Georgia: Dublin, Sandersville, Swainsboro area


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Economically displaced grad student back on family farm pending recession seeks gamers in the thickest, most fiery region of the rural bible belt for clandestine sessions of "Satan's Game" or similar diversions. I can GM but cannot host. Willing to teach the game, but not to minors (I don't enjoy the taste of hemlock enough to risk charges of "corrupting the young"...) .

I prefer 3.5 and older, and d20 based games. Also experienced in ShadowRun. Interested in MERP, and decipher based LoTR.
Almost desperate enough to play WH40K:DH or sorta-DnD4e.

I'm looking for tabletop, not online pbp or anyone to play WoW online with.

I've been trying to teach the chickens to play, but they all wanted to play paladins and kept eating the d6s. I'm scared to try the goats and the cows seem disinterested. I'd better scare up some other closeted gamers soon...

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First Post
I never thought I would see a thread in here looking for Dublin area gamers. I'm in Dublin and have been wanting to get back into tabletop gaming for a while now, but as you know the pickings are slim.

I haven't played anything tabletop for a while now but in the past I have played 1e and 2e, MERP, and I know enough about the 3e and 3.5 rules through computer games to be well ahead of a beginner in understanding them. I also own a few (5-6) 4e books...

I'm not sure that I could host either but I'd be interested in playing if you manage to scrape together a group.

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