three graves. “You guys were pretty cool” she whispered.

She turned away from the graves to face the sea where the Black Fury waited.

“I’m going to go now” she said, “I’m going to figure out what happened to Mr. Glarius and Captain Jack.”

She closed her eyes tightly shut.

“I wasn’t able to save even one of you guys” she said, “Even though it was my job.”

She walked to the weapons beside the grave. “I’m going to leave these with you guys” she said, picking the weapons up.

She walked to Sizemet’s grave first, the one closest to her on the far left and plunged his sword into the dirt as a marker.

“It wouldn’t be right for me to take them” she added, going to the far right grave and doing the same with Yaros’ sword.

“And…” she paused in front of the center grave, Slaal’s. “Slaal said Sizemet would’ve wanted the survivors to get out alive. I guess all of us would have wanted that, even me if I had died and one of you had been the one to live.”

She drove a wooden marker into the ground and hung Slaal’s crossbow from it. “So I’m going to do that” she said, “I’m gonna gather another group of adventurers and keep moving forwards.”

“Thank you guys.”

With that she walked down the small hill to the beach, and crossed the beach to the Black Fury.

“Maka was it?” Cortez’s ghost muttered. “You can get back to Tadesche by rowing the lifeboat. You can see it on the horizon from here and the weather is clear. You should be able to get there before the sun sets.”

Maka nodded.

“Now I need to say goodbye at last” Cortez sighed, “Would you mind?”

Maka shook her head and picked up the burning torch she’d put in the sand when she’d got off the ship earlier. She held it forwards and the blue ghost-fire of the ship began to mix with regular fire. Within minutes the ship was burning brightly.

“Thanks” Cortez said, floating back on to the deck, “And so long, amigo.”

With that he set the Fury out on the waves for the last time, and she floated away, slowly burning.

Maka turned away and walked to the lifeboat. As she did she threw on a coat that she’d found in the fury. It was winter and cold after all.

It was time to gather a new team.

To be continued...


Not a TPK but... Yeah that last hit killed Slaal, so Maka's the only one who got out alive. Fortunately since one member of the party survived she can recruit a new team. Our three new characters get to show up next time.

Also, we're all now 2nd level! Maka took her second level of cleric as she left the cave whereas the rest of us have all been allowed to start at 2nd level in our respective classes. (Maka's about 200 XP ahead of us, but that's not that bad.)


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Episode 14: New people again


The 6th of winter, Earthday, Year 712

“You’re a what?” Maka asked the man standing in front of her table in the tavern.

“A Doppelganger” he responded, despite looking completely normal in every way. Short brown hair, brown clothes, average height, average build.

“I would prove it right now” he said “But…” he glanced back at the small line of applicants behind him. They stood a decent distance away so that the interview was private. “Adventurers sometimes try to kill me when they realize that I’m a monster.”

Maka stood up. “I’ll be back in a minute everyone” she said, “Just keep your place in line, thanks.”

She turned towards a back hall of the Black Lobster tavern. “This way” she said, beckoning to the man.

The hallway was empty, and one that nobody would both to use without purpose. They were the only ones there. “Now” Maka said, “You were saying?”

The man closed his eyes and began to change shape right in front of her. After a few seconds he now resembled a gangly and pale humanoid monster with empty white eyes. “There you go” he told her. “As you can see I can change my shape at will, although I can’t copy most of the abilities of the people I turn into.

Maka nodded, “I like it” she said, “What experience do you have?”

“I’ve been part of another adventuring band on a small quest in the past” the doppelganger said, “They never knew me as anything other than a halfling, I specialize in casting arcane spells through music, in other words I’m a bard. I’m also a decent shot with my bows” he tilted his head back and indicated the two bows on his back, one fitted for something around the size of a human, one for smaller races like halflings.

“Great” Maka said with a nod. “Then I think you’ll be my first acceptee. For now just hang out in the tavern, I want to find two more people for my group. What’s your name?”

With that the doppelganger changed back to the form of the plain human man he’d been in before. “Kuloo Tet” he said, “I’m glad to be a part of the team.”


A few hours later Maka had turned away the rest of the line. Most of the people who’d asked to join her new team didn’t remotely have the qualifications. Now she was spending most of the day waiting at the table in the corner, occasionally a person would come over, but she hadn’t had any success since Kuloo.

As she turned away yet another human who looked as though he’d probably die in single combat with a housecat, Maka saw a huge green figure enter the tavern. The Orc looked around reluctantly for a moment before spotting her table and lumbering over.

“Uh… Krong heard little catfolk is looking for adventurers” he said, “Is that you?”

“Yep, it’s me” Maka said, “My name is Maka, and I’m a cleric of the Goddess Sekmet. You want to be an adventurer Krong?”

“Krong has been on adventure once before” Krong told her, “Krong went with two other orcs and half-orc leader on short adventure.”

“Alright” Maka said, “You have experience, that’s good. Why didn’t you stick with your last adventuring group?”

“After fighting monsters group returned to the village” Krong told her, “Leader said we were stronger now and would kill all villagers for treasure. Krong thought something wrong with that, but leader wouldn’t listen. Krong killed him when he kept trying to kill villagers, and drove away other two members of old group. Now Krong just want to find other people to adventure with, not care who.”

“Strong enough to take on the rest of the group, and you did what I would call the right thing in that situation” Maka muttered. She mused the concept for a minute and then nodded. “I think you’ll fit Krong, welcome to the team.”

A big grin spread across Krong’s face.


Later that night, Maka had had no further success. Kuloo had eventually returned to check on her progress, now in the form of a thin man with long black hair, and they and Krong gathered round the table.

“I don’t think we’re going to have any more luck with recruiting tonight.” Maka told them, “So let me explain the objectives we’ll be aiming for.”

“I’m the last surviving member of my old adventuring team” Maka said, “We were hired for a relatively simple monster hunt on Chikauna and had to flee Sahuagins into a haunted pirate’s grotto. The other three didn’t make it out alive, obviously.”

“The man who hired us, an old elf named Glarius, and the sailor who brought us to Chikauna, a human named Jack, are also both presumably dead. Killed by Sahuagins. If their remains or what’s left of Jack’s ship are on the seabed off the coast of Chikauna, I’d like to recover them.”

“Excuse me”

The three turned; an elf with short red hair and a scimitar at her waist had risen from her table near theirs.

“I think you’re missing information” she said. “The Sahuagins around here are at war don’t attack unknown ships for one thing, even ones close to their territory. They’re smart enough not to risk making enemies of neutral sides in a fight.”

“I’m sorry” Maka told the elf, “But if there’s a chance then I’m going for it.”

The elf woman pulled the fourth chair of the table out for herself and took a seat.

“Then let me tell you something else I saw” she said. “An old elf boarded a ship headed northwest yesterday.”

“That could be…” Maka began to say.

“That could be anyone” the elf woman interrupted her, “But elves who are old by our race’s standards don’t tend to travel. You said yours went out with you on your mission to Chikauna though. I wouldn’t trust something so uncommon to be a coincidence. Not to mention if you wait for that ship to go too far you won’t know where it’s gone.”

Maka paused for a moment, then nodded. “It might be worth a shot” she said, “But first of all who are you?”

“My name’s Regan” the elf told her, “Regan Veils. I’m a ranger who specializes in hunting down other elves.”

“In that case Regan” Maka said, “Are you busy right now? Because we’ve got a fourth spot on this adventuring team that we need to fill.”

To be continued...



First Post
Episode 15: Departure time again


The 7th of winter, Fireday, Year 712

Maka was roused by a hand on her shoulder and a quick shake awake the next morning. It was Regan, they had rented two rooms after she had agreed to join the group the previous night. They were sharing one, Kuloo and Krong were in the other. “I let you sleep in a bit” Regan said, but we can’t wait forever. They guys are probably up by now.

The four gathered in the front hall of the inn a few minutes later, and set out towards the docks.

Northwest was a peculiar choice of direction from Tadesche, or so the first captain they’d asked had told the group. There were very few major islands in that direction, save for those in the territories of the lycans, and further than that the hobgolblins. Neither group seemed like the type that an ancient elf would be headed towards however.

“Well” one grizzled old Gillman sailor told them, “Boats aren’t gonna get to it in a thousand years, but Vellia’s out that way too.”

Vellia was the elven capital city, and was built high above the surface of the waves within the massive Tower of the Gods. Aside from Regan the others had only ever heard snippets of information about it.

“I was born there” Regan told the rest of the group. “If he’s alive and going home… Well, it makes sense.”

And so the group paid for passage on a ship headed towards the Tower of the Gods. It was an expensive excursion, fifty gold pieces each! When the ship set sail later that day with the group onboard however, the choice was made.

To be continued...


Short update today. We went and found out a bit more about the direction we're headed, and we found a ship to take us, but that's about it.

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