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GenCon Indy 2007, let's shake the male/female ratios--or not, they seem fine here ;)

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Why increase female and minority participation? Everyone knows that the white male is genetically programmed to have a mind for roleplaying systems, kind of how the black male is genetically programmed to suck at swimming. I blame it on the buoyancy and the lack of an ankle bone.
Just kidding.
If you're going to do this for gaming, could you please encourage more minorities to move to Wisconsin? I haven't gamed with anybody who wasn't a white or asian, hell, I haven't seen anybody who wasn't white or asian in my town in over 3 years.

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Sephera said:
I've jumped on the bandwagon to try to help get a more visual appearance at GenCon Indy 2007.
A lot of people seem to be having extreme reactions to what I think is a perfectly reasonable goal - encourage more women who game to attend GenCon. As a secondary goal, encourage women who might be attending for other reasons to try out gaming while they're there.

I have been a roleplayer for a long time, and have known the hobby has more men than women participating. I didn't realize how spoiled I'd gotten within our group here until I went to GenCon - we run about 50/50, and have been about that for a lot of years. On Thursday night of GenCon, I was at a local establishment which had a couple games going on in the back room. I suddenly realized I was the only female of the 20 or so people in the room. Even though I was with a couple guys from home, and eventually found out that those other folks were all quite nice, it was intimidating for me. It passed pretty quickly - I figured, why complain? :) - but I know other women who might have left rather than be uncomfortable.

So, despite the things it might do to the ratio, I'm in favor of ideas to increase the number of women gaming at GenCon.

Teflon Billy said:
I think most everyone involved in the RPG community is well aware of the contributions of Women to the industry...
I've been gaming for 20+ years, and actively interested in the industry for the past couple years, but of the eight women you listed, I have only heard of two of them. I'm not saying the information isn't out there to find. However, a person who is interested in playing rather than delving into the industry, or doesn't seek out some RPG history, is not going to run across those women easily.

Teflon Billy said:
I doubt these women would be at an "all women" booth, or would need any such stunt for exposure...they are out there living it.
I agree the women you listed wouldn't need a booth for their own sakes. However, if I knew there was a place where I could meet women who were prominently involved in the RPG industry, I would seek it out! They would likely have no motivation to do such a booth, except as a public service, but I would love to meet some of those women, for my own encouragement.

Buttercup said:
I'm not a "woman gamer" or a "gamer girl". I'm a gamer. ...
I DM regularly. I play regularly. I spend a heck of a lot of money on D20 books & accessories. Respect me for my love of the game, don't pat me on the head and thank me for coming. Again, my level of interest in or skill with this hobby has nothing to do with my plumbing.
Unfortunately, I think that there are still some people who have not internalized that last point, both men and women. Or they know -- if they stop to think about it. One seminar presenter I spoke with was considering a new topic for next year - "Gaming After a Wife and Child." His automatic assumption was that the 'gamer' would be male. I'm not advocating that we start the RPG form of Women's Lib, but more visibility and specifically more women gaming at GenCon would be good.


i wore a "Carpe DM" shirt from Jinx.com... a WotC Officially recognized logo/shirt.

it was available in Male or Female T-shirts.

i'll join the bandwagon and say i want more Danish, British Filipino gamers born in Muslim countries booth next year at Gen Con.

Sephera said:
Or maybe I should just give up and realize that since I don't understand gaming, I don't belong here and I should stop trying to find a way to let other women, like myself, realize the fun in gaming. This morning I was all excited about going to GenCon, now I'm not so sure. I certainly don't feel any kind of warm fuzzies here.

No one is saying you don't understand "gaming." You're overreacting and I'm not sure who for...

Honestly, if this is your response ("I'll just leave...") every time you encounter someone who disagrees with your point of view, you are going to find the intarweb to be a very inhospitable place.

orchid blossom

Xath said:
Why the need to segment women off from the rest of gamers? Women are gamers. Men are gamers. Do we really need to preface our involvement in the hobby with a gender? Does it make us extra special?

Said with eloquence far greater than my own.

Would I like to see more ladies at Gen Con? Sure. But I have never felt any boys club resistance or anything like that. Women who are gamers into it enough will make their way there, attracted by the same things that attract the guys.
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Who wouldn't want more of this...

at Gen Con


  • Gencon44.jpg
    228.6 KB · Views: 273


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Don't let their social skills fool you, Enworlders actually are a friendly bunch.

Avoid loud noises and sudden motions until the local wildlife become acclimated to your presence. :D


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MavrickWeirdo said:
I think you are shooting the idea without realy considering it,

Most female gamers I have talked to,
  • are Excellent roleplayers
  • are easy on the eyes
  • bath regularly

So anything that would increase the ratio of people like that at Gen Con sounds good to me.

I'm guessing you didn't see Leia the Hutt...


Again, I think people are blowing this WAY out of proportion. It's not like she said we should have a Women's Only Gen Con. She said that perhaps targetting women with advertising and some events might even the attendance out a bit. Is that a bad thing?

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