[Gauging Interest] WEG Star Wars


I've been playing a regular D&D game with my home group for a while now, and it's great. BUT, I've been kind of jonesing for some Star Wars on the side. If I were to start up a WEG pBp campaign, would there be interest around these parts?

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So, get them out and dust them off! :)

Honestly, I re-found mine a few months ago and it hit me hard how much I missed playing this game. It's not a perfect system, by any means, but it was the system of choice among my group for several years, and the system I ran my first full, start-to-finish, campaign in. It's almost like a call back to a simpler time in Star Wars. "A more civilized day" if you will.

I'd love to find two or three players for a game. Honestly, I want it to mostly be a writing exercise. Lots of interaction and character-driven story with some quick, exciting action sequences when appropriate.

Early Rebellion era, probably set a year or two before the Battle of Yavin. Following around a small group of heroes either working for the Rebellion, or looking for them to volunteer their services. I'd really love to find a few people to explore that space with me.

If you're interested, Insight, we can begin talking about what you'd want out of it, and see if we can't scrounge up a few more players.


Interesting. I was working on a home campaign that was set in the time period you're talking about. It was based on the long and winding road that led up to the Rebellion getting the Death Star plans. Check out Wookieepedia for scads of information on the subject.

I think it might be fun to play someone in between the Rebellion and Empire. A "Han Solo" type or a bounty hunter. Someone with no allegiances one way or the other. Eventually, he would eventually get sucked into the action on one side (I'm guessing the Rebellion). A "reluctant hero", if you will.


The Revised Edition is the one I have. The one with the Millenium Falcon on the cover.

I do like the idea of starting off faction-less, so to speak, and letting the characters decide where to go from there. Ideally, as a GM, I'd hope to have pros and cons for both sides of the war, so the PCs really have to make an actual decision, instead of feeling like they're compelled to go Rebellion, because "they're the good guys". I suppose another option would be to never join a side and there's plenty of conflict to be had in the independent corners of the galaxy. I'm very interested in letting the characters drive the narrative that way.

What kind of characters would you guys be interested in trying out?


I have the "Millennium Falcon" edition as well.

I am open to the idea of being members of a factionless group. Perhaps we are all smugglers or pirates or working as the crew of a powerful crime lord or bounty hunter. If the latter, perhaps something happens to our patron and we are cast adrift to find our own way in the great big galaxy out there.

For my part, I might enjoy playing a pilot with some mechanical and pistol skills. Maybe a gambler as well.


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Sounds alright with me. I usually enjoy Rebellion games, but I'm pretty sure that I can play a drifting scoundrel well.


So, how do you guys want to do this?

Go ahead and start figuring out your characters, I guess. Do they know each other already? Have they been partners, working for whatever patron we come up with, for a while? Are they about to be thrown together through sheer coincidence (or the Force)? I'll let you two kind of figure out those connections, if you want.

Another thing I'd kind of like to have in place is some contacts for you. If you've been working for a while, you already know some people that could help you in a pinch. I'm thinking each of you can have three contacts to start the game, in whatever (reasonable) capacity you want. Give me a name, a job, a location, and a race and I'll kind of fill in the other things when/if that character comes in to play.

I'm also inclined to let you guys use a ship from the patron. Probably just a stock Ghtroc 720? And maybe you're getting very close to paying your debt off, only about 5,000 credits away sounds about right to me. I'll leave the details of the ship (name, small personalizations) to you.


I'd like to fill the role of pilot. I think either of us could have pilot skills, but I'd like my character to be the main guy with responsibility for flying the ship. I think he would also have some social skills, maybe some gambling as well. Maybe he's the one who works on deals.

I think it would be best if our characters know each others from the start of the game. Maybe we once worked for a gangster (a Hutt, maybe?) but earned our freedome in some way. Perhaps the gangster died or we performed some service for the gangster that earned us a ship. If we owe the gangster for the ship, maybe we have to pay a certain percentage of our earnings to pay off the ship or some other debt.

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