Gamma World to Return -- What Else Should Come Back?

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What? Me Worry?
BiggusGeekus@Work said:
"For Fairie, Queen, and Country"

::listens to the crickets chirping and realizes he is alone in this::

Naw, you're not alone. I'd like to see them revive all the Amazing Engine settings for d20. Maybe make one book with all of them in it, the one you mention, Magitech, Bughunters, etc., and make it along the lines of the GURPS "Alternate Earths" books.

I'd like to see Birthright and Al-Qadim make a comeback, too, and I've seen that work has been done in those directions. Masque of the Red Death would be cool too.

...and Boot Hill...and Top Secret...


The tingling means it’s working!
Bring back TMNT

TMNT. Of, for those who dislike acronyms, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. This game ruled.

You created your own character from a mofifiable template: start with a base animal, then use points to buy things such as human hands, biped movement, greater size, human voice, or human appearance. They even had psionics and powers such as increased metabolism (for things like weasels), burrowing (for things like moles), or natural armor (for things like turtles).

This is the game where a polar bear, wolverine, sparrow, octopus, and kangaroo can all band together to fight (or spread) evil. The characters are always on the fringed, hiding, on the run from the police or the labs that spawned them. Good stuff. And plenty of opportunity for comedy.

I'd like to see TMNT brought back.



First Post
Re: Bring back TMNT

Zaruthustran said:
TMNT. Of, for those who dislike acronyms, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. This game ruled.

You created your own character from a mofifiable template: start with a base animal, then use points to buy things such as human hands, biped movement, greater size, human voice, or human appearance. They even had psionics and powers such as increased metabolism (for things like weasels), burrowing (for things like moles), or natural armor (for things like turtles).

This is the game where a polar bear, wolverine, sparrow, octopus, and kangaroo can all band together to fight (or spread) evil. The characters are always on the fringed, hiding, on the run from the police or the labs that spawned them. Good stuff. And plenty of opportunity for comedy.

I'd like to see TMNT brought back.


Did you know that they recently released After The Bomb in an updated version? I lucked out and got it in the discount bin. They did a good job of cleaning it up and improving it. It isn't D20 admittedly but I like it.


OK, I'm a drooling Forgotten Realms fanboy. I'd love to see Kara-Tur and Al-Qadim re-done.

And Dark·Matter really needs to be re-released for d20... NOW.

Gary N. Mengle

First Post
Re: Re: Bring back TMNT

Tetsubo said:
Did you know that they recently released After The Bomb in an updated version? I lucked out and got it in the discount bin. They did a good job of cleaning it up and improving it. It isn't D20 admittedly but I like it.

Do you mean that they did something besides slapping a new cover on and reprinting the old text, errors and all?

That would be uncharacteristic of Palladium. :)


What? Me Worry?
Re: Re: Re: Bring back TMNT

Gary N. Mengle said:

Do you mean that they did something besides slapping a new cover on and reprinting the old text, errors and all?

That would be uncharacteristic of Palladium. :)

Heh. I see that they're also re-releasing Beyond the Supernatural. I have no idea whether it's a cleaned up version or not.


BiggusGeekus@Work said:
"For Fairie, Queen, and Country"

::listens to the crickets chirping and realizes he is alone in this::

Just bought it a month or two ago, BG. I've been pushing for a Polyhedron mini-game adaptation for quite some time.

Good stuff. Lots of potential.

I'd love to see Dark*Matter come back for d20!

Now of course, Monte Cook told me on these boards a while back that if he wanted to run D*M, he'd use Call of Cthulu rules...that's my plan for the time being at least.

Anybody know of any good Dark*Matter sites out there?

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